Greg Sawicki

Associate Professor, Automation / Mechatronics · Georgia Tech - COE

Dr. Sawicki directs the Human Physiology of Wearable Robotics (PoWeR) laboratory.

Robotic Exoskeletons Terrestrial Locomotion Human-machine Interfaces

Kenyon Lindeman, Ph.D.

Professor | Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences · Florida Tech

Dr. Lindeman applies multidisciplinary research to advance the sustainable management of coastal lands and fisheries.

Marine Protected Areas (MAPs) Climate Adaptation Fisheries Conservation Science Sustainability

Kelli R. Brown

Chancellor · Western Carolina University

Kelli R. Brown is the chancellor of Western Carolina University, serving more than 11,000 students with a wide range of bachelor’s degrees.

Institutional Planning Community Engagement Leadership Higher Education Management

Nina Martin

Professor · Texas Christian University

Professor Martin specializes in dance practices for people with special needs such as ReWire Movement Method and Ensemble Thinking.

Pedagogies of Spontaniety Choreography Health Alternative Therapies Dance

Richard L. Gilbert

Professor Emeritus of Psychology | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Psychology and New Digital Technologies Cyberpsychology Virtual Reality Lifespan Human Development

Alison Barth

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Alison Barth's work focuses on understanding how experience transforms the properties of neurons to encode memory.

Research Design Neural Plasticity Biophysics Neuroscience

Claudia Rankins

Marie Fielder Fellow · Fielding Graduate University

Champion for inclusion, diversity and broadening participation and works tirelessly on behalf of students and faculty.

Science technology engineering and mathematics (STEM) undergraduate education Gender equity for STEM faculty at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) History and relevance of HBCUs History of African American Physicists Elementary particle physics

Karen Giuliano

Professor, Elaine Marieb College of Nursing and Institute for Applied Life Sciences and Co-Director, Elaine Marieb Center for Nursing and Engineering Innovation · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Karen Giuliano's research is focused on the intersection of clinical needs and medical technology use, development and innovation.

Hospital-acquired Pneumonia Medical Technology‎ Medical Devices Critical Care Nursing Product Development

Dr Amreen Bashir

Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences · Aston University

Dr Bashir's research interests include clinical microbiology and environmental microbiology.

Clinical Microbiology Antimicrobial Resistance Bacteria Found in Food Make Up Products Food and Water Microbiology

Sheng Dai

Assistant Professor, Geosystems Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Sheng Dai develops innovative testing techniques to study properties and processes in soils and rocks at elevated pressure and temperatures.

Reservoir Geomechanics Geomaterials Characteriztion Energy Geotechnics Flow in Porous and Fractured Media

Greg Duerksen

President · Kincannon & Reed

Thought-provoking and riveting commentator on the global War for Talent and how to win it. Audiences find the stories highly entertaining.

Talent Modern Agriculture Turnarounds Leadership

Imogen Coe

Dean, Faculty of Science · Ryerson University

Dr Imogen R. Coe is a scientist who is internationally recognized for her advocacy in promoting equity & diversity in science in Canada

Science Education Women in STEM Membrane Protein Cell Biology Membrane Protein Cell Biochemistry Clinical Research

Narayana Kocherlakota

Lionel W. McKenzie Professor of Economics · University of Rochester

Professor Kocherlakota's research includes theoretical and empirical contributions to many fields in economics

Central Banks U.S. Federal Reserve Dynamic Games/Contracts Financial Economics Economics of Money and Payments

Jack Brouwer

Professor: Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering; Director: National Fuel Cell Research Center, Advanced Power and Energy Program · UC Irvine

Jack Brouwer's research focuses on high-temperature electrochemical dynamics and integrated renewable energy systems.

High-Temperature Electrochemical Dynamics Renewable Hydrogen Renewable Power Dynamics Integrated Renewable Power Systems Hybrid Power and Energy Storage Systems

Jonathan Thon

Founder & CEO · STRM.BIO

Jonathan Thon is an accomplished serial biotech entrepreneur, a recognized leader in human cell culture, and the founder of STRM.BIO.

Clinical Research Life Sciences Education Stem Cell Biology Human Cell Culture

Gina Jarman Hill

Professor & Department Chair · Texas Christian University

Dr. Hill's interests include food security, sustainability, urban agriculture and community nutrition education.

Urban Agriculture Food Waste Hunger Food Security Sustainability

Guy Martin

Managing Principal Architect & Open Source Consultant · Red Hat

Experienced speaker bringing a mix of Open Source, Community, Government 2.0 & Social Media to the table.

Open Source Software Strategy Government 2.0/Community Management Social Media

Venkatesh Kodur

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering · Michigan State University

An internationally renowned expert in the evaluation of fire resistance of structural systems through large-scale fire experiments

Building Collapse Investigation Fire Resistance of Structural Systems Concrete and Steel Structural Systems

Susan Olesik

Professor and Chair | Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry · The Ohio State University

Chemistry expert, revolutionizing our understanding of chromatography

Food Security Nanostructured-Based Materials for Separation Science Application Ordered Carbon Materials Enhanced-Fluidity Liquid Chromatography - EFLC Nanofibrous Substrates for Laser Desorption Mass Spectrometry

Michael Mower

Executive Director of SUU Aviation / Chief Flight Instructor / FAA Designated Pilot Examiner · Southern Utah University

Specializes in pilot training, FAA regulations, advanced/aerobatic helicopter flight, aviation safety, search and rescue, and lobbying

Aviation Education Helicopter Flight Helicopter Aerobatic Flight FAA Regulations Inadvertent Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IIMC)