Lynn Salsi

Author, Storyteller, Teacher, Historian, Speaker · Lynn Salsi Consulting

With boundless enthusiasm, Southern history and folktales come alive with this Pulitzer Prize Nominated author & storyteller

Fiction Editing & Writing Teaching Public Relations Marketing Communications

Betty Cheng

Professor of Computer Science and Engineering · Michigan State University

An expert in safety and security of high-assurance computing systems

Dynamically-Adaptive Systems Medical and automotive information systems Computer systems safety Homeland Security Distribution Computing

Azadeh Sawyer

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Azadeh Omidfar Sawyer's interdisciplinary research focuses on quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate building envelopes.

Green Design Building Envelope Design Quality Virtual Reality Immersive Visualization Systems

Megan Ennes

Assistant Curator · University of Florida

Megan Ennes supports science interests using family museum programming, professional development and climate change communication research.

Civic Engagement for the Environment Climate Change Education Family Science Museum Education Science Career Aspirations

Thomas Dietz

University Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Environmental Science and Policy (ESPP) · Michigan State University

Expert in climate change, human driving forces of environmental change, environmental values, environmental decision making

Ecology Environmental Policy Human driving forces of environmental change Climate Change

Nikos Tziolas

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Nikos Tziolas develops interpretable AI techniques and integrated sensing systems to support informed decision-making in agriculture.

Soil Science Deep Learning Spectroscopy AI Artificial Intelligence

Peter Savolainen

MSU Foundation Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering · Michigan State University

Peter Savolainen’s research examines the fundamental nature of road user behavior

Traffic Operations Connected and autonomous vehicles Statistical and Econometric Methods Transportation Safety Data, Analysis, and Evaluation

Molly Land, J.D.

Catherine Roraback Professor of Law and Human Rights; Associate Director, Human Rights Institute · University of Connecticut

Molly Land specializes in human rights and technology.

Digital Rights Intellectual Property Law Technology and the Law Human Rights International Law

Elias Sayour

Assistant Professor/M.D. · University of Florida

Dr. Elias Saymour is an expert in pediatric oncology and hematology with a specialization in immunologic treatment of cancer.

Pediatric Oncology mRNA Vaccines Cancer Immunotherapy Pediatric Cancer

Jason Blatt

Clinical Associate Professor/M.D. · University of Florida

Dr. Jason Blatt specializes in pediatric neurosurgery.

Transnasal Brain Surgery Epilepsy Pediatric Neurosurgery Brain Tumors Congenital Spinal Disorders

Omowunmi "Wunmi" Sadik

Distinguished Professor · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Omowunmi Sadik applies her knowledge of surface chemistry, chemical and biological sensors in healthcare, food safety and the environment.

Nanostructured Conducting Polymers Chemical and Biological Sensors Surface Chemistry Electrochemistry Biosensors

Gaurav Jain

Assistant Professor · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Behavioral economist focused on studying how individuals make judgments and decisions in the absence of complete information.

Marketing Promotions Marketing Communication Judgment and Decision Making Consumer Choices and Behavior Behavioral Economics in Business

Jose DelaCerda, Ph.D.

Doctoral Faculty - School of Leadership Studies · Fielding Graduate University

Strategic change leadership; Business model innovation; Organizational culture and leadership in Latin American countries.

Business firms consulting in strategy and organizational design. Business model and organizational design Organizational design for the digital era Applying large group interventions for organizational development Developing strategic alliances for colleges and universities.

Jaydev Desai

Professor, Biomedical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Jaydev Desai is an expert in the areas of medical robotics, image guided surgical robotics, and surgical simulation.

Surgical Simulation Medical robotics Human Augmentation Image Guided Surgical Robotics

Rachel Parker

Assistant Professor of Arts Admin / Director of Arts Admin · Southern Utah University

Specializing in arts administration, grant writing, and leadership

Arts Administration Art Advocacy in Rural Communities Arts Education Rural Communities Leadership Leadership in the Arts

Wang Feng

Professor of Sociology · UC Irvine

Wang Feng is a leading expert on demography, aging, and inequality - particularly in China.

China Post-Communist Societies Social Inequality Social Demography Contemporary Chinese Society

Mark Claypool

President and Chief Executive Officer · Educational Service of America

Mark Claypool, President and CEO of Educational Services of America

Alternative Education Special Education Social Entrepreneurism Corporate Leadership Dropout Prevention

Timothy McMahon

Principal · Timothy McMahon & Company

RE-Entrepreneuring! -- The 7 Strategies for Re-Energizing Your Business in the New Economy

World Class Selling Managing for Performance New Technologies Social Media Sales Management

Eric Holtzclaw

Columnist, Lean Forward on

CEO of Laddering Works, LLC | Columnist, Lean Forward on | Co-Host The "Better You" Project Radio Show

Strategic Planning Entrepreneurship Project Planning Social Media Marketing

Catherine Connelly

Associate Professor, Human Resources and Management · DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University

Dr. Catherine Connelly's research focuses on the attitudes, behaviours, and experiences of non-standard workers.

Non-Standard Employee Contracts Organizational Behaviour Organizational Health and Safety Management Organizational Justice Organizational Citizenship