Chengguo Xing

Professor/Associate Chair · University of Florida

Chengguo Xing's research has the long-term goal of developing solutions towards effectively managing human diseases.

Tobacco Use and Cessation Lung Cancer Risk Kava Lung Cancer Prevention

Jennifer Zettler

Professor · Georgia Southern University

Dr. Zettler investigates the ecological effects of red imported fire ants on native invertebrates and plants

Invasive Species Entomology Zoology Ecology

Bob Cousins

Eminent Scholar/Director · University of Florida

Bob Cousins’ research focuses on understanding the nutritional significance of zinc and how it acts as a signaling molecule.

Food Science & Human Nutrition Micronutrients Vitamins Zinc

Emma Zhang

Goizueta Foundation Term Associate Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Sarah Applebaum

Director of Pangaea Spark · Pangaea Ventures

Investing in early stage materials, chemistry, and biology technology companies.

Seed-stage investing Startups Cleantech Hard-tech Investing Venture Capital

Chunyu Wang

Professor, Biological Sciences · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Applying nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to study Alzheimer's and other diseases.

Oncology Biochemistry Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Biomedical imaging Alzheimer's Disease

Heather Walden

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Heather Walden works with zoonotic and non-zoonotic parasites of exotic and domestic hosts focusing on classical and molecular parasitology.

Diagnostic Parasitology Invasive Parasites Parasitology Rat Lungworm Reptile Parasites

Irene Kan, PhD

Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Irene Kan, PhD, investigates the neural bases of human memory and executive functions, as well as the effects of healthy aging on memory.

Neuropsychology Cognitive Neuroscience Memory and Cognition Cognitive Neuropsychology Neuroscience

Jorge Sefair

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Jorge Sefair develops theory and algorithms to solve optimization problems in environmental planning, public policy, and service systems.

Adversarial Games Network Optimization Mathematical Programming Operations Research Combinatorial Optimization

Faisal Shaikh, Ph.D.

Professor, Program Director · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Faisal Shaikh's areas of expertise include chemical engineering, biotechnology and microfluidics (lab on a chip).

Reaction Engineering Materials Science Biomolecular Engineering Chemical Engineering Characterization

G Philip (Phil) Robertson

University Distinguished Professor · Michigan State University

Agriculture and climate change (particularly mitigation strategies), bioenergy sustainability, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Soil Carbon Dynamics Climate Change Mitigation Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Agriculture Climate change and agriculture Bioenergy Sustainability

Dr Amreen Bashir

Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences · Aston University

Dr Bashir's research interests include clinical microbiology and environmental microbiology.

Clinical Microbiology Antimicrobial Resistance Bacteria Found in Food Make Up Products Food and Water Microbiology

Kate Detwiler, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Anthropology · Florida Atlantic University

Kate Detwiler's research focus is on the evolution and conservation of African forest monkeys.

Anthropology Conservation of African Monkeys Molecular Primatology Primate Hybridization Primate Speciation

Kevin Rose

Frederic R. Kolleck ’52 Career Development Chair in Freshwater Ecology · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Computational modeling of links between freshwater ecology and carbon cycling

Climate Change Aquatic Ecology Carbon Cycling Freshwater Ecosystems Biogeochemistry

Shilpa Kauta, M.D.

Director for the ChristianaCare Sleep Wellness Center · ChristianaCare

Dr. Shilpa Kauta currently serves as the Medical Director for the ChristianaCare Sleep Wellness Center.

Sleep Medicine

Charles "Billy" Gunnels, Ph.D.

Expert in animal behavior and urban ecology · Florida Gulf Coast University

Billy Gunnels examines the interaction between humans and animals.

Animal Behavior Urban Ecology Wildlife Ecology Biological Stats Wasps

Dr. Sima Salahshor

Adjunct Professor · University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine

Health Innovation Advisory and Program Design & Management

Oncology and Cancer Research Psychedelic Medicine Medical Genetics Business Development & Partnerships Program Implementation

Douglas M. Brugge, Ph.D., M.S.

Professor and Chair, Department of Public Health Sciences · University of Connecticut

Professor Brugge is an expert in occupational and environmental health.

Health Communication Asthma Wildfires Air Quality Environmental Health

Calogero Dolce

Professor/Chair · University of Florida

Calogero Dolce's research interests are in the biology of tooth movement and the treatment of class II malocclusion.

Dental Education Tooth Movement Invisalign Orthodontics Braces

David Christensen

Professor of Accounting · Southern Utah University

Specializing in earned value project management, the history of accounting principles, and the profitability analysis of accounting

Cost & Management Accounting Accounting Accounting Ethics Accounting; Ethics Scandals and Moral Exemplars Accounting; Profitabilty Analysis