Jeffrey L. Wilson
Associate Professor of Philosophy · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Kant Jewish Philosophy Aesthetics
Nora Rubel
Jane and Alan Batkin Professor of Jewish Studies · University of Rochester
Rubel is an expert in Jewish studies, as well as Jewish food and holidays
Jewish Cuisine American Religions, Race and Ethnicity Jewish Holidays Jewish American Immigration Judaism
Ken Prouty
Associate Professor of Musicology and Jazz Studies · Michigan State University
Expert in jazz history, American music and popular music, and the nature of jazz community
Ethnomusicology Contemporary Music American Music Jazz Popular Music
Bryant Keith Alexander
Dean, College of Communication and Fine Arts · Loyola Marymount University
Dean, College of Communication and Fine Arts
Race Gender & Sexuality Communication & Culture Performance & Culture Higher Education Speech Communication
Professor Susan Watkins
Professor · Leeds Beckett University
Professor Susan Watkins is an expert in contemporary women's fiction and feminist theory.
Contemporary Women's Dystopian and Apocalyptic Fiction Doris Lessing Gender Culture Ageing
Wayne Elsey
Head Coach/CEO · Elsey Enterprises
Head Coach/CEO of Elsey Enterprises
Public Speaking Public Relations Marketing Strategy Non-Profit Marketing Nonprofit Leadership
John Connolly
Emeritus Professor of Theological Studies · Loyola Marymount University
Blaine McCormick, Ph.D.
Professor of Management · Baylor University
Dr. Blaine McCormick Professor of Management in the Hankamer School of Business at Baylor University.
Benjamin Franklin Thomas Edison Business Education Foundation Business Simulation Greatest Entrepreneurs and Businesspeople in American History
Carl Rollyson
Professor of Journalism · Baruch College, The City University of New York
Professor of Journalism at Baruch College, The City University of New York
Marketing Quality Work
Kelly Shannon, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Executive Director, Center for Peace, Justice, & Human Rights (PJHR) · Florida Atlantic University
Kelly Shannon, Ph.D., specializes in the history of U.S. foreign relations with the Islamic world and women's human rights.
Diplomatic History Women's Rights Modern Islamic World 20th Century U.S. U.S. Foreign Relations
Kristal Brent Zook
Professor of Journalism, Media Studies, and Public Relations · Hofstra University
Author and award-winning journalist whose work on race, women, culture and social justice has appeared in dozens of media outlets.
Journalism Media Analysis Social Justice Issues Politics Race and Gender Relations
S.L. (Sid) Stebel
Emeritus Lecturer, MPW Program · University of Southern California
Lecturer/Grp Workshop Leader to "Finding Your Secret Story" based on his critically acclaimed writing book, "Double Your Creattive Power!',
Finding Your Secret Story How to Write an Autobiography Differences & Similarities Between Prose & Theatrical (Film) Writing Breaking Into Film Biz-Choosing the Right Path Subconscious Writing Process
Dr. Jackie Eldridge
Co-Founder Hearts and Minds Matter and Teacher Educator · Hearts and Minds Matter and Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
Expertise in building safe, nurturing inclusive classrooms for all children through trauma-informed teaching and effective pedagogy.
Trauma-Informed Schools Presonality Dimensions Emotional Intelligence in School Leadership Teaching & Parenting
John Robinson
President, CEO and · Our Ability
CEO, Our Ability, Inc.
Advocacy Media Production Video Production
Linh Hua
Senior Instructor of Core and Rhetorical Arts · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
John Amatt
President · One Step Beyond Worldwide
Everest motivational speaker, author and global adventurer, who has addressed corporate and professional audiences in 48 countries worldwide
No Mountain Too High: Challenging Change With the Adventure Attitude Meeting the Challenge of Change Everest Adventure Motivation
Simon Tam
Author | Musician | Activist · The Slants Foundation
13-time TEDx speaker & performer, and storyteller who focuses on anti-Asian racism. Founder/bassist of The Slants and The Slants Foundation.
Racism in American Music Anti-Asian Racism Marketing Strategy Transparency Civil Rights
Jagdish N. Sheth
Charles H. Kellstadt Chaired Professor of Business · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Globally known for his scholarly contributions in consumer psychology, competitive strategy, and geopolitical analysis
Consumer Psychology Global Competitive Strategy Marketing Theory Geopolitical Analysis Emerging Markets