Stephen Schwarz

Emeritus Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4681 / Office 624-200

Taxation Law Nonprofit Organizations Estate Planning Federal Income Taxation Taxation of Corporations and Partnerships

Kara Dixon Vuic

LCpl. Benjamin W. Schmidt Professor of War, Conflict, and Society in 20th-Century America · Texas Christian University

Prof. Vuic writes about women, gender, and the US military.

War, Gender and the U.S. Military 20th Century United States Social, Cultural, and Gender History World Wars Women and the Military War and Society

Radley Balko

Investigative Journalist · The Washington Post

Senior writer for the Washington Post, where I do investigative reporting on civil liberties and the criminal justice system

Law Enforcement Police Civil Liberties Crime Prosecutorial Misconduct

Frank Costigliola, D.Phil.

Distinguished Professor, Department of History · University of Connecticut

Distinguished Professor specializing in modern history, United States foreign relations, and the United States in the 20th century.

Modern History American History Twentieth Century History U.S. Foreign Relations History

Manisha Sinha, Ph.D.

Draper Chair in American History · University of Connecticut

Dr. Sinha is an expert in Civil War and Reconstruction

Feminism Abolition Slavery

Philip Podsakoff

Chair/Clinical Professor · University of Florida

Philip Podsakoff is an expert in leadership and organizational behavior.

Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational Citizenship Behavior Relationships between Employee Attitudes and Behaviors Leadership Behavior and Effectiveness Social Power and Influence Processes Organizational Research Methods

Ethan Segal

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Japanese history, politics, foreign relations, society, social issues, earthquakes & tsunami, food, film and pop culture, women and gender.

Japan Constitution Ancient History (Japan) Tsunami Earthquakes Japanese History East Asia

Dan McCole

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

An expert on tourism, wine tourism, and social entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneruship Wine Tourism Tourism Sustainable Tourism Social Enterprise

Walter Signorelli

Attorney/Adjunct Professor · Author

Author of four books related to law and police science

Steven M. Lepowsky, D.D.S.

Dean, School of Dental Medicine · University of Connecticut

Steven M. Lepowsky currently serves as the Dean of the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine

Dentistry Oral Surgery

Roberta Lexier

Associate Professor, Department of General Education · Mount Royal University

Activist and university professor with a teaching and research focus on social movements, social activism, and social change.

Social Movements Student Movements Feminism Women's Movements Indigenous Movements

Thomas Smith

Professor in the Practice of Finance; Academic Director, Master of Finance · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Cultural Economics Economics of the Arts Economics of Sports Economics of Religion Urban and Real Estate Economics

M.V. Lee Badgett

Professor Emeritx of Economics · University of Massachusetts Amherst

M. V. Lee Badgett is one of the world’s leading experts on the economics of same-sex marriage.

Economics of Sexual Orientation and Same-Sex Marriage Gay Marriage LGBT Inclusion Labor Economics Same-sex Couples

Marybeth Shinn

Cornelius Vanderbilt Chair, Department of Human and Organizational Development · Vanderbilt University

Expert in how to prevent and end homelessness

Affordable Housing Social Exclusion Homelessness Poverty

Edwin "Win" Everham, Ph.D.

Expert on hurricanes and other disturbances and their ecological impact · Florida Gulf Coast University

Edwin Everham is an expert in ecological modeling and restoration ecology.

Water Resources Urban Ecology Impacts of Climate Change Restoration Ecology Hurricane Impacts on Ecosystems

M. Jahi Johnson-Chappell

W. K. Kellogg Foundation Endowed Chair in Food, Society and Sustainability · Michigan State University

M. Jahi Johnson-Chappell is a political agroecologist with training in chemical engineering, ecology and evolutionary biology.

Sustainable Development Food Security Policy Anti-Hunger Efforts Sustainability Right to Food

John Covach

Professor of Music and Director of the Institute for Popular Music; Professor of Theory at Eastman School of Music · University of Rochester

John Covach is an expert on the history of popular and rock music, 12-tone music, and the philosophy and aesthetics of music.

Rock 'n' Roll Music and Culture Progressive Rock in the 1970s The Beatles Popular Music

Jonathan Doh, PhD

Senior Associate Dean for Research, Faculty Advancement and Global Engagement; Herbert G. Rammrath Endowed Chair in International Business; Professor, Management & Operations · Villanova University

Jonathan Doh, PhD, is an expert in international business, global leadership and corporate social responsibility.

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Cross-Cultural Management Latin America International Trade International Management

Jill Bronfman

Program Director of the Privacy and Technology Project at the Institute for Innovation Law and Adjunct Professor of Law in Data Privacy · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4758 / Office 112-200

Technology Law Innovation Law Data Privacy Data Security Intellectual Property Law

Michael A. Genovese

Professor of Political Science and International Relations, President of Global Policy Institute at LMU, Loyola Chair of Leadership Studies, Director of Institute for Leadership Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

American Politics The American Presidency Law and Presidential Power British Politics