Jean Cho

Principal Numerical Modeler · Flo Solutions

Principal Numerical Modeler at Flo Solutions

Groundwater Modelling Consulting Projects Transportation Calibration and Testing

Patricia Thornley

Director of EBRI, Energy and Bioproducts Research Institute · Aston University

Patricia Thornley works in assessing the environmental, economic and social impacts of renewable energy technologies.

Chemistry Supergen Project Climate Change Bioenergy Environmental Sciences

Harold Schock

Professor of Mechanical Engineering · Michigan State University

An expert in automotive fuel efficiency and alternative energy and flow and combustion phenomena in internal combustion engines.

Internal combustion engines Optical diagnostics Thermodynamics Combustion Turbulence

Ryan Sweeder

Professor of Chemistry and Science Education · Michigan State University

Ryan Sweeder specializes in chemistry education research.

Chemistry Education Research

Peter Adams

Professor and Department Head · Carnegie Mellon University

Peter Adams' research largely focuses on the development of chemical transport models and their application to decision-making.

Air Quality Aerosols Regional Air Quality Modeling Aerosol Effects on Climate Atmospheric Particulate Matter

Laura Vandenberg

Professor of Environmental Health Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Laura Vandenberg looks at how exposures to plastics, and other chemicals especially early in life, can predispose individuals to diseases.

Plastics and Human Health Endocrine Disruptors Plastic Exposure Developmental Biology Hazard Assessment

Radenka Maric, Ph.D.

University President · University of Connecticut

Dr. Maric researches novel materials for fuel cell & battery manufacturing, nanomaterials, sensors, hydrogen generation & biofuels.

Sustainable Energy Technologies Nanomaterials Engineering Sensors Sustainable Energy Manufacturing

Eric Jackson, Ph.D.

Executive Director, CTI and Director CTSRC · University of Connecticut

Autonomous Vehicles Safety data integration and analysis Transportation Data Systems Web-based data collection, distributuon, and analysis Remote sensing and geographic information systems

Ernesto Guerra Vallejos, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Ernesto Guerra Vallejois is an economist, data analytics director, research scientist, statistician, and professor.

Innovation & Strategy Quantitative Policy Analysis Statistics Hypothesis Testing RegressionAnalysis

L. Todd Wood

Editor-in-Chief · Creative Destruction Media/

Specialist in the National Security Threat from Economic Weakness and Sovereign Debt/The Russian Situation

National Debt Bond Market Russian Issues

Nora Egan Demers, Ph.D.

Expert in health and pollution · Florida Gulf Coast University

Nora Demers researches the effects of stressors on biological systems.

Human Health Effects of Stressors on Biological Systems Community Engagement Immunology Environmental Pollutants

Jasna Jankovic, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Materials Science & Engineering · University of Connecticut

Prof. Jasna Jankovic is an expert in the development of advanced imaging and spectroscopy, fuel cells and industrial collaborations.

Industrial Collaborations Fuel Cells Development and application of advanced imaging and spectroscopy techniques 3D material design and imaging Advanced Nanomaterials for Clean Energy

Chibuzo Ukegbu

Assistant Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Chibuzo Ukegbu's research focuses on formal verification and analysis of industrial control systems software.

Software Engineering Cloud Security Computing Cloud Infrastructure Deployment Automation and Configuration Management

Victor V. Claar, Ph.D.

Expert in economics and ethics · Florida Gulf Coast University

Victor Claar is a serious economist who thinks about the individual human beings behind market transactions.

Financial Literacy Tariffs Free Enterprise Business Cycles Inflation

Sheng Dai

Assistant Professor, Geosystems Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Sheng Dai develops innovative testing techniques to study properties and processes in soils and rocks at elevated pressure and temperatures.

Reservoir Geomechanics Geomaterials Characteriztion Energy Geotechnics Flow in Porous and Fractured Media

Wei-Ning Wang, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Aerosol-enabled technologies towards addressing critical challenges in the sectors of energy, the environment, and human health.

Aerosol science and technology Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Environmental Science and Technology Heterogeneous Catalysis Materials Science and Engineering

Ramnath K Chellappa

Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management; Academic Director, MS in Business Analytics · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Pricing Digital Product Pricing and Piracy Economics of Privacy Electronic Markets and US Airline Pricing Management of Information Security and Privacy

Jim Long

Principal and Founder, Verge New Media; NBC News Media Disruptor/Content Creator · Verge New Media

Cooking instructions: Add one part new media soul with one part old media body, stir gently, and enjoy a media disruptor / content creator!

Social Media Journalism New Media Technology & Tools Digital Media Strategies Social Media and Brand Management Emerging Technologies

Angelia L. Seyfferth

Professor, Soil Biogeochemistry and Plant-Soil Interactions · University of Delaware

Prof. Seyfferth focuses on soil biogeochemical processes that dictate contaminant and nutrient cycling and uptake by plants.

Chemical Sciences Soil Science Soil Biogeochemical Processes Plant Science Ecosystems

John Leshy

Emeritus Harry D. Sunderland Distinguished Professor of Real Property Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4726 / Office 382-200

Real Property Law State and Federal Constitutional Law Natural Resources Law Public Land Law Water Law