W. David Stahlman
Associate Professor · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Stahlman specializes in animal behavior.
Psychology Animal Behavior Experimental Psychology Comparative Cognition
Helene Lavoix
Dr · --
The destinies of our countries and societies, of our planet strongly influence our own. Let's develop adequate foresight & warning
Strategic Foresight Strategic Warning Horizon Scanning Risk Analysis National Security
Robert Fuller, M.D., FACEP
UConn Health Chairman of Emergency Medicine · University of Connecticut
Fuller has responded to nations battered by natural and manmade disasters -New York after 9/11, Haiti ; Philippines after a typhoon.
Coronavirus Efficiency of Emergency Services International Disaster Medical Response Emergency Medical Care Natural Disasters
Gustavo Vejarano
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Multimedia Communications
Michael Gaeta
President · Gaeta Communications
Visionary clinician and inspiring speaker in the fields of healing, wellness and nutrition
Wellness & Healing Nutrition: Diet and Supplementation Preventative Medicine Whole Food Nutrition Business
Jeffrey Buler
Professor, Wildlife Ecology · University of Delaware
Prof. Buler's current research focuses on radar biology, avian ecology and migration, landscape ecology, and conservation biology.
Bird Migration Radar Aeroecology Landscape Ecology Species Distribution Modeling Stopover Ecology
Craig Hunter
Leader · Y Combinator + Stanford University
CEO at Bitmaker Labs, Advisor @ Venture for Canada & Teach for Canada
Startups Technology Industry Technology Careers Hacking Education Career Hacking
Martin Kang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Business Analytics, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Econometrics Empirical Analysis Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Data Science
Jordan Cash
Assistant Professor of Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy · Michigan State University
Jordan Cash’s teaching and research sits at the intersection of American political thought and constitutionalism.
Public Policy Policy Analysis American Politics Government Philosophy
Dannagal Young
Professor, Communication · University of Delaware
Prof. Young's research interests include political media effects, media psychology, public opinion and the psychology of misinformation.
Psychology of Political Beliefs Public Opinion Political Media Effects Media Psychology Intersection of Entertainment and Information
Anoushka Concepcion
Aquaculture Associate Extension Educator · University of Connecticut
Anoushka P. Concepcion is an Assistant Extension Educator focusing on marine aquaculture with the Connecticut Sea Grant Program.
Sugar Kelp Shellfish Veterinary Sciences Fisheries Marine Aquaculture
Sarah Hooper
Executive Director of UCSF / UC Hastings Consortium and Adjunct Professor · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: hoopers@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4831 / Office 377-200
Health Equity Health Law Comprehensive and Coordinated Care Health and Access to Civil Justice Elder Financial Abuse
Warren Schirtzinger
Chief Strategy Officer · High Tech Strategies, Inc.
A highly regarded market- and product-strategy consultant to emerging high-technology businesses.
Product Strategy Diffusion of Innovation Technology Adoption Start Ups Strategic Marketing
Don Duval
Chief Executive Officer · NORCAT
Experienced, dynamic, and engaging speaker on an array of topics related to innovation, commercialization, and entrepreneurship
Turnaround Strategies Entrepreneurship Academic Research Commercialization
Jane Hilderman
Executive Director · Samara Canada
Jane Hilderman leads Samara Canada, a trusted nonpartisan educational charity dedicated to strengthening Canada's democracy.
Policy Policy Analysis Qualitative Research Research Public Policy
Jennifer Lynes
Director of the Environment and Business Program · University of Waterloo School of Environment
Jennifer Lynes's expertise intersects business and the environment, where she focuses on investigating the marketing of sustainability.
Marketing Social Marketing Community-Based Social Marketing Green Marketing
Jason Mudd
Professional Public Speaker | Thought Leader · Axia Public Relations
Trusted adviser to America’s most admired and fastest-growing companies
Crisis Communications Executive Leadership Integrated Marketing Digital Marketing Business Srategy
Jennifer Manegold, Ph.D.
Expert in organizational behavior · Florida Gulf Coast University
Jennifer Manegold studies the workplace with a focus on civility, mentorship and team building.
Mentoring Civility Team Building Management & Leadership Organizational Communication
Laura Doering
Assistant Professor of Strategic Management · Rotman School of Management
Laura Doering's research examines how micro-level decisions and circumstances affect economic outcomes in developing countries
Qualitative Analytics Qualitative Research Data Analysis Statistic Econometrics