Ronald Shapiro

Speaker & Consultant · Ronald G. Shapiro, Ph. D.

Improve job or school performance, educate, and entertain at the same time!!! Learning which is applicable and a ton of fun!!!

Human Factors/Ergonomics Leadership/Management/Teamwork Career Development Understanding Human Capabilities and Limitations Special Recognition

Corinne Kyriacou

Vice Dean of Health Professions and Human Services and Associate Professor of Population Health · Hofstra University

Vice Dean for Administration, HPHS and Vice Dean of Health Professions and Human Services and Associate Professor of Population Health

Health Care System Organization, Financing, Delivery and Reform Health and Aging Policy Public Health Leadership Planning, Implementation and Evaluation of Community Health Programs Integrated Care

Todd Powell-Williams, PhD

Associate Professor of Sociology · Augusta University

Professor Powell-Williams is an expert in social movements, social control, religion, police science and symbolic interactionism.

Social Control Police Science Religion Symbolic Interactionism

Paolo Spadoni, PhD

Associate Professor of Political Science · Augusta University

Dr. Paolo Spadoni is a widely recognized expert on Cuba and its international relations.

Cuba Latin America International Relations Costa Rica U.S.-Cuba Relations

Jingsi Christina Wu

Associate Professor of Journalism, Media Studies, and Public Relations · Hofstra University

Media studies scholar Jingsi Wu focuses her research on the crossroads of entertainment media, politics, civic engagement, and culture.

Media Studies Political Communication and Social Media Chinese Media Cultural Sociology Game Studies

Professor Anthony Maher

Director of Research · Leeds Beckett University

Dr. Anthony J. Maher is part of the Carnegie School of Education's research leadership team and leads the research impact strategy.

Sociology Family Education Culture Autism

Heidi Hardt

Associate Professor of Political Science · UC Irvine

Hardt is an expert on NATO, international organizations, defense, security, military ops and gender.

Defense Organizational Change Military Operations US Foreign Policy‎‎ International Organizations

Nancy D. Campbell

Professor and Graduate Program Director, Science and Technology Studies (STS) · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Focuses on the history of science, technology, and medicine as it relates to drug policy and the social significance of drugs

Opioid Crisis Harm Reduction Opioid Overdose History of Science & Medicine Gender & Addiction

Professor Tina Miller

Professor of Sociology · Oxford Brookes University

Her research interests include family lives, intimate relationships, gender, parenthood, & reproductive health.

Gender Parenthood Families Transition into Stages of Family Life

Krystyn Moon

Professor · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Moon is an expert in U.S. immigration history, popular culture, race and ethnic studies, foodways, gender and sexuality, & consumerism.

Consumerism Foodways Popular Culture U.S. Immigration History Race and Ethnic Studies

Jo Carrillo

Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law


California Community Property Comparative Marital Property Community Property Systems in the U.S. and Beyond Economic and financial aspects of intimpate partnerships Archival Research About the Representation of Law in Culture

Cliff Broman

Professor of Sociology · Michigan State University

An expert in substance abuse, drinking among youth, mental health and stress, race and ethnicity, and family studies.

Mental Health Racial Inequality Health & Disease Families Race Culture and Ethnicity

Xuefei Ren

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

An expert in the politics of urban development, globalization, social change, art and cultural industries

International architecture China Urban Development

Dr Emily Christopher

Lecturer, Sociology and Policy · Aston University

Dr Christopher's research has explored the ways in which UK state policy is mediated through workplace policies and cultures.

Gender Divisions and the Relation Between Paid and Unpaid Work Sociologies of the Family, Relationality and Kinship Men and Masculinities Visual Methodologies

Adam Diehl

Lecturer of English · Augusta University

Professor Diehl is an expert in hip-hop culture, lyrical analysis, Rap as a form of literature and specifically the works of Kendrick Lamar.

Kendrik Lamar Hip-Hop Culture Rap as Literature

Mary Louise Adams

Professor · Queen's University

Professor, Kinesiology and Health Studies

Physical Activity LGBTQ History Sexuality Studies Walking - history and sociology Fitness cultures

Monika Ardelt

Professor · University of Florida

Monika Ardelt developed the Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale to study the predictors, correlates and effects of personal wisdom.

Social Psychology Dying Well Subjective Well-being Psychological well-being Wisdom

Tracie O. Afifi

Associate Professor, Community Health Sciences · University of Manitoba

Dr. Afifi's research interests are in the areas of child maltreatment and problem gambling.

Problem Gambling Domestic Violence Physical Punishment Child Maltreatment Sociology

Katie Mercer

Distance Learning Coordinator · Georgia Southern University

Katie Mercer writes on the subjects of publich health concerns and contamination.

Public Health Health Policy Sociology

Laurel Collins

Instructor in Political Sociology, Social Justice Studies, and the Sociology and Gender · University of Victoria

Publishes/presents on social movements, violence against women, civil liberties and anti-terrorism, electoral reform, and education.

Social & Political Philosophy Social Movements Social Movements and Collective Behaviour Political Activism Social movements and protest mobilization