Eric Gable
Professor of Sociology and Anthropology · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Gable is an expert on museum studies, heritage, and the religion and politics of West Africa and of Outer Island Indonesia.
Anthropology Museum Studies Heritage Religion and Politics of West Africa and Outer Island Indonesia
Jim Finkelstein
President and CEO · FutureSense, LLC
A contrarian who is a stimulating speaker; an expert in people and organization strategy and a "millennial in boomer clothing"
Compensation: Reward and Motivation in the 21st Century Organization Communications: Effective Employee Engagement The New Cogenerational Workplace: From 18-80 Boards of Directors: Ethics and Responsibilities The People Dimension: Environment
Donavon Roberson
Customer Success Leader. Coach and Author · AlbaCon Technologies
Hubby. Dad. Author. Productivity Coach. Advocate. Veteran. Fan of Tottenham, RedSox, SciFi, Running, PokemonGo, Pipes, Outdoors and Whiskey!
Dream Management Team Building Leadership Development and Assessment Time Management & Goal Setting Customer Success
Tammara Kennelly
President · FriesenPress
Banking and foreign exchange expert, turned book publisher, with a passion for helping authors share their story with the world.
Self-Publishing Leadership Development Mergers and Acquisitions career pathing, coaching for performance Leadership, culture development, succession planning, organizational development