Derek Buzasi, Ph.D.
Expert in astrophysics, spaceflight and optics · Florida Gulf Coast University
Derek Buzasi's research involves almost anything to do with stars or the sun.
Stars Asteroseismology Nonlinear Dynamics Satellites and Spaceflight Exoplanets
Guido Mueller
Professor · University of Florida
Guido Mueller’s research interests include quantum optics and detectors for axions and axion-like particles.
Space Astrophysics LIGO Gravitational Waves
Ethan Brown
Associate Professor · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Astrophysicist investigating the search for Dark Matter with XENON experiments and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay with the nEXO experiment.
Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Particle Astrophysics Dark Matter XENONnT Radiation Detector Development
Sergey Klimenko
Professor · University of Florida
Sergey Klimenko’s research interests include detection of gravitational waves, gamma-ray bursts and as-yet-unknown systems.
Gravitational Waves Astrophysics LIGO Black Holes Space
Charles Lee Mudd Jr.
Principal and Attorney · Mudd Law
Cyberlaw, Internet Law, Defamation, Privacy, Social Media, Virtual Worlds, Startups
Crowdfunding Space Social Media Defamation Privacy
Duane Hamacher
Associate Professor of Cultural Astronomy · University of Melbourne
Academic, Astronomer, Science Communicator
Geomythology History of Meteoritics Ethnoastronomy Archaeoastronomy Astrophysics
Gabriele Varieschi
Chair and Professor of Physics · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
General Relativity and Cosmology Gravitational Physics Physics and Astronomy Particle Physics and Astrophysics Alternative Theories of Gravity
Daniel Kirk, Ph.D.
Professor | College of Engineering and Science · Florida Tech
Dr. Kirk's research focuses on air-breathing propulsion and rocket propulsion, and additive manufacturing for aerospace applications.
Aerospace Applications Rocket Propulsion Rocket Science Fluid Mechanics Fluid Dynamics
Don Platt, Ph.D.
Associate Professor | Director of the Spaceport Education Center · Florida Tech
Dr. Platt's work has involved developing, testing and flying different types of avionics, communications and rocket propulsion systems.
Space Systems Rocket Propulsion Systems Deep Space Exploration Satellite Design Astrodynamics
Eric Rignot
Distinguished Professor and Chair, Earth System Science · UC Irvine
Dr. Rignot works to understand the interactions of glaciers and climate and what effects they will have on global sea levels.
Ice Sheet Dynamics and Mass Balance Climate Change Glaciology Radar
Csaba Palotai, Ph.D.
Associate Professor | Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences · Florida Tech
Dr. Palotai's current research focuses on numerical modeling of planetary atmospheres.
Meteor Physics Planetary Physics Numerical Modeling Comparative Planetology Exoplanetary Atmospheric Dynamics
Dmitry Kemell
Professor of Multimedia Arts, College of Communication and Fine Arts · Loyola Marymount University
Professor of Multimedia Arts (Studio Arts Program)
Media Arts Art Direction Creative Direction Installation Design Projection Design
Shannon Schmoll
Director, Abrams Planetarium · Michigan State University
Shannon Schmoll is an expert on basic astronomy, naked-eye astronomy, eclipses, constellations and the night sky.
Night Sky Eclipses Basic Astronomy Planetariums Science Education
Chris MM Gordon
Director · CEO Irish Social Enterprise Network, MC
Chris Gordon; a starter, business and social entrepreneur
Social Enterprise Cooperative Social Innovation
Stephen Zepf
Professor of Astronomy and Physics · Michigan State University
Stephen Zepf's research is focused the areas of black holes, neutron stars in globular clusters, and globular clusters
Globular Clusters Black Holes Intergalactic Astronomy
William B. (Trey) Cade III, Ph. D.
Director, Institute for Aviation Sciences · Baylor University
William B. (Trey) Cade III, Ph.D., is the director of the Baylor Institute for Aviation Sciences.
Space Weather History Space Weather Space Weather Impacts Space Weather Science Space Weather Forecasting