Norman Beatty

M.D./Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Dr. Norman Beatty studies neglected tropical diseases, such as Chagas disease, Leishmaniasis, cysticercosis and snake envenomation.

Borreliosis Ehrlichiosis Tick-borne Diseases Snake Envenomation Leishmaniasis

James K. Ferri, Ph.D.

Professor and Associate Chair, Department of Chemical and Life Science Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Dr. Ferri is a Professor in the Department of Chemical and Life Science Engineering at VCU

Advanced Manufacturing Stability in disperse systems Interfacial Phenomena Process intensification

Patricia Mokhtarian

Professor, Civil Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Patricia Mokhtarian has specialized in the application of quantitative methods to the study of travel behavior for more than 30 years.

Commuters' Responses to Congestion or to System Disruptions The Need to Travel for Its Own Sake Impacts of Land Use on Travel Impacts of Telecommunication on Travel Multitasking Attitudes and Behavior During Travel

Kelly Mack, Ph.D.

Faculty Fellow - Office of the Provost · Fielding Graduate University

Advocate and expert in advancing and empowering women and underrepresented groups to pursue STEM disciplines.

STEM Research Research Administration Physiology STEM Education policy STEM Education

Curt Breneman

Dean of the School of Science; Professor; Director, Rensselaer Exploratory Center for Cheminformatics Research (RECCR) · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Specializes in the development of new molecular property descriptors and machine learning methods for physical and biochemical problems

Science Machine Learning Methods Chemical Biology Physical Organic and Computational Chemistry Chemistry

Dr. Marianne Mader

Managing Director, Earth & Space/Fossils & Evolution, Royal Ontario Museum · Co-Founder & Board Member, STEAMLabs Community Makerspace

Cultivating curiosity. Inspiring passion for exploration. Empowering people to engage with science & tech.

Space Exploration Planetary Science Science Communication Maker Culture STEAM Education

David Owens

Assistant Professor · Georgia Southern University

David Owens' research is on motivating learning contexts that promote functional STEM literacy.

Science Education Gameful Learning STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Disciplines Active Learning Socio-Scientific Issues

Raghupathy Sivakumar

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Raghupathy Sivakumar and his students do research in the areas of wireless networking and mobile computing.

Network Quality of Service Wireless Networks Student Startups Student Entrepreneurship Computer Networks

Juliet Daniel

Professor of Biology · McMaster University

Dr. Daniel is a Cancer Biologist with expertise in breast cancer, racial disparities in cancer, and diversity issues in higher education.

Cadherin-mediated cell adhesion Cell & Molecular Biology Developmental Biology Kaiso and transcription factors Women in Science and Engineering

Elan Barenholtz, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Florida Atlantic University

Elan Barenholtz uses behavioral and embedded computational approaches to study the brain and behavior.

Embedded Computational Neural Models Perception and Learning Deep Learning

Eve Rosenzweig

Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Operations Strategy Empirical Operations Management Performance Measurement Learning Technology-enabled Business to Business (B2B) Operations

Maggie Braun

Teaching Professor and Associate Dean · Carnegie Mellon University

Maggie Braun has had a profound impact on undergraduate education and advising during her 13-year tenure at the Mellon College of Science.

Molecular Cloning Molecular Biology Future of Education Biological Sciences Biochemistry

Eric Jackson, Ph.D.

Executive Director, CTI and Director CTSRC · University of Connecticut

Autonomous Vehicles Safety data integration and analysis Transportation Data Systems Web-based data collection, distributuon, and analysis Remote sensing and geographic information systems

Raheem Beyah

VP Interdisciplinary Research, professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Raheem Beyah is an expert in the intersection of the networking and security fields.

Energy Grid Security Network Security Cyber-physical systems security Privacy Network Monitoring and Performance

Ulrike Bahr-Gedalia

President & CEO · Digital Nova Scotia

Multilingual senior level ICT executive with over 20 years in the private, public and academic sectors, spanning five geographic regions.

ICT/Digtal Startups, SMEs & Multinational Corporations Diversity, Inclusion, Immigration & Global Talent Public Speaking & Presentation STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math) Education Stakeholder & Government Relations

Pavlo Antonenko

Professor · University of Florida

Pavlo Antonenko develops, implements and studies technologies to support engaged learning.

Science Literacy and Engagement Cognitive Assessment Cybersecurity Education Learning Technologies Design-Based Research

Michael Chumley

Professor · Texas Christian University

Research focus has been on the role of inflammation in neurodegenerative diseases.

Modifiable Risk Factors Developmental Neurobiology Inflammation Neurodegenerative Diseases Exercise Physiology

Kayla Green

Professor · Texas Christian University

Chemistry, treatment of oxidative stress (neurodegeneration, Alzheimer's). History of Chemistry (gas, atomic bomb).

Synthetic Inorganic STEM Outreach Cataracts and Macular Degeneration Alzheimer's Disease Oxidative Stress

Ivory Toldson, Ph.D.

Public Trustee · Fielding Graduate University

Director, Education Innovation and Research at NAACP, Professor, Howard University, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Negro Education

HBCU Journalism STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Disciplines Research Analysis Black Achievement & Academic Issues

Chris Martens

Associate Professor, Kinesiology & Applied Physiology · University of Delaware

Prof. Martens's laboratory is interested in understanding mechanisms by which impaired vascular function contributes to cognitive declines.

Alzheimer's Disease Aging Clinical Trials Cerebral Blood Flow Vascular Aging