Brad Szollose
CEO · Brad Szollose International
Cross-Generational Leadership Development. Customized Workshops, Training & Executive Coaching for Talent Development.
Millennials Generation Y Baby Boomers Generation X 21st Century Management
Jim Signorelli
CEO/Chairman · ESW Partners/StoryLab
Understanding how stories work can help marketers, advertisers and sales people become powerfully persuasive.
Persuasion Marketing Advertising Entertaining Story
Bryan Fulton
Co Founder & CEO · Bullet Point Branding
Experienced VP of Talent & Social Media Solutions Consultant
Social Media Social Media Marketing Social Networking Entertainment Casinos & Gaming
Jan Krulick-Belin
Writer · Retired Art and Jewelry Historian
I currently freelance lecture on the book, and a variety of art history and jewelry history topics.
Fashion and Jewelry Museum Curation Jewelry History Art History Museum Education
Peter Doesburg
Social Media Strategist · SeventeenThirty
Im an energetic, intelligent and animated speaker with a fast pace and a good sense of Dutch humor in my talks
Embedding Social Media Into Your Organization Strategic Use of Social Media Social Media Management Platform Workshop
Bill Watkins
Author ·
Life without Alcohol!! Recovery with comedy, poetry and music
Latin American History Poetry Native American History Living in Balance One Day at a Time Alcoholic Recovery
Michael Everett
Author, Speaker, Social Gearshift · Dragonflies Media
See the big picture, see the future.
Donald Ford
President · Training Education Management LLC
Expert speaker who explains the people side of organizations with humor and insight.
High Performance Leadership Strategic Human Resource Management Becoming A Mega-Learner
Mae Hoover
Founder · Foundation for Publication
"Laffologist" making people laugh because laughter relieves stress.
Laughter Does Good Like Medicine Should Overcome Fear of Writing Guiding Writers From Idea to Published Book
Brigette Kidd
President · B.Kidd Consulting
Entrepreneur, Speaker, Online Communities Consultant and Pseudo Humorist - Founder/President
Women in Tech Assertive Skills for Women How to Pitch Your Idea
Dr. Eileen Kennedy-Moore
Author, Psychologist, Speaker - aka "Dr. Friendtastic" · private practice
nationally recognized authority on children's social and emotional development ---- "inspiring audiences with wisdom, compassion, & humor"
Parents Parenting Children Child Development Children's Friendships
Otis Prince
President, CEO · Otis Prince International
Experienced, eloquent and dynamic speaker who fuses authenticity, humor, passion, humility and inspiration to connect and engage.
Small Business Leadership Versus Management Effective Communication
Paul Delger
Motivational Speaker · Speaker Paul
Keep Your Uniform On
Public Speaking and Presentation
John Lowe
Owner/Message Coach · Be Compelling Now
Professional Speaker, Presentations Coach and Trainer
Change Management Competing in A Commodity Market
Freda Emmons
Author and Inspirational Speaker · Flame of Healing Distribution
Compassionate speaker who sensitively shares humor amidst the serious issues of healing from abuse and trauma
Healing From Abuse Emotional Healing Writing to Inspire
Jerome Schultz
Clinical Neuropsychologist · Harvard Medical School
Experienced clinician and teacher. Captivating, informative speaker who makes the stress/learning connection with humor and wisdom.
The Connection Between Stress and Learning in Kids With Ld Adhd and Asperger Syndrome Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Children With Fragile Emotions and Challenging Behaviors. The De-Stress Model of Intervention for Children With Ld and Adhd The Myths and Realities of Inclusion
Bill Crawford, Ph.D.
Psychologist, Speaker, Corporate Trainer · Crawford Performance Solutions
Psychologist, Author of Four Books, Host of Two PBS Specials
Stress Difficult People Brain Productivity Leadership
Andrew Davis
CEO · Monumental Shift
One of the Brightest Minds in Media and Marketing Today
Social Media Marketing Publishing
Sandy Jones-Kaminski
Professional + Social Branding · Bella Domain Media
LinkedIn + Networking Strategist + Speaker, #1 Business Book Wish List Author
strategic networking Networking Linkedin Social Selling Personal / Corporate Branding
EJ Bassette
Author, Keynote Speaker, Trainer · EJ Bassette International
Meet the man that is known for his high energy style, engaging personality and judicious presentations. "
Sales Motivation Business Accountabilty Inspiration