Denise M. Rosseau
University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Denise Rousseau's research focuses upon the impact workers have on the employment relationship and the firms that employ them.
Psychological Contract Organizational Effectiveness Performance Management Future of Work Employment Relations
Muneeza Sheikh
Partner · Levitt LLP
Muneeza Sheikh practices in the area of labour and employment law
Canadian Politics Diversity Engagement in the Workplace Human Rights in Canada Labour Law in Canada Employment Law in Canada
David E. White
Consultant · Synergy Solutions
Business Development Strategist
Resilience Managing Change Conflict Resolution Corporate Financial Mangement Corporate Sustainability
Jason Morga
Sr. Director Americas Marketing · Kelly Services
Jason S. Morga, PHR, MBA
Social Media Marketing Marketing Strategy Internal Communications
James Gasteen
CEO and co-founder · Precursive
Staffing/resource management expert - CEO and co-founder, Precursive
Resource Management Human Resources Project Management
Judith Scully Callahan
Instructional Associate Professor · University of Florida
Judith Scully Callahan teaches about and helps businesses understand and improve organizational development.
Creativity Leadership Negotiation Organizational Development
Chris Ducker
Founder & CEO · Virtual Staff Finder
Entertaining and knowledgable International speaker on the subjects of Outsourcing, Virtual Staffing, New Media and Entrepreneurship
Outsourcing Entrepreneurship New Business
Lawrence Berry
President · Magic, Message and Motivation
Exciting speaker that brings a message and illusion together to create a memorable experience.
Leadership Communications Emergency Preparedness Financial Management Budgeting
Shirlee Sharkey
CEO · Saint Elizabeth
Health executive and social innovator
Home Care Home and Community Care Home Care Public Policy Healthcare and Seniors Healthcare Transformation
Mari Anne Vanella
CEO · The Vanella Group, Inc.
Leading expert on lead generation for high tech using effective teleprospecting techniques.
Telemarketing Lead Generation Lead Nurturing Marketing Cold Calling
Julie Niehoff
Speaker, Author, Marketing Leader, Educator, Small Business & Nonprofit Advocate · Distance Learning Media, LLC
Speaker, writer and marketing strategist with more than 20 years in small business & nonprofit education
Online Marketing Community Outreach Marketing for Non-Profits Social Media Marketing Marketing Strategy
George Torok
Marketing Expert, Keynote Speaker, Speech Coach for Executives · Power Marketing
Marketing Expert, Keynote Speaker, Bestselling Author - Secrets of Power Marketing
Success Motivation Inspiration Personal Marketing Marketing
Jon Naylor
Managing Partner · Cwichelm Ltd
Jon Naylor has the proof that delivering great service can be combined with reducing costs.
Great Customer Service Improving Productivity Driving Effeciency
Colin Polsky, Ph.D.
Director of the Florida Center for Environmental Studies · Florida Atlantic University
Colin Polsky is trained as a geographer, specializing in the human dimensions of global environmental change.
U.S. Climate Vulnerabilities Geography Humanities Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Mathematics