Ashley English
Assistant Professor · Texas Christian University
Ashley English is an expert in contributions and community engagement strategies of faith-based organizations.
Megachurch Involvement in Economic Development Community Engagement Strategies Faith-Based Organizations
Tristan Tayag
Professor · Texas Christian University
Professor Tayag focuses on biotechnology optical metrology, digital signal and image processing, and computed tomography
Fluorescene Microscopy Digital Signal and Image Processing Biotechnology Optical Metrology Computed Tomography
Zack Hawley
Associate Professor · Texas Christian University
Zack Hawley studies urban economics, including discrimination in housing markets and what motivates organ donors.
Organ Donation Why African-Americans Face Discrimination when Seeking Information about Home Loans from Mortgage Loan Originators at Early Stages of the Application Process Public Finance Housing Investigation of How Financial Incentives Influence a Person's Decision on Whether or Not to Become an Organ Donor
Kristen Christian
Speaker & Consultant · Bank Transfer Day
Speaker, Consultant & Advocate
Millennial Generation Social Media Digital Branding
Christian DE NEEF
Owner · Fast Track
The box is dead... long live the box! (or how constraints favor creativity and innovation)
Janie Robinson
Associate Professor · Texas Christian University
Dr. Robinson's interest include kidney disease, chronic illnesses, and health disparities in African Americans
Health Disparities in African Americans Kidney Disease in African Americans Chronic Illnesses in African Americans
Emily Lund
Associate Professor of Speech-Langauge Pathology | Associate Dean for Research, Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences · Texas Christian University
Dr. Lund's research focuses on language and literacy in children with hearing aids and cochlear implants.
Aural Rehabilitation Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders Early Intervention with Children with Hearing Loss Spoken and Written Word Learning in Children with Hearing Loss from Monolingual and Bilingual Homes Emergent Literacy Skills of Children with Hearing Loss
Gina Jarman Hill
Professor & Department Chair · Texas Christian University
Dr. Hill's interests include food security, sustainability, urban agriculture and community nutrition education.
Urban Agriculture Food Waste Hunger Food Security Sustainability
Germán Gutiérrez
Professor of Orchestral Studies · Texas Christian University
Germán Augusto Gutiérrez serves as director of TCU’s Latin American Music Center and biennial Latin American Music Festival since 1996.
Music Education to Prevent Kids from Joining Gangs in Columbia Latin American Music Symphony Orchestras
Johnny Nhan
Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Professor · Texas Christian University
Nhan's research focuses primarily on technology and policing - cyber security, police culture and collaborative security networks.
Police Culture Policing Race and Crime Cybercrime White Collar Crime
Efstathios Michaelides
W.A. "Tex" Moncrief, Jr. Founding Chair of Engineering · Texas Christian University
Professor Michaelides focuses on lifetime of fossil fuel resources, alternative energy, geothermal energy and nanofluids.
Multiphase Flow Nanofluids Alternative Energy Fossil Fuels Geothermal Energy
Ant Hodges
Managing Director · HodgesNet
Online Marketing, Internet Marketing and Marketing Speaker - Wine lover and Christian
Social Media Online Marketing Internet Marketing Search Engine Optimisation Email Marketing
Angela Showers
Christian Life Empowerment Specialist · Breath of Life Coaching & Wellness Center
Empowering You to Break Through
No Limits No Excuses Unleashing Your Full Potential Women of Worth Creating Consistent Cash Flow A Write to Heal
Dustin Hahn
Associate Professor · Texas Christian University
Dr. Hahn's research examines the presence and use of production elements (such as statistics) in sports media and their effects on fans.
Sports Fanship Statistics in Media Sports Media Sport and Social Media
Taryn Allen
Associate Professor · Texas Christian University
Taryn Allen researches the educational experiences of traditionally under-represented students, particularly Latino, in higher education.
Qualitative Research Methods Inclusion in Higher Education Diversity in Higher Education Equity in Higher Education Higher Education Leadership
Michelle Bauml
Associate Professor and Clotilda Winter Professor of Education · Texas Christian University
Dr. Bauml focuses on early childhood/elementary teacher education and teacher decision-making, civic education, and social studies.
Qualitative Research Methods Teacher Knowledge and Beliefs iEngage - Civics Education Teacher Decision-Making Elementary Social Studies Education
Rebecca Dority
Associate Professor of Professional Practice and Didactic Program in Dietetics Director · Texas Christian University
Rebecca Dority expertise lies in food science, human nutrition, diabetes and clinical dietetics.
Public Health Diabetes
Michael Chumley
Professor · Texas Christian University
Research focus has been on the role of inflammation in neurodegenerative diseases.
Modifiable Risk Factors Developmental Neurobiology Inflammation Neurodegenerative Diseases Exercise Physiology
Shauna McGillivray
Professor & Associate Department Chair · Texas Christian University
Biology expert, focusing on genetic methods of fighting disease
Antibiotic Resistance Microbiology Intersections of Genetics and Disease Bacterial Virulence in Genes Bacterial Pathogenesis
Rhiannon Mayne
Oscar and Juanita Monnig Endowed Chair of Meteoritics and Planetary Science · Texas Christian University
Museum curator and researcher specializing in the study of meteorites and planetary science, as well as education and public outreach.
Planets Meteors Astroids