David Banach

Associate Professor of Medicine Head of Infection Prevention Hospital Epidemiologist · University of Connecticut

Dr. David Banach is an expert in the field of infectious diseases and epidemiology.

Coronavirus Medicine Health Care Associated Infections Infectious Diseases Infections in Immunocompromised Patients

Eric Novak

President · Modern Media Perspectives

An Environmentalist. A Dad. A Mission. A Purpose.

Climate Change Sustainability Climate Change and the Media Social Media and the Environment Parenting and the Environment

Curtis Ricker

Dean, The College of Arts and Humanities · Georgia Southern University

Curtis Ricker is Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities

Humanities and Developmental Education Humanities

Arezoo Najibzadeh

Women in Politics Advocate · Young Women's Leadership Network (Femmepower)

Arezoo works on addressing the barriers against young women's involvement in grassroots and institutional politics.

Women in Politics Canadian Politics Politics & Public Policy Women's Rights Young Women

Erik Nisbet

Associate Professor | School of Communication · The Ohio State University

Expert in communication focused on non-democratic contexts, public diplomacy, foreign policy, public opinion and global problems.

Political Communication Public Opinion Science Communication

Robert Kazanjian

Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Organization & Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Growth and Development of Technology-Based New Ventures Management of Innovation in Large Complex Organizations Strategy Implementation and Large Scale Strategic Change

Douglas Bowman

Professor of Marketing · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Bowman is an accomplished researcher in marketing, award-winning educator, and proven consultant.

Marketing Strategy Customer Behavior Brand Management Product Management

Shehzad L. Mian

Associate Professor of Finance · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Corporate Finance Investments and International Finance Corporate Control Risk Management

Nikolay Osadchiy

Associate Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Risk and Resilience Supply Chain Management Operations-Finance Interface Revenue Management Empirical Methods in Operations Management

Jeffrey Rosensweig

Associate Professor of Finance; Director, The Robson Program for Business, Public Policy, and Government · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Business Strategy in a Global Economy Global Economic Trends and Linkages International Finance

Sheryl F. Kline

Professor, Hospitality · University of Delaware

Prof. Kline's research focuses on organizational behavior and training in the hospitality, meeting and event industry.

Economics Organizational Behavior Hospitality Sport Business Management Hospitality Management

Kevin Nourse, Ph.D., PCC

Associate Faculty - Evidence Based Coaching · Fielding Graduate University

Seasoned organization development and coaching professional with a passion for developing resilient leaders and organization.

Coach Education and Coaching Supervision Team Development and Effectiveness Executive and Leadership Coaching Evidence Based Coaching Leadership Development

Hans M. Hirschi

Founder & Partner · Yāree AB

Exceptional personality with a passion for communication, leadership, learning & development across cultures

Common Sense Communication Cross-Cultural Learning Development

Fernando Guerra

Professor of Political Science and International Relations and Chicana/o Latina/o Studies and Director of the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Center for the Study of Los Angeles · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Political Science Chicana/o Latina/o Studies Electoral Politics Public Opinion Research Los Angeles Politics

John C. Besley

Ellis N. Brandt Professor of Public Relations · Michigan State University

Dr. John C. Besley studies public opinion about science and scientists' opinions about the public.

Decision Processes Public Opinion Decision-Making

Karen Busby

Professor of Law & Director, Centre for Human Rights Research · University of Manitoba

Karen Busby teaches Constitutional Law, Gender and the Law, Human Rights and Administrative Law

Constitutional Law Human Rights Sexual Violence Assisted Human Reproduction Sex Work and Prostitution Law

Suzanne Toro

Owner · OmToro, LLC

Inner Wellness Teacher, Advocate for Global Change, Visionary & Strategist

Female Empowerment Inner Wellnes & Meditation Self Awareness Food Alchemy Creative Visionary

Karl Schuhmacher

Assistant Professor of Accounting · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Management Accounting Costing Performance Measurement Incentive contracting

Kristy Towry

John M. & Lucy Cook Chaired Professor of Accounting · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Managerial Accounting Internal Audit Behavioral Economics

Peter Sham

Professor of Theatre Arts · Southern Utah University

Specializing in Suzuki movement, directing and producing musical theatre, and character development for actors

Stage Direction Voice and Speech Training Directing Musical Theater Voice Over Producing