Jonathan M. Metzl

Frederick B. Rentschler II Professor of Sociology and Medicine, Health, and Society · Vanderbilt University

World-renowned expert on gun violence and mental illness, white identity politics and race and health.

Mass shootings Mental Health Guns in America Guns and Mental Illness Race, Gender and Social Justice in Healthcare

Aaron Kupchik

Professor, Sociology and Criminal Justice · University of Delaware

Prof. Kupchik focuses on juvenile justice and the punishment and policing of youth in schools, courts, and correctional facilities.

Crime and Inequality in Schools Crime and Incarceration Crime Rates Juvenile Justice Correctional Facilities

Michelle Kaminski

Associate Professor of Human Resources & Labor Relations · Michigan State University

Michelle Kaminski is an expert in labor unions, right-to-work, women and leadership, collective bargaining and workplace bullying.

Workplace Bullying Right to Work Labor Unions Women and Leadership

Lisa Loutzenheiser

Associate Professor, Curriculum and Pedagogy · University of British Columbia

Lisa Loutzenheiser's research is focused on the educational experiences of marginalized youth.

Youth and Education Qualitative Methods Sociology of Education Anthropology of Education Queer Theory

Melissa Powell-Williams, PhD

Professor of Sociology · Augusta University

Dr. Powell-Williams' research interests include domestic violence victim advocacy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Deaf culture Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy Subcultures Social Movements Organizations

Leslie Martin

Associate Professor of Sociology · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Martin specializes in urban sociology, race/ethnic relations, welfare and poverty issues.

Urban Sociology Race / Ethnic Relations Welfare and Poverty Sociology of Education Public Housing

Jessica Millward

Associate Professor of History and African American Studies · UC Irvine

Her research focuses on comparative slavery and emancipation, African American history, gender and the law.

Anti-Black violence African American History Humanities U.S. History Juneteenth

Sylvia Zamora

Associate Professor of Sociology · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Immigration Comparative Race and Ethnicity Latin America U.S. Latinos

Wesley Longhofer

Associate Professor of Organization & Management; Executive Academic Director, Business & Society Institute · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Organizational Sociology Business and Society Social Enterprise Philanthropy and Non-Profits Climate Change

Rick Eckstein, PhD

Professor of Sociology | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Rick Eckstein, PhD, is an expert on sports and society, intercollegiate spending, stadium financing and labor and unions.

Title IX College Athletics Reform Sociology of Sport Stadium Financing Labor and Unions

Stephanie Limoncelli

Professor of Sociology · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Work and Labor International Organizations Nonprofit Organizations Theory

Rory Kramer, PhD

Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminology | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Rory Kramer, PhD, is an expert on racial inequality, race and education, police use of force and segregation and the physical environment.

Criminology Urban neighborhoods Urban Sociology Education and inequality Racial identity

William Hatcher, PhD, MPA

Chair of the Department of Social Sciences · Augusta University

Dr. William Hatcher focuses on public administration and social, economic and political institutions in local communities.

Public Administration Public Policy Community and Economic Development Health Policy Public Budgeting and Finance

David Lunt

Department Chair, Associate Professor of History · Southern Utah University

History expert, specializing in ancient Greece, ancient Greek athletics, and the history of the olympic games

Classical Studies Ancient Greece History History of the Olympic Games Sports History

Sarah Igo

Andrew Jackson Chair in American History; Professor of Law; Professor of Political Science; Professor of Sociology; Director, American Studies Program · Vanderbilt University

Expert in the history of American privacy, social security, big data, survey data and the public sphere.

Modern U.S. History History of the Public Sphere History of the Human Sciences History of Survey Research Opinion Poll

Kelly Welch, PhD

Professor of Sociology and Criminology; Program Director, Criminlogy | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Kelly Welch, PhD, is an expert on racial and ethnic profiling, racial disparities in school discipline and public punitiveness toward crime.

Criminology Racial Profiling School-to-Prison Pipeline Race and Justice Social Justice

Aparna Gupta

Professor, Lally School of Management; Director, Center for Financial Studies · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Leading quantitative finance and risk management expert advancing cutting-edge solutions to address risk challenges of the 21st century.

Networked Systems Analytical Methods Financial Engineering Risk Management Quantitative Finance

Victor Perez

Associate Professor, Sociology and Criminal Justice; Core Faculty, Disaster Research Center · University of Delaware

Prof. Perez focuses on environmental racism and health disparities in historically marginalized communities.

Health Disparities Marginalized Communities Environmental Racism

Daniel Smith-Christopher

Professor of Theological Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Old Testament Studies Old Testament Theology Religion and Peace Nonviolence Cross-Cultural Interpretation of the Bible and Indigenous Christianity Postcolonial Interpretation of Bible

Marc Smith

Chief Social Scientist · Connected Action

Internet sociologist, using social network analysis and visualization to map and understand social media

Social Media Social Networks Business Collaboration Information Visualization