Laura Coristine
Liber Ero Fellow, postdoctoral researcher · University of Calgary
Researching solutions for climate change
macroecology climate change mitigation for biodiversity science communication and outreach GIS and spatial analysis
Dmitry Pestov, Ph.D.
Senior NCC Scientist · VCU College of Engineering
Chemical engineering expert, with a focus on X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Electron beam-assisted polymerization Electron beam lithography for graphene electronics Molecularly imprinted polymers for sensor applications Chemical and biological miniature sensors Polymer nanomaterials developed by supercritical fluids and solid-state photopolymerization
Jinying Zhao
Deans Endowed Chair/Professor/Director/M.D. · University of Florida
Dr. Jinying Zhao’s interests lie in the fields of genetic epidemiology, statistical genetics and bioinformatics for human complex diseases
epigenomics Bioinformatics for human complex diseases Genetic Epidemiology Epidemiology Statistical Genetics
H. Kenny Cheng
Chair · University of Florida
H. Kenny Cheng’s research is focused on big data, business analytics, and the economic and policy issues of artificial intelligence.
Blockchain Big Data and Business Analytics Internet commerce Artificial Intelligence
René Olivares-Navarrete, D.D.S, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering | D.D.S, National Autonomous University of Mexico | Ph.D., National Autonomous University of Mexico · VCU DEPT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING
Olivares-Navarrete’s research focuses on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine approaches for Craniofacial and Orthopaedic needs.
Tissue Engineering Stem Cell Biology and Engineering Biomaterials for Craniofacial and Musculoskeletal Tissues Immunomodulation and Immunoengineering Wnt Signaling in Morphogenesis Healing and Regeneration
Liliane Binego
Researcher in Stabilisation Agriculture · Coventry University
Liliane Binego's research work involves responding and building resilient food productions systems in fragile environments.
Sustainable living Adaptive Management of Biotic Stressors Pre and Post Disaster Response Food Security Fragile Environments
Swati Gupta
Assistant Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering · Georgia Tech - College of Engineering
Gupta's research focuses on optimization, machine learning, and bias and fairness within the AI sphere.
Data-driven Decision-making Under Partial Information Online and Machine Learning Combinatorial, Convex and Robust Optimization Fairness and Bias in Decisions
Barbara D. Boyan, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Institute for Engineering and Medicine | B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Rice University · VCU College of Engineering
Dr. Boyan specializes in cell and tissue engineering
Cell and Tissue Engineering Response of Cells to Biomaterials Mechanisms of Action of Hormones and Growth Factors in Cartilage and Bone Normal and Pathological Calcification Stem Cell Delivery Technologies
Elvira Armas
Director of Programs and Partnerships, Center for Equity for English Learners (CEEL) & Affiliate Faculty · Loyola Marymount University
Department of Educational Leadership and Administration
Literacy Language Development Bilingual and Dual Language Development Professional Development Home-School Partnerships
Jennifer Kaiser
Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Jennifer Kaiser examines the formation of air pollutants, with a focus on the emissions and chemistry of volatile organic compounds.
Development of Air Quality Monitoring Strategies Interactions of Biogenic and Anthropogenic Emissions Emissions and Chemistry of Air Pollutants Global Chemistry-Transport Modeling
Kiel Brennan-Marquez
Professor and William T. Golden Scholar · University of Connecticut
Prof. Brennan-Marquez is an expert on human judgment and the role of courts in the age of big data and algorithmic decision-making.
The Fourth Amendment Policing Over-Criminalization Law and Technology Constitutional Law
Daniel Smith-Christopher
Professor of Theological Studies · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Old Testament Studies Old Testament Theology Religion and Peace Nonviolence Cross-Cultural Interpretation of the Bible and Indigenous Christianity Postcolonial Interpretation of Bible
Sarah Neville
Director · Open Line Communications
A speaker, educator and diversity & inclusion specialist. Sarah helps people bridge difference through powerful, authentic communication.
Diversity and Inclusion Intercultural Communication Presentation Skills Training Leadership Training Communication
Rachel Décoste
Motivational Speaker, Immigration Policy and Political Pundit · Independent
Rachel Décoste is a media critic, educator, and public speaker who has been involved in community activism since her youth.
Community Organizing and Engagement Political Activism Political Consulting Immigration Race and Racism
Kenneth J. Wynne, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemical and Life Science Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Professor Wynne has pioneered processing technology for fluoropolymers
Pioneering Processing Technology for Fluoropolymers – Daikin Industries Ltd. Functional Polymer Surfaces – National Science Foundation Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Polymer Surface Science Fluoropolymer Science Silicone Science
Jiebo Luo
Albert Arendt Hopeman Professor of Engineering / Professor of Computer Science · University of Rochester
Luo is an expert in artificial intelligence (AI) foundations in an array of fields
AI Artificial Intelligence and Social Science Artificial Intelligence and Scheduling and Planning Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing
Basil Latif
Lecturer in Computer Science · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Databases Python Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics
Nora Egan Demers, Ph.D.
Expert in health and pollution · Florida Gulf Coast University
Nora Demers researches the effects of stressors on biological systems.
Human Health Effects of Stressors on Biological Systems Community Engagement Immunology Environmental Pollutants
Gennady Miloshevsky, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Professor Miloshevsky researches computational physics with emphasis on effects of plasma, laser and particle beams on materials.
Materials Under Extreme Conditions Radiation- and Plasma-Material Interactions Physics of High Energy Densities Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics Dusty Plasmas
Brian Kloeppel
Professor · Western Carolina University
Brian Kloeppel's scholarly interests include watershed ecology, carbon and water cycling, forest growth and dynamics.
Forest Growth and Dynamics Watershed Ecology Graduate Program Development Strategic Planning Biological Field Station Site Reviews and Planning