Susan Jones
Professor I Entomology · The Ohio State University
Dr. Susan Catherine Jones is a specialist on bed bugs and termites
Entomology Bed Bugs
Maria Pizzano
Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University
Maria Pizzano is a Postdoctoral Researcher at UCLA Center for Autism Research and Treatment and a Lecturer at Loyola Marymount University.
Autism Research and Treatment Psychology Human Development Molecular and Cell Biology
Dawn Bowdish
Associate Professor, Pathology and Molecular Medicine · McMaster University
Understanding why changes in immunity that occur with age and how this predisposes us to infection and chronic inflammatory diseases.
Immunology Microbiome Immunosenescence Aging Immune System Pneumonia
Jon Smith
Professor of Communication · Southern Utah University
Specializing in public land issues, television news, and documentary film production
Communication Professional Communication in Mass Media Digital Photojournalism Documentary Film Making Television News
Jonathan S. Dordick
Institute Professor, Departments of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Biological Sciences · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Applies biological principles to advance bioengineering and biomanufacturing, stem cell engineering, and drug discovery
Drug Discovery Biomanufacturing Biochemical Engineering Biochemistry Chemistry
Samantha Chapman, PhD
Professor of Biology | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Samantha Chapman, PhD is an Associate Professor with expertise in global change in coastal ecosystems and invasive plant species.
Coastal Ecosystems Wetlands Biodiversity Loss Climate change effects on coastal wetlands Invasive Species
Hovik Gasparyan
Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Biology Research
Kerrie Sendall
Assistant Professor · Georgia Southern University
Professor Sendall focuses on the effects of global climate change on plant traits such as photosynthetic rates, growth, and survival
Invasive Species Biodiversity Climate Change Biology Biology of Plants
Syed A. Hashsham
Professor · Michigan State University
I am an environmental engineer engaged in addressing environmental and health issues using molecular biology, genomics, and microfluidics.
Bioremediation Antimicrobial Resistance Microbial Ecology Environmental Biotechnology Molecular Biology
Paulina Hill
Principal · Omega Funds
Paulina Hill is a healthcare investor who has expertise in biotechnology, molecular biology, cell culture and entrepreneurship.
Venture Capital Chemistry Technology Transfer Biochemistry Lifesciences
Curt Breneman
Dean of the School of Science; Professor; Director, Rensselaer Exploratory Center for Cheminformatics Research (RECCR) · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Specializes in the development of new molecular property descriptors and machine learning methods for physical and biochemical problems
Science Machine Learning Methods Chemical Biology Physical Organic and Computational Chemistry Chemistry
Michele Guidone
Assistant Professor · Georgia Southern University
Dr. Guidone investigates the ecological impacts of human alterations to marine and freshwater environments
Ecology Invasive Species Marine Algae Biology Pollution
Juan Perilla
Assistant Professor · University of Delaware
Juan Perilla develops physical and chemical based methodologies for the understanding of biological process related to life and disease
Computational Physics Computational Chemistry Data Science Machine Learning Molecular Virology
Jeremy Crenshaw
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology and Applied Physiology · University of Delaware
Prof. Crenshaw's research focuses on interventions to reduce the incidence of falls and lessen the severity of fall-related injuries.
Fall-related Injuries Falls Balance Biomechanics Value of Exercise
John Schenk
Assistant Professor · Georgia Southern University
Professor Schenk specializes in plant systems in order to understand the evolutionary processes of how and why species diversify
Plants Biology Systematic Biology
Jianjun Sun, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology and Neurobiology · University of Connecticut
Jianjun Sun, Ph.D. is an expert in reproduction biology and contraceptives.
Ovarian Cancer Contraception Reproductive Biology Reproductive Physiology
Helena Mistry
Director of Business Development · Imeka
Helena Mistry is a business development professional with experience in molecular biology, cancer research, and biochemistry.
Biotechnology Scientific Writing Cancer Research Business Development Molecular Biology
Gavin Naylor
Director · University of Florida
Gavin Naylor studies the diversity of the world's sharks and their biology, movement, genetics and evolution.
Sharks Shark Evolution Shark Biology Shark Attack Files
Rhoel Dinglasan
Professor · University of Florida
Rhoel Dinglasan is an expert in vector-borne diseases, malaria, arbovirus, mosquito/tick biology, and OMICS analytical platforms.
OMICS Analytical Platforms Arbovirus Vector-Borne Diseases Systems Biology Malaria
Kathryn Mouzakis
Associate Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences Programmed Ribosomal Frameshifting Nucleic Acids Biochemistry Structual Biology HTLV-1