John Emberger, RRT-ACCS, FAARC, CPHQ
Director of Respiratory Care · ChristianaCare
John Emberger is the respiratory therapist and the critical care coordinator for ChristianaCare’s Respiratory Department.
Respiratory Care Critical Care Mechanical Ventilation
Deanne McCarthy
CEO · Swiftsure Innovations
Improving patient outcomes by preventing hospital acquired infections.
Hospital Acquired Infections Oral Care Healthcare Critical Care
Dr. Susan Huang
Professor and Director of Epidemiology and Infection Prevention, Department of Medicine, Division of Infection Diseases · UCI Health
Dr. Huang’s is one of the nation's leading experts on clinical epidemiology of highly antibiotic-resistant organisms.
MRSA Pandemics Epidemiology and Infection Prevention Infectious Diseases Antimicrobial Resistance
Shannon Wallet
Professor/Chair · University of Florida
Shannon Wallet focuses on mechanisms associated with altered innate immune functions which lead to dysregulated adaptive immunity.
Burn and Inhalation Injury Mechanisms Associated with Altered Immune Functions Oral Biology Periodontal diseases Pulmonary Mucosal Immunology
Azra Bihorac
Professor/M.D. · University of Florida
Dr. Azra Bihorac’s research focuses on a computing framework for developing and deploying AI and pervasive sensing techniques.
Data Science Machine Learning Intelligent Human-Centered Health Care Clinical Informatics Precision Medicine
Matthew Barrett, DO
Medical Director of Wilmington Hospital ICU · ChristianaCare
Dr. Matthew Barrett is the medical director of the Wilmington Hospital ICU at ChristianaCare.
Internal Medicine Critical Care Medicine Healthcare Information Technology
Dr Rachel Shaw
Reader, School of Psychology · Aston University
Dr Shaw studies the synthesis of diverse evidence and the use of different ways of knowing in healthcare practice.
Qualitative Research Health Psychology Methodology Dementia Body Dysmorphia
Jaime Cesar Giraldo Arango, M.D., FACS
Surgeon; Director of Chief Surgical Services; Trauma Medical Director, Wilmington Hospital · ChristianaCare
Dr, Giraldo Arango specializes in general surgery, critical care, trauma, laparoscopic and robotic surgery.
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy Colonoscopy Robotic Surgery
Jason Brooks
C.E.O., Consultant · Maven Consulting Group Inc.
Peak performance coach and strategist. Helping people create sustainable behavioural change to optimize performance and wellbeing
Performance Coaching Executive Coaching and Consulting Stress Management Stress Inoculation Training Visualization and Mental Rehearsal
Abbas Shahmohammadi
Assistant Professor/M.D. · University of Florida
Dr. Abbas Shahmohammadi specializes in pulmonary disease and critical care medicine.
Advanced Lung Failure ARDS COVID-19 ECMO/ECLS Lung Transplantation
Ian Driscoll
Director · University of Florida
Dr. Ian Driscoll specializes in the surgical and critical care of burns, traumatic injuries, and complex wounds.
Resuscitation Aeromedical Evacuation Sepsis Desquamative Diseases Skin Grafting
Kyle Hitchens, RRT-ACCS
Clinical Manager · ChristianaCare
Kyle Hitchens, RRT-ACCS, is a Clinical Manager for the ChristianaCare Respiratory Care Department at the Newark and Wilmington campuses.
Respiratory Care Services Critical Care Mechanical Ventilation Clinical Expert Management
Kelly Rossler, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor · Baylor University
Dissertation: Exploring Interprofessional Education through a High-Fidelity Human Patient Simulation Scenario: A Mixed Methods Study.
Immersive Virtual Reality-Based Experiential Learning Healthcare Nursing Nursing Education Critical Care
Shixie Jiang
Assistant Professor/M.D. · University of Florida
Shixie Jiang studies the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders in the acute medically ill, delirium diagnosis and management.
Depression in Medically Ill Delirium Psychosomatic Medicine Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Critical Care Psychiatry
Christopher Carroll
Director/M.D. · University of Florida
Dr. Christopher Carroll is an expert in digital communication, an active researcher, and has written international guidelines for children.
Medical Education Epidemiology of Critical Illness Pediatric Critical Care Pediatrics Respiratory Illness in Children
Stephan McDonald, MSN, RN
Vice President of Emergency Services · ChristianaCare
Stephan McDonald is the vice president of Emergency Services, Acute Care at ChristianaCare.
Forensic Nursing Critical Care Transport Prehospital Services Observation Care
David Woods
Professor, Integrated Systems Engineering | College of Engineering · The Ohio State University
Releasing the adaptive power of human systems & innovating at the intersections of people, technology and work
Critical Care Medicine Human Centered Autonomy Nuclear Power Safety Military Command and Control Space Operations
Katharina Busl
Professor/Chief · University of Florida
Dr. Katharina Busl is an expert in subarachnoid hemorrhages, acute brain injuries, acute spine injuries, and neurocritical care.
Critical Care Neurology Acute Brain Injury Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Michael Benninghoff, DO, MS
Section Chief for Medical Critical Care · ChristianaCare
Dr. Michael Benninghoff oversees one of the nation's leading and busiest hospital intensive care units.
Pulmonology Coronavirus treatment Critical Care Medicine Intensive Care Medicine
Mark D. Weinstein, M.S.
Executive Director of Public Relations · Cedarville University
Mark D. Weinstein has worked in higher education since 1988. He began his tenure at Cedarville University in 2010.
Public Affairs and Communications Organizational Leadership Higher Education Public Relations Marketing