Paul Boothe

Professor · Ivey Business School

Experienced professor with a background in macroeconomics, international finance, debt management and public finance

Federal Strategy for Fiscal Arrangements Reform Accrual Accounting in the Public Sector Energy Security Business Sector Productivity in Canada International Finance

Rade Kovacevic

Mentor | CBASE · MedCannAccess

Rade Kovacevic is currently Vice-President, Business Development at MedCannAccess.

Capital Raises Management Economics Industry Finance Relationship Development Business Strategy

Liette Vasseur

Professor and UNESCO Chair · Brock University

Working in Environmental sustainability, mainly sustainable agriculture and conservation

Plant biologist Pest management Ecosystem Management Ecosystem services Conservation Biology

Nicoleta Muresan

Trainer · Certified Trainer

Trainer at Oracle Romania | | Certified Trainer

Online Training Training & Development Training Delivery

Michael Gidlewski

Performance Improvement Catalyst · Achievement Unlimited

Performance Improvement Catalyst at Achievement Unlimited

Goal Achievement Productivity Attitude Development Time Management Leadership

Jeffrey Cohn

Managing Partner · Elevate Partners (A DHR Company)

Expert in leadership, assessment and corporate culture. Author, Wall Street Journal & Huffington Post Contributor.

Leadership Development Succession Planning Executive Coaching Talent Management Organizational Design

Michael Moshiri

Speaker • Big 4 Firms Expert · The Michael Moshiri Company

Inspire, entertain, and educate your audience to become more effective, motivated, and enthusiastic to be a part of your firm

Leadership Development Personal Branding Personal & Professional Networking Building Trust-Based Relationships Becoming A Trusted Advisor

Erik Luhrs

BE DO SCALE Coach for Small Business Leaders · Erik Luhrs

BE More, DO less, SCALE fast!

Improving Lead Generation Shortening Sales Cycle Lengths Positioning Sales Marketing

Brian Downes

Leading for High Performance · Performance Cubed

Brian will challenge thinking on tapping the potential gap, building high performing cultures & business growth through people

Strategy Development Strategic & Business Planning Talent Management Culture Organisational Change

Luiz Artur Ledur Brito

Dean · Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo - FGV

Researching the interface between operations and strategy.

Higher Education Administration Curriculum Design Student Development Strategic Planning Corporate Communications

Teresa Coffman

Professor of Education · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Coffman’s research focuses on educational theory, pedagogy and teacher preparation.

Educational Theory Pedagogy Technology in Instruction Teacher Preparation Distance Learning

Jo Saunders

Self-Leadership Speaker | LinkedIn Expert | LinkedIn Trainer · Wildfire Social Marketing

LinkedIn Strategist - Connection Catalyst - Divergent Thinker - Adventure Activator /// Consultant, Trainer and Speaker

Crm / Customer Relationship Management Training Program design Comfort-Zone Exit Curiosity Self-Leadership

Jarrod Schwartz

Associate Faculty - School of Leadership Studies · Fielding Graduate University

Jarrod is an educator and consultant dedicated to advancing equity and justice through an OD lens to catalyze complex systems change.

Non-Profit Leadership Social Justic and Equity Organizarional Change Organization Development Community Leadership

Kadence Otto

Professor · Western Carolina University

Kadie Otto's research centers on ethical, social and legal issues in sport with specific attention to NCAA corruption and reform.

NCAA Corruption and Reform Risk Management Sport Ethics Sport Law Global Sport and Culture

Hai-Ping Cheng

Professor · University of Florida

Hai-Ping Cheng’s research interests include physical phenomena at ultra-small (nano) scale via large-scale computational approach.

Physics LIGO

Scott Siegel, Ph.D, MHCDS

Director of Cancer Control & Population Sciences · ChristianaCare

Scott Siegel, Ph.D., MHCDS, is a licensed psychologist and the Director of Population Health Research at ChristianaCare.

Cancer and Behavioral Health Population Health Research Behavioral Health Determinants Psychchology Social Health Determinants

Amanda Phalin

Instructional Associate Professor · University of Florida

Amanda Phalin is an expert in global economics and politics, as well as educational technology.

Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights Educational Technology and Pedagogy Environmental Economics Development Economics International Economics

Ian Philp

Director, Clean Energy Institute · MaRS Cleantech

Energy innovation leader; international lawyer & MBA

Clean Energy Technology Innovation Energy Security International Development International Trade Litigation

Mark Axelrod

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Mark Axelrod's teaching and research center around international and comparative environmental governance, with a focus on justice outcomes.

Environmental Policy Environmental Justice

Ali Bigdeli

Associate Professor (Reader) in Industrial Service Innovation · Aston University

Dr Bigdeli is an expert in servitization and advanced services in manufacturing.

Manufacturing Strategy Business Model Innovation Servitization Service Innovation Organisational Change