Virginia Parks

Professor of Urban Planning and Public Policy · UC Irvine

Virginia Parks, PhD, is a geographer and urban planner specializing in the study of urban inequality.

Clean Energy Transition Urban Politics and Policy Racial Inequality Employment Local Economic Development

Dr Graeme Hayes

Reader in Sociology and Policy · Aston University

Dr Hayes focuses on environmental protest movements, climate change, direct action, civil disobedience & criminal trials of activists.

Social Transformation Disobedience Climate Change Contemporary Social Movements Direct Action

Anand Rao

Professor of Communication and Department Chair · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Rao specializes in communication and social media issues.

Debate Social Media Public Speaking Communication

Jack Downey

John Henry Newman Professor of Roman Catholic Studies, Professor of Religion and Classics · University of Rochester

Downey studies self-immolation as reistance, forms of protest, Roman Catholicism

Civil Disobedience Social Justice Christianity Roman Catholicism self-immolation

Timothy J. Shaffer

Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) Chair of Civil Discourse · University of Delaware

Prof. Shaffer studies the advancement of democratic practices by focusing on the role of civic professionals in institutional settings.

Civic Engagement Public Policy Civil Discourse Communication Deliberative Democracy

Nancy D. Campbell

Professor and Graduate Program Director, Science and Technology Studies (STS) · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Focuses on the history of science, technology, and medicine as it relates to drug policy and the social significance of drugs

Opioid Crisis Harm Reduction Opioid Overdose History of Science & Medicine Gender & Addiction

Anil Kapur

Managing Director · Global Infrastructure Advisory Services

Experienced, informative, and dynamic speaker who has extensive experience speaking at various multinational and US organizations worldwide

Globalization Global Strategy Corporate Strategy Global Financial Markets Infrastructure Financing