Elizabeth Culatta, PhD

Assistant Profoessor · Augusta University

My research program concentrates on how identity processes affect health, especially during the transition to adulthood.

Sexual Harassment Mental Health Identity Processes in Transition to Adulthood Sociology of health and illness Sociology of Health Care

Donald Tomaskovic-Devey

Professor of Sociology and Executive Director of Center for Employment Equity · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Donald Tomaskovic-Devey is an expert in understanding the processes that generate workplace inequality.

Employment Equity Labor Markets Income Distributions Economic Sociology Organizations and Inequality

Stacy Lee Burns

Professor of Sociology · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Sociology of Law Criminal Justice Social Problems Drugs and Society

Ruth Braunstein, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Sociology · University of Connecticut

Dr. Braunstein is a cultural sociologist interested in the role of taxes, taxpaying, religion, and morality in American political life.

Taxes and Taxpaying Religion Politics & Culture Faith-based Communities Religious Studies Cultural Sociology

Kathleen M. Brennan

Associate Professor · Western Carolina University

Kathleen M. Brennan's research interests include mental health, medical sociology and social psychology.

Sociology of Emotions Social Psychology Mental Health Medical Sociology Work and Occupations

Shobha Gurung

Professor of Sociology · Southern Utah University

Specializes in gender and labor, comparative family and community, migration, globalization, and transnationalism, and civic engagement.

Global Civic Citizenship Human Rights and Social Justice Gender and Labor Studies Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Community Gender and Society

Jacqueline Kennelly

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology · Carleton University

Professor Kennelly's work encompasses youth cultural studies, critical educational studies, urban sociology, and social movements

Youth Cultures Citizenship Democracy Social Inclusion and Exclusion Globalization and Neoliberalism

Jerry Park, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Sociology · Baylor University

Jerry Park is an Associate Professor of Sociology and an Affiliate Fellow of the Institute for Studies on Religion at Baylor University.

Racial and Religious Minority Experiences Prejudice and Discrimination Identity Cultural Ideology and Cultural Capital Civic Participation

Eric Magnuson

Associate Professor of Sociology · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Masculinities Media and Society Sociology of Work and Occupations The Men's Movement

Sarah Adeyinka-Skold

Assistant Professor of Sociology · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Race and Ethnicity Gender Family Immigration Sex and Sexualities

Laura Doering

Assistant Professor of Strategic Management · Rotman School of Management

Laura Doering's research examines how micro-level decisions and circumstances affect economic outcomes in developing countries

Qualitative Analytics Qualitative Research Data Analysis Statistic Econometrics

Edward Park

Professor and Chair of Asian and Asian American Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Migration Studies Race Relations Urban Studies Economic Sociology Asian Pacific American Studies

Tracy Citeroni

Associate Professor of Sociology · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Citeroni's concern for social justice informs her research and teaching.

Community & International Development Sociology Public Sociology Social Advocacy Feminism & Gender Studies

Giacomo Negro

Professor of Organization & Management and Professor of Sociology (by courtesy); Associate Dean for Culture and Inclusion · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Organization Theory Economic Sociology Cultural and Creative Industries

Tammy Anderson

Professor, Sociology and Criminal Justice · University of Delaware

Professor Anderson's work focuses on the sociology of deviance, substance abuse, criminology and social problems.

Substance Abuse Opioid Epidemic Criminology Social Problems Deviance

Dr Elisabeth Schimpfössl

Senior Lecturer · Aston University

Dr Schimpfössl's research interests are the sociology of elites as well as power and social inequality.

Philanthropy Social Inequality Sociology Elites Russia

Anna Muraco

Professor of Sociology · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Intersection of Gay and Straight Life in Aging Social Relationships Gender Aging and the Life Course Caregiving and Friendship Across the Life Course

Hui Liu

Assistant Professor of Sociology · Michigan State University

Hui Liu is an expert in the relationship between health and relationships, including marriage, divorce, and ethnic minorities.

Aging Marriage Health Family Medicine

Aaron McCright

Professor and Chairperson, College of Social Science/Lyman Briggs College · Michigan State University

Dr. McCright specializes in environmental sociology, sociology of science and technology, and social movements.

Political Polarization Values and Sciences Climate Change Politics Climate Change Climate Change Denial

Carlos de la Torre

Professor/Director · University of Florida

Carlos De la Torre is an expert in Latin American populism from a global perspective and in racism and citizenship in the Americas.

Authoritarianism Latin American Studies Global Populism Democratization Racism and Citizenship in the Americas