Ruomeng Cui

Goizueta Foundation Term Associate Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Cui's research focuses on how operations strategies create and deliver value in companies' digital transformation

Digital Retail Platform Markets Operations Strategy Supply Chain Data-driven Decision

Gabriele Magni

Associate Professor and Chair of Political Science and International Relations · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

William Gonwa, Ph.D.

Professor, Program Director for Civil Engineering · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. William Gonwa focuses on the water resources area of civil engineering including collection systems and stormwater management.

Civil Engineering Wastewater Collection Flood Control Infiltration and Inflow Statistics

Matthew McGranaghan

Assistant Professor, Marketing · University of Delaware

Prof. McGranaghan studies the economics of consumer attention and the indirect effects of marketing interventions.

Business Administration Neuroscience Applied Economics Management Marketing

Gretchen Chapman

Professor and Department Head · Carnegie Mellon University

Gretchen Chapman's research combines judgment and decision-making with health psychology.

Health Behavior Decision Research Field Experiments‎ Decision Processes Risk Preferences

Bruno Basso

John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor · Michigan State University

Bruno Basso's research deals mainly with water, carbon, nitrogen cycling & modeling in agro-ecosystems.

Sustainabile Intensification Nitrogren Water Carbon Agro-Ecosystems

Victor V. Claar, Ph.D.

Expert in economics and ethics · Florida Gulf Coast University

Victor Claar is a serious economist who thinks about the individual human beings behind market transactions.

Financial Literacy Tariffs Free Enterprise Business Cycles Inflation

Hannah Burrack

Professor · Michigan State University

Hannah Burrack is an applied ecologist with a focus on integrated pest management (IPM) in specialty crops.

Integrated Pest Management Invasive Species Biology Insect Monitoring Insect Host Choice Insect-Plant Interactions

G Philip (Phil) Robertson

University Distinguished Professor · Michigan State University

Agriculture and climate change (particularly mitigation strategies), bioenergy sustainability, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Soil Carbon Dynamics Climate Change Mitigation Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Agriculture Climate change and agriculture Bioenergy Sustainability

Isabella Velicogna

Professor, Earth System Science, Physical Sciences Associate Dean Graduate Studies, Equity and Inclusion · UC Irvine

Isabella Velicogna is a Professor of Earth System Sciences and a Faculty Part time at NASA/Caltech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Physical Climate Sea Level Rise GRACE Satellite Climate Change

Michael L. Parsons, Ph.D.

Expert in coastal water health · Florida Gulf Coast University

Michael Parsons studies the causes of harmful algal blooms and how their toxins can impact marine and human lives.

Coral Reef Ecology Ciguatera Outbreaks Coastal Water Health Plankton Ecosystems Harmful Algal Blooms

Ken Holstein

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Ken Holstein's research focuses broadly on AI-augmented work and improving how we design and evaluate AI systems for real-world use.

Elections Intelligence Augmentation Applied Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Human-Computer Interaction

Simon Garnier

Assistant Professor, College of Science and Liberal Arts · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Professor Garnier focuses on the study of collective behaviors and swarm intelligence in natural and artificial systems

Biological Sciences Swarm Robotics Interdisciplinary Education Collective Behavior Swarm Intelligence

Felicia Pratto, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychological Sciences · University of Connecticut

Psychology expert, specializing in race and sex discrimination and intergroup dynamics

Terrorism and counter-terrorism Xenophobia Prejudice, tace- and sex- discrimination in hiring Homophobia Violations of International Humanitarian Law in war-time

Ananya Sen

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Ananya Sen's research interests centre around platforms with a special focus on the media, innovation and more broadly the digital economy.

Digital Economics Media Digitization Platforms Education

Angelia L. Seyfferth

Professor, Soil Biogeochemistry and Plant-Soil Interactions · University of Delaware

Prof. Seyfferth focuses on soil biogeochemical processes that dictate contaminant and nutrient cycling and uptake by plants.

Chemical Sciences Soil Science Soil Biogeochemical Processes Plant Science Ecosystems