Eric Loken, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Educational Psychology · University of Connecticut

Professor Loken studies advanced statistical modeling with applications to large-scale educational testing.

Online Testing Educational Psychology Educational Testing Bayesian Inference

Chris Jones

Professor, Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship · Aston University

Professor Jones maintains primary research interests in various areas of international economics and international business.

MNEs Foreign Aid Tax Havens FDI International Trade

Brian Clark

Assistant Professor, Lally School of Management · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Quantitative finance expert with extensive experience in risk management and machine learning in the banking and credit card industries.

Financial Regulation Financial Intermediation Quantitative Finance Machine Learning in Finance Risk Management

Christopher McCarty

Professor · University of Florida

Christopher McCarty has expertise in social network analysis with an emphasis on personal networks.

Social Networks Survey Research Methods

Allyson Stewart-Allen

Founder, CEO · International Marketing Partners Ltd.

Allyson Stewart-Allen is a renowned marketer, whose expertise in brand internationalisation is sought by leading businesses globally.

Business Disruptors Marketing Knowledge Strategic Advice Cultural Intelligence & Intercultural Competence International Market Research

Tema Frank

Chief Instigator · Frank Reactions

Customer Experience in the Digital Era, & Women in the Workplace // L'experience client, service à la clientèle, & Femmes au travail

Customer Experience Digital Marketing User Experience (UX) Women & Work

Morris Ratner

Academic Dean and Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-581-8853 / Office 354-200

Higher Education Administration Civil Procedure Legal Ethics Law Practice Management Complex Litigation

Karen Busby

Professor of Law & Director, Centre for Human Rights Research · University of Manitoba

Karen Busby teaches Constitutional Law, Gender and the Law, Human Rights and Administrative Law

Constitutional Law Human Rights Sexual Violence Assisted Human Reproduction Sex Work and Prostitution Law

Brian Gendreau

Clinical Professor · University of Florida

Brian Gendreau is a specialist in emerging markets, international economics, and finance.

Finance, Insurance & Real Estate International Finance Investment Strategy Corporate Finance Emerging Markets

Josh Spizman, Ph.D.

Associate Dean, Faculty and Academic Programs, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Financial Markets Corporate Governance

M. Brent Donnellan

Chair, Department of Psychology · Michigan State University

An expert in personality traits, personality assessment, personality development, and research practices in the psychological sciences.

Relationships Personality Disorders Personalities Temperament

Patrick Flavin, Ph.D.

Bob Bullock Professor of Political Science, Interim Chair of Political Science · Baylor University

Dr. Flavin focuses on political inequality, the impact of politics and public policies on citizens’ quality of life, and state politics.

Politics Inequality State Politics Teachers' Unions and Politics Quality of Life

Erin Stackle

Associate Professor of Philosophy · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

History and Philosophy of Science Early Phenomenology Aristotle Ancient Greek Philosophy

Patrick G. Maggitti, PhD

University Provost; Professor of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship · Villanova University

Patrick G. Maggitti, PhD, is a recognized scholar in the areas of entrepreneurship and strategic management.

Higher Education Market and Non-market Based Competition Decision Making Entrepreneurship Innovation

Jason Rowntree

C.S. Mott Professor of Sustainable Agriculture · Michigan State University

Jason Rowntree’s research focus is identifying the metrics and management that reflect ecological improvement in grazing land systems.

Sustainable Agriculture Regenerative Agriculture Beef Animal Science

Ali Sarkhosh

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Ali Sarkhosh is a fruit crop applied physiologist and extension specialist with more than 15 years of experience with fruit production.

Fruit Crop Management Fruit Crop Production PGRs Pruning Rootstock and Scion Evaluation

Karla Saldaña Ochoa

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Karla Saldaña Ochoa investigates the interplay of artificial and human intelligence to empower creativity and social good.

AI Architectural Design Data Analysis Disaster Response Human-Centered AI

Benjamin Jacobs

Assistant Professor/M.D. · University of Florida

Dr. Benjamin Jacobs's expertise is in limb salvage surgery. He treats leg wounds due to arterial or venous disease to prevent amputation.

Amputation Atherectomy Deep Vein Arterialization Peripheral Vascular Disease Post-Thrombotic Syndrome

Helen Boswell

Professor of Biology · Southern Utah University

Specializes in animal behavior and evolution, with research emphasis on teaching and outreach strategies.

Outreach Education Scientific Literacy Animal Behavior Evolutionary Biology

Anna Errore

Assistant Professor in the Practice of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Experimental Design Six Sigma Business Statistics