Sophia Lunt

Assistant Professor · Michigan State University

The Lunt Lab focuses on understanding the role of metabolism in supporting cancer proliferation, heterogeneity, and metastasis.

Cells Metabolomics Molecular Biology Mass Spectrometry LC-MS

Jeffrey Miller

Dean of College of Engineering and Computer Sciences · Southern Utah University

Dr. Jeffrey Miller serves as the dean of the College of Engineering and Computational Sciences at Southern Utah University.

Computer Programming Ethics in Driverless Cars Vehicular Communications Software Engineering STEM Education and Learning

Don Duke, Ph.D., P.E.

Expert in water resources and pollution control · Florida Gulf Coast University

Don Duke applies science and engineering analysis to policy and management decisions.

Municipal stormwater pollution reduction Industrial stormwater pollution reduction Flood mitigation policy Water Resources Policy Water quality assessment

John Leonard, Ph.D.

Professor · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Leonard teaches databases, user interfaces and video game design. Research interests cover modeling, analytics and visualization.

Modeling and simulation of traffic and transportation systems Traffic flow theory and traffic engineering Intelligent transportation systems Institutional Research Studies of higher education institutions

Rebecca E. Wall

Assistant Professor of History · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Climate History Digital Humanities Global History Environmental History Postcolonial, Colonial, & Precolonial African History

John R. Cooley, MBA, Ph.D.

Associate Professor in Residence · University of Connecticut

John R. Cooley studies speciation and species distributions, using cicada species as model organisms.

Cicadas Speciation Species Distribution Modeling Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Howard (Shih-Ming) Hu

Professor of Hotel, Resort, Hospitality Management · Southern Utah University

Specializing in international cuisine, hospitality management, and culinary science

Food Service Preparation Techniques International Cuisine Culinary Tourism Culinary Programs Hospitality Management

Melissa Alvarez Mangual, Ed.D.

Associate Faculty - School of Leadership Studies · Fielding Graduate University

I cultivate bravery & strategic action in people to be inclusive & equitable leaders who shift organizational culture, practices, & systems.

Consulting Nonprofits Organizational Development Leadership Development Coaching

Ramani Narayan

Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science · Michigan State University

Expert in biodegradable plastics, biobased and recyclable composites

Renewable Resources Biodegradable Polymers and Materials Engineering Polymers and Plastics Biobased and Recyclable Composites

Dr Ahmad Beltagui

Senior Lecturer · Aston University

Dr Beltagui is an experienced researcher with expertise in Advanced Services, Innovation & Design Management and 3D Printing.

Manufacturing Management Innovation 3d Printing Services

Professor Sue Backhouse

Professor of Sport Psychology and Behavioural Nutrition · Leeds Beckett University

Her particular expertise is in athlete welfare, drug use in sport, why athletes dope, what makes athletes vulnerable to doping and more.

Doping Drug Use in Sport Sports Integrity Athlete Welfare Clean Sport

Kelly Goonan

Assistant Professor of Outdoor Recreation · Southern Utah University

Outdoor recreation expertise with outdoor safety tips, planning national park visits, and planning and management of outdoor recreation.

Visitor Use Management Wilderness First Aid Resource Management Recreation Impact Analysis Recreation Ecology

Ali Sarkhosh

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Ali Sarkhosh is a fruit crop applied physiologist and extension specialist with more than 15 years of experience with fruit production.

Fruit Crop Management Fruit Crop Production PGRs Pruning Rootstock and Scion Evaluation

"Dr. Woody" Woodward, Ph.D.

Organizational Psychologist & Media Personality · Dr. Woody Media

Author of "The YOU Plan", Management & Leadership Coach, and Media Commentator on Workplace Issues

The Psychology of Effective Management Player to Coach Management Transition

Kristen Hayer

Founder & CEO · The Success League

Kristen's areas of customer success expertise include building teams, selecting and implementing technology, and customer engagement.

Leadership Business Developement Management Sales Process CRM

Joshua W. Walker, PhD

President & CEO · Japan Society

Walker leads Japan Society to create deep bonds between the US & Japan through programs in culture, education, business, policy & technology

UN Conflict Diplomacy Asia Minor Japanese Language

Dr Steve Wright

Senior Research Fellow in Avionics and Aircraft Systems · UWE Bristol

He has worked in the aerospace industry for 25 years and now studies drones, electric vertical take-off and more.

Flight Safety Avionics Aerospace Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Drones

Elizabeth Taylor

Director · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Elizabeth Taylor is director of the STEM outreach and K-12 education programs.

Community Engagement STEM Outreach K-12 Education

Charmaine Smith Wright, M.D., MSHP

Director of the Center for Special Health Care Needs · ChristianaCare

Dr. Charmaine Smith Wright is director of ChristianaCare's Center for Special Health Care Needs.

Disabilities and Health Care Internal Medicine Pediatrics

Roderick L. Carey

Assistant Professor, Human Development and Family Sciences · University of Delaware

Prof. Carey's research serves to make sense of the school experiences of black and Latino adolescent boys and young men in urban contexts.

Teacher Education Post-Secondary Education Developmental Psychology African American Education‎ Latino Education