RJ Nowling, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Nowling is passionate about CS education and collaborating with students in research at the interface of computer science and biology.

Computer Science Machine Learning Data Science Genomics Data Structures and Algorithms

Melanie Gainey

STEM Librarian · Carnegie Mellon University

Melanie Gainey is a trained neuroscientist and spent over 10 years studying the plasticity of neural circuits in sensory cortex.

Bioinformatics Library & Information Science Neuroscience Open Science Biology

Preetam Ghosh, Ph.D.

Interim Chair and Professor, Department of Computer Science · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Ghosh researches complex networks and systems biology, using modeling and simulation, applied-AI and network science.

AI Wireless Networking and Mobile Computing Systems Biology Stochastic modeling and discrete event simulation Mobile ubiquitous and grid computing

Arjun Krishnan

Assistant Professor · Michigan State University

Arjun Krishnan develops and applies computational data-driven approaches to unravel how our genome relates to health and disease.

Precision Medicine Big Data Genome-wide molecular networks Computational Biology Machine Learning

Kiley Graim

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Kiley Graim develops and applies computational approaches to genomic data to understand disease and biological systems.

Artifical Intelligence Genomics Bioinformatics Precision Medicine

William Hahn, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · Florida Atlantic University

William Hahn researches neural networks and deep learning.

Neural Networks Deep Learning Medical Imaging

Jinying Zhao

Deans Endowed Chair/Professor/Director/M.D. · University of Florida

Dr. Jinying Zhao’s interests lie in the fields of genetic epidemiology, statistical genetics and bioinformatics for human complex diseases

epigenomics Bioinformatics for human complex diseases Genetic Epidemiology Epidemiology Statistical Genetics

Taghi Khoshgoftaar, Ph.D.

Motorola Professor · Florida Atlantic University

Taghi Khoshgoftaar researches computer security and intrusion detection systems.

Computer Security and Intrusion Detection Systems Software Engineering Machine Learning Data Mining Big Data Analytics

Jim Davies

Associate Professor · Carleton University

Associate Professor at Carleton University

Computer Science Latex Research Cognitive Science Artificial Intelligence

Henry J. Donahue, Ph.D.

Alice T. and William H. Goodwin, Jr. Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering; BS, San Diego State University; Ph.D. UC Santa Barbara · VCU College of Engineering

Bone, mechanobiology, regenerative medicine, effects of space travel on bone and muscle, gap junctions, osteoblast, osteocyte, osteoclast

Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering Musculoskeletal Mechanobiology Space Biology and Bioengineering

Glenn Morris

Professor · University of Florida

Dr. Glenn Morris’ initiatives include work with Covid-19 epidemiology, zika, and cholera.

Diarrheal Disease Zika Foodborne Illness Incidence Cholera Food Safety

Russell Schwartz

Professor and Department Head · Carnegie Mellon University

Russell Schwartz works in computational biology and the use of algorithms, AI, machine learning, and simulation in biomedical science.

Cancer Biology Biophysics Population Genetics Computational Genomics Machine Learning

Meera Sitharam

Professor · University of Florida

Meera Sitharam's expertise is in computational geometry with research in algorithms, bioinformatics and machine learning.

Artificial Intelligence Combinatorial and Geometric Rigidity Discrete Geometry Softmatter and Microstructure Mathematical and Computational Modeling

Donald Lee

Associate Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Healthcare Operations Medical outcomes evaluation Statistical machine learning Causal Inference

Dr Felipe Campelo

Senior Lecturer, Computer Science · Aston University

Dr Campelo works in data science. He creates solution pipelines integrating data mining, optimisation and multicriteria decision support.

Optimisation Computational Intelligence Data Mining Data Science

Yutao Liu, MD, PhD

Associate Professor · Augusta University

Dr. Liu is a human molecular geneticist in glaucoma and keratoconus.

DNA Copy Number Analysis Animal Modeling Functional Genomics Human Molecular Genetics Next Generation Sequencing