Caitlin Elsaesser, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · University of Connecticut

Dr. Elsaesser partners with communities to create health promotion efforts that are empowering, with a focus on youth violence prevention.

Technology and Interpersonal Violence Youth Violence Gun Violence Prevention Research Methodology Child and Adolescent Development

Sherry Grace

Professor, School of Kinesiology and Health Science · York University

Studying access to chronic cardiac care, as well as optimizing quantity and quality of life in heart patients.

Healthcare Public Health Clinical Research Heart Disease Behavioural Cardiology

Gavin Woodhall

Professor, Aston Pharmacy School · Aston University

Professor Woodhall researches electrophysiological studies on neurones of the entorhinal cortex (EC) and the hippocampus.

Neuronal Network Dynamics Schizophrenia Epilepsy Hippocampus

Tom Mills

Lecturer in Sociology and Policy · Aston University

Tom Mills is a sociologist with an interest in media and communications, elite institutions and networks, and the use of digital methods.

Corporate Power Elites BBC Impartiality Sociology Media Communications

John Kenagy

Author / Keynote Speaker · Kenagy & Associates

Creating Adaptive Capacity

Leadership: Leaving A Legacy in Uncertain Times 21st Century Health Care Quality-Centered Health Care Developing People as the Number One Resource Patient-Centered Point-Of-Care

Matthew Stewart

Principal Economist · The Conference Board of Canada

Prolifigate spending? When it's time to put your fiscal house in order, count on a Principal Economist to steer you in the right direction

Fiscal Forecasting Economic Analysis Government Financing

Steven Biegalski

Professor, Program Chair, Mechanical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Steven Biegalski is an expert on nuclear analytical methods, research isotope production, and nuclear forensics.

Research Isotope Production Nuclear Reactors Nuclear Forensics US Nuclear Production Nuclear Non-Proliferation

Alan Mackelprang

Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University

Alan Mackelprang's research interests include examining interdependencies among supply chain partners

Lean Manufacturing Supply Chain Integration Supply Chain Contagion Manufacturing Flexibility

Dr Katie Tonkiss

Senior Lecturer, Sociology and Policy · Aston University

Dr Tonkiss is concerned with critically interrogating the relationship of citizenship and national identity.

Membership Identity Citizenship HM Sociology Immigration

Chris Thomas

Meeting and Workshop Facilitator and Hands-on Coach · Chris Thomas Associates

Speaker and workshop leader on the links between personal and professional development

Group and Workshop Facilitation Meeting Facilitation Executive Coaching Personal Development and Your Career Values and Ethics in the Workplace

Mike Margolies

Mental Coach, Sport Psychology Consultant, Author and Public Speaker, Radio Host · The Mental Game

Want to build a better team that performs under pressure? Let Mike Margolies show you the Game within the Game!

Emotional Intelligence Mental Toughness Sport Psychology Mental Training in Business & Sports Team Building

Chiyoko Frank

Associate Faculty - Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Reconciling Science and Religion, Jungian Psychoanalysis, Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuropsychology, Buddhism.

Buddhism Theory of Mind Research Neuropsychological Assessment Jungian Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Cognitive Neuroscience Research

Kathryn Libal, Ph.D.

Director, Human Rights Institute and Professor, Social Work & Human Rights · University of Connecticut

Professor Libal researches human rights norms and practices, including the ability to secure adequate food and housing.

U.S. Resettlement of Refugees Asylum Seekers Women's Rights Children's Rights Migrant Children

Rick Baker

Founder · Spirited Leaders Corporation


A) Business Changing for the Better: Good Habits Bad Habits & New Things People Process & Situations

Jewel Daniels

CEO · Daniels Communications Group

Tenacious Entrepreneur: Brooklyn-born, Business Savvy, Engaging Speaker

Leadership and Responsible Corporate Governance: Planning for A Changing Workforce Demonstrating Strong Leadership During A Challenging Economy Tenacious Entrepreneurship - Growing and Sustaining A Business

Saad Bhamla

Assistant Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

The Bhamla Lab explores fundamental and applied research questions through the development of new experimental tools and techniques.

Materials and Nanotechnology Biotechnology Organismic Physics Global Health Complex Systems

Jean (John) Pfeifer

Director · UBS

World class energetic speaker on Wealth Management &Talent Management, who can combine strategy with very hands-on practical best practices.

Private Banking Wealth Management Customer Experience Talent Management Blue Ocean Strategy

James Faught

Professor of Sociology · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Sociological Theory Political Sociology Community Social Stratification

Lauren Stewart

Associate Professor, Director of Structural Engineering/Materials Laboratory, Civil Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Lauren Stewart is considered by many to be among the top blast researchers in the US.

Computational Mechanics Mechanical Shock/Impact Blast Engineering Hazard Engineering

Mohamed Gad-el-Hak, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Fluid mechanics expert, with a penchant for nanotechnology and microelectromechanical systems

Fluids in motion Turbulence and flow control Viscous pumps and microturbines Micro- and nanotechnology Large-scale disasters