Cynthia Barnett

Journalist in Residence/Director · University of Florida

Cynthia Barnett is an environmental journalist who writes about water and climate issues.

Florida Ecology Climate Change Environmental Journalism Sustainability

Jane Caputi, Ph.D.

Professor · Florida Atlantic University

Jane Caputi, Ph.D., is an expert in contemporary American cultural studies, including popular culture, gender and violence, and ecofeminism.

Feminism Gender and Violence Contemporary American Cultural Studies Popular Culture Ecofeminism

Isaac Record

Associate Teaching Professor of Philosophy of Science and Technology · Michigan State University

Isaac Record researches how technology affects what we know, especially online.

Mimi Ito

Professor in Residence Informatics · UC Irvine

Mizuko Ito is a cultural anthropologist of technology use, focusing on children and youth's changing relationships to media.

Media and Communications Anthropology Children/Video Games Technology

Jacqueline Murray

3M National Teaching Fellow / Professor of History · University of Guelph

Expert in the history of contemporary sex and gender. An award winning professor and expert on how to improve teaching and student success.

Medieval and Early Modern History Women and Gender Studies Pedagogy in Higher Education Student Learning Outcomes

Andrew Deener, Ph.D.

Professor of Sociology · University of Connecticut

Andrew Deener is a professor of sociology at the University of Connecticut.

Food Systems Gentrification Economic Sociology Culture City Development

Charles "Billy" Gunnels, Ph.D.

Expert in animal behavior and urban ecology · Florida Gulf Coast University

Billy Gunnels examines the interaction between humans and animals.

Animal Behavior Urban Ecology Wildlife Ecology Biological Stats Wasps

Jonathan M. Metzl

Frederick B. Rentschler II Professor of Sociology and Medicine, Health, and Society · Vanderbilt University

World-renowned expert on gun violence and mental illness, white identity politics and race and health.

Mass shootings Mental Health Guns in America Guns and Mental Illness Race, Gender and Social Justice in Healthcare

Candela Marini, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Candela Marini’s areas of expertise include Latin American Studies and Visual Culture.

Spanish History Illustrated Press Photography Visual Culture

Yong Chen

Professor, History · UC Irvine

Yong Chen is Professor of Hist. He also served as the Associate Dean of Curricular and Student Services in the School of Humanities.

Chinese American Experience Immigration History Food Asian-American History Cultural History

Ryan Paul

Assistant Professor of History and Director of A.P.E.X. · Southern Utah University

Specializing in U.S. history, cultural history, and the beginnings of Utah's National Parks.

Utah National Parks History Utah Parks Company American History History Through Film Historic Preservation

Sarah Igo

Andrew Jackson Chair in American History; Professor of Law; Professor of Political Science; Professor of Sociology; Director, American Studies Program · Vanderbilt University

Expert in the history of American privacy, social security, big data, survey data and the public sphere.

Modern U.S. History History of the Public Sphere History of the Human Sciences History of Survey Research Opinion Poll

Dr Islam Issa

Reader in Literature and History · Birmingham City University

His work has focused primarily on the modern-day reception of Renaissance and Early Modern English literature in global contexts.

Middle East Cultural History Literature Milton Shakespeare Cultural History

Will Mackintosh

Associate Professor of History and American Studies · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Mackintosh is an expert in early American history, nineteenth century history, & the history of tourism.

Cultural History of Capitalism History of Travel and Tourism Nineteenth Century History Early American History Cultural and Intellectual History

Evelyn McDonnell

Professor of Journalism and New Media · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Journalism New Media Popular Culture and Society Women's Studies

Douglas Shadle

Associate Professor of Musicology · Vanderbilt University

Expert in historically marginalized composers and the role of symphony orchestras and orchestral music in American life.

Composers Classical Music Musicology Orchestral Music

Jacqueline Loss, Ph.D.

Professor of Latin American Literature and Culture · University of Connecticut

Professor Loss is an internationally published researcher and lecturer.

Latin American Literary Studies Cultural Studies Comparative Approaches

Karrin Hanshew

Associate Professor & Graduate Director · Michigan State University

An expert in the Holocaust, Karrin Hanshew examines persecution and genocide in Europe, perpetrators, victims, bystanders, and resistors.

Modern and Contemporary European history 20th Century Europe Persecution Genocide The Holocaust

Jeffrey Wasserstrom

Chancellor's Professor · UC Irvine

Jeffrey specializes in modern Chinese cultural history & world history, who has written on many contemporary as well as historical issues

Urban Globalization China Protest Gender

Anupama Prabhala

Associate Professor, Film, TV and Media Studies · Loyola Marymount University

School of Film and Television

Indian Literature in Translation Postcolonial Theory Comparative Modernities Melodrama Silent and Early Sound Cinema