Arturo Gomez Stevenson

Propietario · AGS Promotora

Arturo Gomez Stevenson

Arturo-Gomez-Stevenson Arturo-Gomez-Munevar Arturo-Gomez Ags-Promotora Ags-Consultores

Dr Martin Fletcher

Senior Research Fellow · Leeds Beckett

Martin Fletcher has expertise in building performance evaluation.

Building Performance Renewable Energy

Gaines Kergosien

Application Architect

Senior Solutions Architect and Speaker on Software Development

C# .Net Enterprise Architecture

Gaurav Jain

Assistant Professor · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Behavioral economist focused on studying how individuals make judgments and decisions in the absence of complete information.

Marketing Promotions Marketing Communication Judgment and Decision Making Consumer Choices and Behavior Behavioral Economics in Business

Martin Gold

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Martin Gold researches the interrelationships among architecture, ecology, culture and resource stewardship at urban and residential scales.

Ecological Planning Environmental Technology in Buildings Sustainable Architecture

Thang Dinh, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · VCU College of Engineering

Computer scientist focusing on security and optimization challenges in complex systems including social networks.

Network vulnerability assessment Security and privacy in social networks and wireless networks Combinatorial Optimization Approximation algorithm

Prabhat Mishra

Professor · University of Florida

Prabhat Mishra's research focuses on design and verification of energy-efficient and trustworthy electronic systems.

Computer Architecture Hardware Verification Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity Quantum Computing

Joyce Janczyn

COO · Augmenta Inc.

Senior technology executive

Software Development Women in STEM Computer Architecture Digital Strategy Executive Management

Robin Honey

Brand Consultant · Robin Honey

Independent Brand Consultant; Former CCO of Arcane; Founder of Honey Design; Author, The BeeBrand® Manifesto

Branding Brand Naming Brand Architecture Marketing Graphic Design

Yvan Castilloux

CTO · CareAcademy

Yvan Castilloux is a global product leader, entrepreneur, and engineer with expertise in building product teams to drive growth.

Software Development Integration Analytics Product Management Wireless

Andrew Dubois

Senior Marketing Lecturer · Loyola Marymount University

M-School Lecturer

Social Media Marketing Media Buying Art Direction Relationship Marketing Brand Architecture

Jay Urbain, Ph.D.

Adjunct Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Jay Urbain is an expert in machine learning, data science, and high-performance database systems.

Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Data Science Database Systems Mobile Computing

Danny Allan

Chief Technology Officer · Consulate General of Canada (CTA Boston)

Danny Allan is an expert in developing technical and product strategy and bringing them to the market.

Vulnerability Assessment Enterprise Architecture Product Management Web Services Computer Security

Alen Docef, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Associate Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Docef's research interests lie in medical image processing

Medical Image Processing Signal Processor Architectures Document Compression for Archiving Efficient Error-Resilient Network-Optimized Image and Video Coding

Salvatore Iaconesi

President · AOS

Founder at AOS

Augmented Reality Ubiquitous Publishing Citizen Science

John Ramseur

Vice President · RPA Design

Vice President at RPA Design

Jason von Meding

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Jason von Meding is an expert in how disaster affects people.

Disaster and Public Health Preparedness Natural Disaster Assessment Disaster Risk Reduction Disaster Management Sustainability

Prabu Swamidurai

EA Consultant · ALPA Solutions

EA Consultant

Enterprise Architecture Bpm/Soa/Eai/Eii Cloud Computing

James MacLennan

Chief Information Officer · IDEX Corporation

Chief Information Officer at IDEX Corporation

Interaction Design Digital Strategy System Architecture

Ray Toal

Professor of Computer Science · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Computer Science Programming Languages Compilers and Interpreters Software Architecture Database Systems