Brian Gunter

Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Brian Gunter's research activities involve various aspects of spacecraft missions and their applications.

Flight Mechanics and Control Systems Design and Optimization

Jayanti Tamm

Assistant Professor of English · Movable Type Management

Author of Cartwheels in a Sari: A Memoir of Growing Up Cult will inspire you to overcome adversities and create your own destiny.

Cults Cult Leadership Creative Writing Overcoming Adversity Memoir

Doina Oncel

Founder | Licenced Financial Advisor/Broker · WolfPACK

Building communities and helping families with access to financial literacy.

Nonprofit Management Women in STEM Women & Leadership Women & Nonprofit

Caitlin Elsaesser, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · University of Connecticut

Dr. Elsaesser partners with communities to create health promotion efforts that are empowering, with a focus on youth violence prevention.

Technology and Interpersonal Violence Youth Violence Gun Violence Prevention Research Methodology Child and Adolescent Development

Daniel Marschner

Director of International Admission and Outreach · Loyola Marymount University

Lecturer, School of Education

Quantitative and Qualitative Research International Student Recruitment Intercultural Engagement Global Partnership Development

Jeremy Kedziora, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Jeremy Kedziora is the PieperPower Endowed Chair of Artificial Intelligence at MSOE.

Data Science Machine Learning Statistical Modeling Bayesian Inference Game Theory

Tom Betti

Communications Manager, Senior Business Transformation Analyst · State of Ohio, Office of Budget & Management

Creative & Engaging Storytelling : PR & Media Relations : Development & Advocacy : Nonprofit Leadership : Social Media : History

Media Relations Public Relations Historic Preservation Social Media Non-Profit Development

Krzysztof Matyjaszewski

University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Krzysztof Matyjaszewski is is one of the leading educators of polymer chemistry.

Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP) Polymer Chemistry Polymer Synthesis Macromolecules Responsive Polymeric Material Development

Rob Salkowitz

Principle/Strategist · MediaPlant, LLC

How is the Young World changing business?

Entrepreneurship Globalization Innovation Youth Emerging Economies

James Dahlman

Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

James Dahlman uses molecular biology to rationally design the genetic drugs he delivers.

Vascular and Immunoengineering DNA Barcoded Nanoparticles Drug Delivery CRISPR Gene Editing

Andrew Lubin

Defense Analyst, Author, Embedded Journalist · N/a

Dynamic speaker with long experience in global current events with partiular expertise in Iraq, Hait, Afghanistan with US Marines

Current Operations in Afghanistan Us Marine Humanitarian Operations (Haiti Japan Role of Us in Todays' World

Ofer Sharone

Associate Professor of Sociology · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Ofer Sharone is a nationally recognized expert on unemployment, work and career transitions.

Unemployment Career Transitions Sociology of Work Sociology of Aspirations American Society

Bryan Eisenberg

Partner · Eisenberg Holdings, LLc

New York Times Bestselling author on Marketing Optimization and Online Marketing

Web Analytics Online Marketing A/B Testing Multivariate Testing Persuasion

Kenzo Sung

Associate Professor · Loyola Marymount University

Department of Teaching and Learning

Martha Paynter

Registered Nurse, President of the Board · Wellness Within

Access to abortion, prison abolition, criminalization and reproductive health

Health Services Management Feminist Health Advocacy Childbirth Breastfeeding Pain Management

Bruce Morrill

Edward A. Malloy Chair of Catholic Studies · Vanderbilt University

A Roman Catholic Priest and Jesuit whose scholarship focuses on liturgy and sacraments and political theologies.

Easter Cultural Anthropology Sacramental Theology Suffering Roman Catholicism

Marsha Loda

Associate Professor in the James M. Hull College of Business · Augusta University

A leading marketing expert helping businesses in the hospitality industry bounce back from crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mass media public relations Journalism Parks, Recreation and Leisure Message credibility

Trina Isakson

Principal Consultant · 27 Shift

Independent consultant to nonprofit leaders on the future of the nonprofit sector. Additional expertise in introverts/quiet change makers.

introverts introversion nonprofit governance open licensing quiet changemakers

Gokila Dorai, PhD

Assistant Professor · Augusta University

Dr. Dorai’s area of expertise is mobile/IoT forensics research and developing a targeted data extraction system for digital forensics.

Algorithms Mobile Computing loT forensics research Mobile Research Digital Crimes

Tian Heong Chan

Associate Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Operational Innovation Product Development Service Management User Innovation Data Analytics