Catherine Murray

Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs and Enrolment Management, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences · Simon Fraser University

Dr. Murray is a professor in Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies and member of the Centre for Policy Studies on Culture and Communities.

Communication Rights and Global Trade Broadcast Policy Cultural Infrastructure and Creative Cities Cultural Participation Cultural Practices

Dr Jo Barnes

Senior Research Fellow in Air Quality · UWE Bristol

Her research is in policy, management and behaviour change related to improving air quality.

Low Emissions Smog Air Quality Pollution Traffic Pollution

Laura Doering

Assistant Professor of Strategic Management · Rotman School of Management

Laura Doering's research examines how micro-level decisions and circumstances affect economic outcomes in developing countries

Qualitative Analytics Qualitative Research Data Analysis Statistic Econometrics

Sherry Pagoto, Ph.D.

Professor of Allied Health Sciences · University of Connecticut

Leveraging technology for health promotion and disease prevention

Health Behavior Sun Safety Skin Cancer Prevention Digital Health Social Media

Robert Taylor, Ph.D.

Dean | College of Psychology and Liberal Arts · Florida Tech

Dr. Taylor's research focuses on 19th- and 20th-century America, the American South, U.S. military history, and 20th-century Europe.

History of the Space Age Florida's Governors D-Day American Military Leadership Civil War

Steve Metraux

Associate Professor, Biden School of Public Policy and Administration; Director Center for Community Research & Service · University of Delaware

Prof. Metraux has over two decades of experience with research and policy work on homelessness, affordable housing and eviction.

Homelessness Housing Affordabiilty Veteran Homelessness Affordable Housing Eviction

Miriam Liss

Professor of Psychology · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Liss is internationally known expert on parenting and work-family balance issues.

Mindfulness Work-Life Balance Feminism Parenting Social Media

David Mushatt

Associate Professor of Medicine|Chief, Tulane Adult Infectious Diseases Section · Tulane University

Dr. Mushatt’s main research interest is HIV clinical trials. He also heads the Adult Infectious Diseases Section at the School of Medicine.

Coronavirus HIV Clinical Trials Adult Infectious Diseases COVID-19

Sudip Bhattacharjee, Ph.D.

Professor, University of Connecticut; Senior Research Fellow, US Census Bureau · University of Connecticut

Extensive research consulting experience with Fortune 100 and US govt on “Big Data” driven decision making in IT and operations.

Energy INformatics Operations Research Information Systems Economics Machine Learning Big Data

Jianguo Liu

University Distinguished Professor in Fisheries and Wildlife · Michigan State University

An expert in conservation ecology and the human impact on the environment and on endangered species

Sustainability Fisheries and Wildlife Biodiversity

Ronald Schurin, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus · University of Connecticut

Expert in the politics of presidential campaigns

American Politics and Elections Connecticut Politics Electoral Politics American Politics Education Policy

Margarita R. Ochoa

Associate Professor and Associate Chair of History · Loyola Marymount University

Department of History, Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Colonial Latin American History Women, Family, and the Law in Colonial Latin America Race, racial mixture, racial classifications in colonial Latin America Aztec Empire (aka Mexicas; aka Triple Alliance) Law and Legal Culture

Will Mackintosh

Associate Professor of History and American Studies · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Mackintosh is an expert in early American history, nineteenth century history, & the history of tourism.

Cultural History of Capitalism History of Travel and Tourism Nineteenth Century History Early American History Cultural and Intellectual History

Thomas Smith

Professor in the Practice of Finance; Academic Director, Master of Finance · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Cultural Economics Economics of the Arts Economics of Sports Economics of Religion Urban and Real Estate Economics

Joseph Grodin

Emeritus Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4654 / Office 626-200

Constitutional Law Labor Law Employment Discrimination Law

Deborah Cullinan

Chief Executive Officer · YBCA

Deborah is a leading advocate on the pivotal role artists & cultural organizations play in shaping our social & political landscape.

Nonprofit Management Civic Engagement COVID Recovery Unemployment Philanthropy

John Sabo

Director · Tulane ByWater Institute; Professor, Department of River-Coastal Science and Engineering, Tulane University

Sabo is an expert in river ecology and water resources.

River Food Web Ecology Fisheries Freshwater Sustainability River ecology

Martha Kohen

Professor/Director · University of Florida

Martha Kohen is an expert in sustainability in built environment resilience, smart buildings/cities and sustainable architecture and design.

Latin American Studies Storm Preparation Coastal Erosion Urban Design Sea Level Rise

Raheem Beyah

VP Interdisciplinary Research, professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Raheem Beyah is an expert in the intersection of the networking and security fields.

Energy Grid Security Network Security Cyber-physical systems security Privacy Network Monitoring and Performance

Stephanie Bangarth

Associate Professor, Department of History · King's University College, University of Western Ontario

Activist Academic. Dedicated Volunteer. Avid Outdoorswoman.

Human Rights Immigration Asian Immigration Immigration Policy Social Movements