Stephen Elardo
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Stephen Elardo's research focuses on early planetary formation and evolution, specifically in the geological evolution of the moon.
Core Magma Apollo Planetary Exploration The Moon
Rhiannon Mayne
Oscar and Juanita Monnig Endowed Chair of Meteoritics and Planetary Science · Texas Christian University
Museum curator and researcher specializing in the study of meteorites and planetary science, as well as education and public outreach.
Planets Meteors Astroids
Adam Frank
Professor of astrophysics, science commentator, and popular author · University of Rochester
Frank is a leading expert on how stars form and how they die, as well as civilizations before humans
US Space Program Space Travel Science and Religion Evolution of Stars and Planets Physics and Astronomy
Mark C. Urban, Ph.D.
Professor, Arden Chair of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology · University of Connecticut
Dr. Urban is an expert on climate change impacts on biodiversity and evolutionary ecology of vernal pools, lakes, and streams
Predictive Modeling Eco-Evolution Climate Change Extinction Risk Biodiversity
Bryan E. Penprase, PhD
Dean · Soka University
Professor Penprase is Dean of Faculty and Professor of Science.
Quasar Absorption Line Spectroscopy Archaeoastronomy Observational Astrophysics Astrophysics Astronomy
Research Scientist & iNaturalist
Astronomy iNaturalist Futuristic Thinking Research & Development Technology & Innovation
Margaret Campbell-Brown
Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy · University of Western Ontario
Professor and researcher in meteor physics
Meteors Meteor showers Fireballs Comets Shooting stars
Allison Sekuler
Associate Vice President and Dean, Graduate Studies · McMaster University
Dr. Sekuler is a Professor of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour with expertise is in vision, aging, higher education, & diversity issues.
Aging Face and Object Recognition Perceptual Organization Pattern Vision Motion Perception