Scott Wallace
Associate Professor of Journalism · University of Connecticut
Scott Wallace is a bestselling author, photojournalist and educator who covers the environment and vanishing cultures worldwide.
Central America Amazon Rainforest Brazil Indigenous Cultures Uncontacted Tribes
Patrick Jung, Ph.D.
Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Patrick Jung's areas of focus include American history, German art history, and anthropology.
American History German Art History Cultural Anthropology American Indian History
Naomi Roht-Arriaza
Distinguished Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: / 415-565-4629 / Office 320-200
Transitional/Post-Conflict Justice International Human Rights International Humanitarian Law International Criminal Law Rule of Law
Norman Beatty
M.D./Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Dr. Norman Beatty studies neglected tropical diseases, such as Chagas disease, Leishmaniasis, cysticercosis and snake envenomation.
Borreliosis Ehrlichiosis Tick-borne Diseases Snake Envenomation Leishmaniasis
Heather Walden
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Heather Walden works with zoonotic and non-zoonotic parasites of exotic and domestic hosts focusing on classical and molecular parasitology.
Diagnostic Parasitology Invasive Parasites Parasitology Rat Lungworm Reptile Parasites
Jonathan Hiskey
Associate Chair of Political Science · Vanderbilt University
Expert on Latin American politics and Latin American migration.
Honduras Guatemala Migration Crime in Latin America Immigration
Laura Briggs
Professor of Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Laura Briggs is an expert on U.S. and international reproductive politics, child welfare policy and transnational and transracial adoption.
Transnational Adoption Reproduction Politics Adoption Child Separation
Norbert Ross
Associate Professor of Anthropology · Vanderbilt University
Expert in child centered anthropology, including children and violence.
Central America Culture and Cognition Children and Violence Child Anthropology Theatre and Social Science
Sheng Lu
Professor, Fashion and Apparel Studies · University of Delaware
Prof. Lu's research focuses on the economic and business aspects of the global textile and apparel industry.
Textile and Apparel Industries International Trade Sustainability Issues Trade Policy Fashion and Apparel
Kim Anderson
Associate Professor, Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition · University of Guelph
Associate Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies
Oral history and Indigenous knowledge translation Community-based Indigenous research Indigenous Masculinities Indigenous feminism Gender and Indigenous peoples
T.S. Harvey
Associate Professor of Anthropology · Vanderbilt University
Expert in cross-cultural doctor-patient interactions, public health communications, disaster relief and crisis management.
North America Medical Anthropology Sanitation Environmental Protection Global Public Health
Heather Chiero, PhD
Associate Professor of History, Anthropology and Philosophy · Augusta University
Dr. Chiero is a leading scholar in Latin American & U.S. Western history and the Spanish colonial periphery of the Caribbean Basin.
Material Culture Social History Underrepresented Populations Central America Latin America
Karen Musalo
Professor of Law, International Law Professorship Chair and Director of the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: / 415-565-4720 / Office 403-100
Refugee Law and Policy Gender Asylum Women's Rights Child Migrant's Rights Gender Justice / Central America
Lillian Guerra
Professor · University of Florida
Lillian Guerra is an expert on Cuban and Caribbean history.
Latino Culture & Politics in the U.S. Caribbean History Latin American Studies Caribbean Diasporas and Caribbean History Central American and Caribbean Immigration
Laura Doering
Assistant Professor of Strategic Management · Rotman School of Management
Laura Doering's research examines how micro-level decisions and circumstances affect economic outcomes in developing countries
Qualitative Analytics Qualitative Research Data Analysis Statistic Econometrics
Daniel Reichman
Associate Professor · University of Rochester
Expert on the cultural responses to economic change, especially the anthropology of trade and globalization in Latin America
Latin American Development Trade and Globalization in Latin America Latin America Politics Latin American Immigration Cultural Anthropology
Molly Land, J.D.
Catherine Roraback Professor of Law and Human Rights; Associate Director, Human Rights Institute · University of Connecticut
Molly Land specializes in human rights and technology.
Digital Rights Intellectual Property Law Technology and the Law Human Rights International Law
Brenda Elsey
Professor of History · Hofstra University
Specialist in Popular Culture and Politics, as well as Gender and Sports, in Twentieth Century Latin America.
Latin American Culture Latin American Politics Sports in Latin America Gender Studies
Heather Vrana
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Heather Vrana's research explores student and social movements, Central America, disability and history of medicine and nationalisms.
Youth and Childhood Social and Student Movements Latin American Studies Disability
Daniel Berkal
Partner; SVP Innovation · The Palmerston Group
Award winning Ethnographer. Global Speaker. Enveloped in the Cultural Zeitgeist.
Social Media Ethnography Popular Culture Trends Market Research