Felipa Chavez, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor | School of Psychology · Florida Tech
Dr. Chavez pursues a program of research reflecting issues of family dysfunction as seen through parent-child interactions.
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Comorbid Parental Psychopathology Family Dysfunction Psychology Child Psychopathology
Nicki Heskin
Clinical Assistant Professor · Loyola Marymount University
Clinical Assistant Professor of Production Management
Non-Profit Administration Arts Management Production Management Stage Management General Management (Theatrical)
Julia DeLancey
Professor of Art History · University of Mary Washington
Dr. DeLancey is an expert in the art history of early modern Italy, 15th & 16th century Italian painting, history of art in Venice & more
History of Disabilities Pigments Color Sellers Art History of Renaissance Italy Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-century Italian Painting
Linda Sayed
Assisstant Professor of Comparative Cultures and Politics · Michigan State University
Linda Sayed's research focuses on the politics of citizenship as it relates to marginalized communities.
Muslim Studies Muslim Mental Health European Jewish History Holocaust Studies Global Studies
Randall Craig
CEO · Pinetree Advisors Inc.
New thinking and insights on Thought Leadership, Becoming a Trusted Advisor, Digital Strategy, and Growth
Entrepeneurship Thought Leadership Social Media Strategy Networking Digital Strategy
Gareth James
John H. Harland Dean and Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Data is the sword of the 21st century, those who wield it well, the Samurai. -Jonathan Rosenberg, adviser to Larry Page & former Google SVP
Statistical Problems in Marketing Functional Data Analysis Statistical Methodology High Dimensional Regression