David Jung

Emeritus Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contact: 415.565.4639 / jungd@uchastings.edu

Local Government Personal Injury Law Remedies

Joseph T. Hefner

Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Environmental Science · Michigan State University

Joseph Hefner is an expert on identifying human remains from medico-legal contexts.

Human Osteology Categorical Data Analysis Human Variation Anthropology Forensic Anthropology

Kasey Windels

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Kasey Windels' research centers on the advertising agency itself, with a specific interest on creativity within the advertising agency.

Gender Identity in Advertising Creative Leadership and Direction Research & Strategy Advertising Campaign Copywriting

Geno Church

Word of Mouth Inspiration Officer · Brains on Fire

No passion, no conversation. No conversation, no word of mouth. No word of mouth, no successful business.

Word of Mouth Marketing Content Strategy Social Media Strategies Creative Direction Marketing Strategy

Ryan McCourt McCourt Construction

Project Manager · McCourt Construction

Project Manager at McCourt Construction

Construction & Infrastructure General Contractor Utility Infrastructure Civil Construction Private Business Development

Christina Kirsch

Lead Researcher and Senior Consultant · ChangeTrack Research

Experienced presenter and key note speaker at national and international conferences on organizational change and organizational sustainabil

Organizational Change Organizational Sustainability Corporate Social Responsibility & Employee Engagement

Christian Appy

Professor of History and Director of the Ellsberg Initiative for Peace and Democracy · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Christian Appy has written three books on the Vietnam War and heads the Ellsberg Initiative for Peace and Democracy

The Vietnam War Whistle-blowers Daniel Ellsberg U.S. Foreign Policy 20th and 21st Century U.S. History

E. Alison Holman

Professor of Nursing · UC Irvine

E. Alison Holman studies the early post-event predictors of co-morbid trauma-related mental and physical health problems.

Physical health Acute Stress Acute Stress & Cardiovascular Disease Psychological Trauma Media Exposure

Julia Moulden

Author, speaker, columnist · Julia Moulden

Helps people of all ages from all walks of life find purpose and passion at work.

Discover Passion Purpose Possibility After 50 New Radicals: Reinvent Your Work and Save the World

Bahar Armaghani

Director and Instructional Associate Professor · University of Florida

Bahar Armaghani is director of the Sustainability and the Built Environment program at the UF College of Design, Construction and Planning.

WELL Sustainability Energy Efficiency LEED Buildings

Tracy Centanni

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Tracy Centanni studies the neural and genetic correlates of reading acquisition, risk factors for dyslexia, and neural plasticity.

Neural Plasticity Dyslexia Auditory and Visual Perception Brain Basis of Reading Acquisition Genetic Factors for Dyslexia

Michael Ostrowsky

Professor of Sociology · Southern Utah University

Sociologist specializing in the topics of education, drug use, deviance, delinquency theories, and violent behavior

Social Psychology Delinquency Theories, Trends and Issues Sociology of Drugs Violent Behavior in Sports Fans Applied Research

Pang-Ning Tan

Professor · Michigan State University

Pang-Ning Tan is an expert in Knowledge discovery from data

Spatio-temporal Analysis Data Science Data Mining Machine Learning Network Analysis

Richard Kelnhofer, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Richard Kelnhofer is an expert in the areas of electrical engineering and higher education pedagogy.

Power Electronics Data Center Design Telecommunication Systems Electrical Engineering

Haresh D. Rochani

Assistant Professor, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Environmental Health Sciences · Georgia Southern University

Haresh Rochani works with bio-statistics and sampling designs to improve public health.

Generalized Linear Models Longitudinal Data Analysis Multiple Imputations Missing Data in Diagnostic Medicine Categorical Missing Data

Kristina Wagstrom, Ph.D.

Eversource Energy Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering Education · University of Connecticut

Professor Wagstrom is a chemical engineer with a specialization in atmospheric chemistry.

Biofuels Woman in STEM Air Pollution Atmospheric Chemistry Biomolecular Engineering

Karl Peace

Professor, Georgia Cancer Coalition Distinguished Cancer Scholar, Jiann-Ping College of Public Health · Georgia Southern University

Karl Peace researches biostatistics, clinical trials and drug research and development.

Clinical Trials Pharmaceutical Research Health & Disease Health Sciences Biostatistics

Ann Juliano

Professor of Law | Charles Widger School of Law · Villanova University

Ann Juliano, JD, is an expert in employment law and discrimination, sexual harassment and discrimination and dress codes.

American Indian Law Sex Discrimination Employment Discrimination Employment Law Sexual Harassment

Regula (Reggie) Modlich

Urban Planner · Toronto Women's City Alliance

Urban planner, focusing on gender issues, active in the Toronto Women's City Alliance

Community Outreach Women's Rights Equality Rights Sociology Institutional Development

John Wasik

President · JK Enterprises

Experienced, funny, dynamic speaker who can talk about investor protection, economics, the federal budget, Medicare and green building.

The Budget Blues: What Deficit Reduction Means to You How Medicare Changes Will Impact You The Electric Life of Nikola Tesla How Green Building Will Change the World