Heather M. Field
Eucalyptus Foundation Chair & Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: fieldh@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4716 / Office 334-200
Taxation Law Federal Income Taxation Tax Elections Tax Ethics Corporate Taxation
George Bisharat
The Honorable Raymond L. Sullivan Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: bisharat@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4721 / Office 603F-200
Criminal Procedure Islamic Law Law and Social Anthropology Criminal Practice Law in Middle East Societies
Jodi Womack
Founder · No More Nylons
Building Your Professional Network
Networking in Person Mentors Community Women in Business Women Entrepreneurs
Eva Buckner
Assistant Professor/State Extension Specialist · University of Florida
Eva Buckner researches mosquitoes and mosquito control efforts.
Mosquito Control Programs Mosquito-Borne Viruses Human Health Mosquitos Pesticides
Gustavo Razzetti
CEO · Fearless Culture
We help teams do the best work of their lives.
Team Building & Leadership Change Management Innovation & Creativity Cultural Transformation Change Leadership
Bernard Moon
Co-founder · SparkLabs
Co-founder of SparkLabs Global (global seed fund) & Co-founder SparkLabs (startup accelerator in Korea)
Strategic Planning Fundraising Business Planning Internet Wireless
Randall Stone
Professor of Political Science and Director of the Skalny Center for Polish & Central European Studies · University of Rochester
Stone is known for his studies on international political economy, international relations, and Russian and European politics.
International Monetary Fund International Economics Multinational Corporations International relations and finance Russia and Eastern Europe
Aimée Eubanks Davis
Founder and CEO · Braven.org
Speaks to higher education outcomes, particularly related to job attainment and quality among first-generation and low-income students.
Social and Economic Mobility Higher Education Future of Work Employer/Employee Relations Labor Market
Kui Xie
Chairperson and Professor, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education · Michigan State University
Kui Xie's research investigates areas related to motivation and engagement in digital learning.
Digital Learning Educational Technology Artificial Intelligence Motivation
Ugo Mattei
Distinguished Professor of Law and Alfred and Hanna Fromm Chair in International and Comparative Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: matteiu@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4646 / Office 623-200
Comparative Law Economics and the Law European Community Law African Law Anthropological and Ecological Approaches to Law
Ai-Ping Hu
Senior Research Engineer, Mechanical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Ai-Ping Hu is an expert in the areas of robots, farming and autonomy.
Farming Autonomy Robotics
Dr. Ron Dembo
Founder and CEO · Zerofootprint Software Inc.
Easily filling even the biggest shoes and still leaving no mark, the CEO of Zerofootprint developed software to reduce environmental impacts
Energy Management Carbon Measurement and Management Renewable Energy Green Buildings Enterprise Risk Management
Julian Ku
Professor of Law and Interim Dean · Hofstra University
The Maurice A. Deane Distinguished Professor in Constitutional Law and Professor of Law.
International Law International Law in U.S. Courts Constitutional Law Corporate Law Trans Pacific Partnership
Fumiko Hoeft
Professor and Campus Director, UConn Waterbury · University of Connecticut
Dr. Hoeft is a neurophysiologist, as well as a systems and developmental cognitive neuroscientist.
Neuroimaging Scientific Writing Neuroscience Science Life Sciences
Michael Ehrlich
Associate Professor of Finance and Co-Director of NJ Innovation Acceleration Center · New Jersey Institute of Technology
Professor Ehrlich's research focuses on financial markets and institutions, with an emphasis on market failures
Innovation Commercialization of Innovation Market Failures Financial Crises Financial Markets
Denise M. Rosseau
University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Denise Rousseau's research focuses upon the impact workers have on the employment relationship and the firms that employ them.
Psychological Contract Organizational Effectiveness Performance Management Future of Work Employment Relations
Elizabeth Dorrance Hall
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Elizabeth Dorrance Hall has applied and extended interpersonal and family communication theories to explore difficult conversations.
Interpersonal Communication Family Communication Organizational Communication
Jo Meuris
Associate Professor of Animation · Loyola Marymount University
School of Film and Television
Teaching Pre-Visualization Animation Clean-up Feature Films Directing
Ariel Garten
Founder and Chief Evangelist Officer · Muse
Global speaker, female tech founder, and expert in brain, neuroscience, psychotherapy, entrepreneurship, innovation, and women in business.
Neuroscience of Meditation Brain Computer Interface Start Up Mindfulness Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Greg Sawicki
Associate Professor, Automation / Mechatronics · Georgia Tech - COE
Dr. Sawicki directs the Human Physiology of Wearable Robotics (PoWeR) laboratory.
Robotic Exoskeletons Terrestrial Locomotion Human-machine Interfaces