Professor Viren Swami
Professor of Social Psychology · Anglia Ruskin University
His research focuses on the psychology of body image, human appearance, and attraction in relationships.
Impact of Nature on Healthy Living Tattoos Body Image Psychology of Attraction Relationships
Gary Elkins, Ph.D., ABPP
Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience (Core Clinical Faculty) · Baylor University
Dr. Gary Elkins' areas of specialization are clinical psychology, health psychology, and hypnotherapy.
Clinical Psychology Health Psychology Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy for Hot Flashes Breast Cancer Survivors
Carol Whitaker
Media Expert, Author, Motivatinal Speaker, Happiness Expert, Lifestyle Fitness & Life Coach, Mentor · Carol Whitaker, LLC
Experienced, passionate and enthusiastic Motivational Speaker that ignites desire for change.
Empowerment Spirituality Body Mind & Spirit Motivation
Douglas Scharre
Professor of Clinical Neurology and Psychiatry | College of Medicine · The Ohio State University
Dr. Scharre specializes in cognitive disorders and dementias, including Alzheimer's disease
Neurology Neurobehavioral Manifestations Lewy Body Disease Dementia, Multi-Infarct Amnesia, Transient Global
Jaehee Jung
Professor, Fashion and Apparel Studies · University of Delaware
Prof. Jung examines the psychology of clothing and consumer behavior across cultures.
Consumer Behavior Beauty Standards Fashion Studies Fashion Luxury Brands
Pamela Gilbert
Professor · University of Florida
Pamela Gilbert’s current work focuses on the history of the body, medicine and literature in the 19th century.
British Literature Victorian Literature Medical Humanities
Martha Belury
Professor, Human Sciences | College of Education and Human Ecology · The Ohio State University
Professor Belury conducts biological and nutritional research into how diet and lifestyle alter obesity, diabetes and metabolic disorders
Nutrition Nutrition & Disease Prevention Nutrition & Lifestyle Changes Nutrition & Wellness Nutrition (Eating Emotionally)
Dave Hubbard
Founder · America's Fitness Coach®
Entertaining and unforgettable presentations that inspire audiences to improve the quality of their life!
How to Better Manage Your Body
Robin R. Wang
Professor of Philosophy · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Chinese Philosophy Comparative Philosophy Ethics
Mindy Erchull
Professor of Psychological Science · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Erchull focuses on feminist issues.
Feminism Psychology of Women Objectification and Sexualization of Women Body Image Menstruation
Theresa M. Winge
Associate Professor of Fashion Design and Theory · Michigan State University
An expert on fashion and dress, Theresa M. Winge focuses her research on the construction of identity within visual and material cultures.
Material Culture Steampunk Subculture Culture Fashion
Matt Weeg
Associate Professor of Biology · Southern Utah University
Specializing in neuroethology, brain behavior, and neuroscience
Cognitive Neuroscience Human Pathophysiology Fish Audiology Communication & Behaviour Audition
Carla Marcantonio
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of Film, Television, and Media Studies · Loyola Marymount University
School of Film and Television
Transnational/Global Cinema Film Melodrama and Genre Studies Film Theory and History Cinema and Biopolitics
Rachael Seidler
Professor · University of Florida
Rachael Seidler researches the neural control of movement in health and disease, with a specific focus on motor learning.
Space Parkinson's Cognitive Ageing Neuroscience and the Brain Neuroplasticity
Jay Yoo, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Apparel Merchandising · Baylor University
Fashion merchandising and apparel expert specializing in appearance-related behaviors and individual social well-being.
Green Consumption Body-Tanning Behaviors Apparel and Consumer Behavior Fashion Merchandising Appearance-Related Behaviors
Ilia Delio, OSF, PhD
Josephine C. Connelly Endowed Chair in Theology| College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Sister Ilia Delio, OSF, PhD, works to find a new unity and synthesis in science and religion.
Theology Neuroscience Artificial Intelligence and Becoming Culture and Religion Catholicity
Scott Munro
Department Chair, Professor of Engineering · Southern Utah University
Specializing in aerocoustics flow sound interaction and induced vibrations, propagation, and aerospace technologies
Thermocouples Hot-wire Anemometers Compressible Flow Viscous Flow Vibration Measurements and Instrumentation
Sarah Hill
Professor, Psychology · Texas Christian University
Dr. Hill specializes in research on women's sexual psychology, sex hormones, and the birth control pill.
The Birth Control Pill Mind-Body Interactions Menstrual Cycle Interpersonal Relationships Sex Hormones
Radhika Rao
Professor of Law, Harry & Lillian Hastings Research Chair · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: / 415-565-4650 / Office 340-200
Biolaw Constitutional Law Comparative Constitutional Law Property Law Abortion
C. Michael White, Pharm.D., FCP, FCCP
Head and Distinguished Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice · University of Connecticut
Dr. White’s research interests are in drug, dietary supplement, and illicit drug safety, quality, and cost
Diet CBD Drug Costs Dietary Supplements Cardiovascular Drugs