James C. Kaufman, Ph.D.
Professor · University of Connecticut
Dr. Kaufman's research focuses on creativity and educational psychology.
Creativity and Personality Creativity and Equity Creativity and Meaning Creativity and Positive Psychology
Joel Judd
Associate Professor, Education · Southern Utah University
Expert in practitioner research that supports teacher wellbeing and professional autonomy.
School Ecology Teacher Wellbeing Education Policy Teacher Learning Educational Psychology
Cary Roseth
Chairperson and Professor, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education · Michigan State University
Cary Roseth is interested in social development, peer relations, and social contextual influences on classroom achievement.
Early Childhood Education Classroom Achievement Counseling Educational Psychology Peer Relations
Sandra M. Chafouleas
Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Educational Psychology · University of Connecticut
Professor Chafouleas is an expert on whole child, school mental health, behavioral assessment, and K12 tiered systems of support.
Multi-Tiered Frameworks Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model Social-Emotional-Behavioral Assessment School Mental Health Trauma-Informed Schools
Christine Greenhow
Associate Professor of Educational Technology and Educational Psychology · Michigan State University
Education expert, focusing on the impact of social media and new technologies in teaching and learning, digital scholarship
New Digital Forms of Scholarship Teaching and Learning Educational Technology Social Media and Education Educational Psychology
Meca Williams-Johnson
Professor · Georgia Southern University
Meca R. Williams-Johnson's mixed methods research emphasis explores student motivation, emotions, teaching and learning.
Black Feminist Theory African-American Education Qualitative Research Design Teacher Efficacy Parental Involvement
Tanya Kaefer
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education · Lakehead University
Researcher in educational psychology with expertise in learning, knowledge, reading, and cognitive development.
Reading Development Cognitive Development Early Learning Learning & Development Media and Learning
Ruth Nicole Brown
Professor and the Inaugural Chairperson · Michigan State University
Ruth Nicole Brown is an expert in African American, African studies and Black girlhood, who is focused on community-engaged scholarship.
Political Science African Studies African American Studies Black Girlhood
Steve Benton, Ph.D.
Senior Research Officer · IDEA
Steve leads a research team that designs and conducts reliability and validity studies for IDEA products.
Educational Psychology Higher Education Product Testing Educational Research Cognition
Joshua Wilson
Associate Professor, Education · University of Delaware
Prof. Wilson's research focuses on ways that technology and artificial intelligence can improve the teaching and learning of writing.
Writing Instruction Writing Assessment Automated Scoring Automated Feedback Artificial Intelligence in Education
Kui Xie
Chairperson and Professor, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education · Michigan State University
Kui Xie's research investigates areas related to motivation and engagement in digital learning.
Digital Learning Educational Technology Artificial Intelligence Motivation
Barbara Schneider
Hannah Distinguished Professor in the College of Education and Professor of Sociology and Education · Michigan State University
An expert on how schools and families influence the academic and social well-being of adolescents as they move into adulthood
Social Contexts of Education Adolescents and Families
Eric Loken, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Educational Psychology · University of Connecticut
Professor Loken studies advanced statistical modeling with applications to large-scale educational testing.
Online Testing Educational Psychology Educational Testing Bayesian Inference
Vandana Thadani
Professor of Psychology | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Developmental Psychology Educational Psychology Qualitative-to-quantitative research methodologies Program Evaluation in Education
Alexandra (Alex) Sturm
Associate Professor of Psychology | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Developmental Psychology Executive Function ADHD Autism Spectrum Disorders Psychometrics
Alicia Domack, Ph.D.
Department Chair and Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Alicia Domack has a research background in cognition, learning and development.
Learning and Development Educational Psychology Cognition
Karen Huchting
Professor & Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence · Loyola Marymount University
Department of Educational Leadership and Administration
Statistics/SPSS Grant Writing Higher Education Assessment Survey Development
Allison Eden
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Allison Eden's work centers on understanding media enjoyment, and more broadly the effects of entertainment on user behavior and well-being.
Motivation Enjoyment Media Psychology Morality
Aman Yadav
Lappan-Phillips Professor of Computing Education · Michigan State University
An expert in STEM education, with a specific focus on computer science and engineering education
Teacher Professional Development Case-based Instruction Computer Science Education STEM Education Engineering Education
Ramsey Musallam, Ed.D
Teacher/Professor/Consultant · Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep/Privately Employed
Curriculum Design Inquiry Based Learning Action Research Curiosity Multimedia