Elizabeth Dorrance Hall

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Elizabeth Dorrance Hall has applied and extended interpersonal and family communication theories to explore difficult conversations.

Interpersonal Communication Family Communication Organizational Communication

Stephen Huddart

President and CEO – The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation · Social Innovation Generation

Best job in the world! Improving the present and renewing the future of all our communities with empowering social innovation initiatives

Social Innovation Non-Profit and Leadership Social Finance Social Innovation and Resilience

Maurie Cohen

Professor, Humanities · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Maurie's research is centered in the field of environmental/sustainability social science

Socio-Technical Transition Management Sustainable Consumption Sustainability Science Environmental Social Science Environmental Policy

April Wynn

Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Wynn is a plant geneticist and is interested in examining the intersection of genetic regulatory networks for seed and flower formation.

Genetic Regulation Developmental Genetics Plant Genetics Molecular Biology

Debbie Delaney

Associate Professor, Entomology · University of Delaware

Prof. Delaney researches evolutionary biology and population genetics of honey bees.

Population Genetics Honey Bees Evolutionary Biology

Jeremy Larochelle

Associate Professor, Modern Languages · University of Mary Washington

Jeremy Larochelle is an Associate Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures at the University of Mary Washington.

Latin America Spanish Modern Languages Sustainability Spanish Literature

Barbara Frei

Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Natural Resource Sciences · McGill University

Conservation biologist, scientific communicator & collaborative researcher. Champion for conservation in a rapidly changing world.

Conservation Biology Ecosystem services Biodiversity Agroecosystems Birds Birding

Daniel Peppe, Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Graduate Program Director Department of Geosciences · Baylor University

Daniel Peppe's research focuses on understanding how plant and animal communities respond to changes in climate through Earth history.

Paleobotany Paleoclimatology Paleomagnatism Ecosystems Paleoecology

Kenyon Lindeman, Ph.D.

Professor | Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences · Florida Tech

Dr. Lindeman applies multidisciplinary research to advance the sustainable management of coastal lands and fisheries.

Marine Protected Areas (MAPs) Climate Adaptation Fisheries Conservation Science Sustainability

J. Adam Langley, PhD

Professor of Biology | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Adam Langley, PhD, focuses his research on how ecosystems respond to, and may determine the severity of, environmental change.

Wetlands Climate Change Global Change Ecology Carbon Cycling Coastal Wetland Sustainability

Kevin Rose

Frederic R. Kolleck ’52 Career Development Chair in Freshwater Ecology · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Computational modeling of links between freshwater ecology and carbon cycling

Climate Change Aquatic Ecology Carbon Cycling Freshwater Ecosystems Biogeochemistry

Tia Barnes

Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Sciences · University of Delaware

Professor Barnes is a leading researcher on social-emotional learning and minoritized populations.

Special Education Social-Emotional Learning Guidance and Behavior Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

Toby S. Daly-Engel, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor | Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences · Florida Tech

Dr. Daly-Engel's research uses genomics, field ecology and modelling to study shark populations.

Molecular Ecology Shark Behavior Marine Biology Field Ecology Genomics

Harsh Bais

Associate Professor, Plant and Soil Sciences · University of Delaware

Prof. Bais conducts research in plant signaling – how plants recognize and communicate with one another.

Plant-Microbe Interactions Plant Biology Plant Signaling Root Exudation Plant and Soil Sciences and Horticulture

Alexandros Tsamis

Assistant Professor, School of Architecture; Graduate Program Director; Associate Director, Center for Architecture, Science, and Ecology (CASE) · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Architect focused on composite materials, building energy systems and advanced manufacturing technologies for the built environment.

Manufacturing Technologies for the Built Environment Tectonics Composite Materials Ecology Material and Energy-based Computational Design

Donna Wear, PhD

Professor · Augusta University

Professor Wear studies watershed ecology

Ecology Urban Ecology Conservation Issues Endangered Species Animal Behavior

Anand Swaminathan

Roberto C. Goizueta Chair of Organization & Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Organizational theory and strategy People Analytics Interorganizational and social networks Industry evolution Small-firm strategies

Ken Greenberg

Principal · Greenberg Consultants Inc.

Can you see what I see? Engage your imagination and improve your community with Greenberg Consultants award-winning urban designer

Urban Planning Green Development Sustainable Development Green Architecture Transforming Cities

Giacomo Negro

Professor of Organization & Management and Professor of Sociology (by courtesy); Associate Dean for Culture and Inclusion · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Organization Theory Economic Sociology Cultural and Creative Industries

William Louda, Ph.D.

Research Professor · Florida Atlantic University

WIlliam Louda studies algal blooms, water quality, and how that affects microalgal communities (phytoplankton, periphyton, epiphytes etc.).

Algal Blooms Organic Geochemistry Phosphorus Pollution Photosynthetic and Accessory Pigments Microalgal Communities