Carolyn Penstein Rosé

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Carolyn Penstein Rosé's research looks to understand and improve human conversation through computer systems.

Language Technologies Human Conversation Text Mining Human-Computer Interaction Computational Discourse Analysis

Robin Cox

Research Director and Professor · ResilienceByDesign Research Lab and Royal Roads University

Robin Cox's expertise includes the psychosocial dimensions of disasters, disaster resilience, and traumatic stress and coping.

Resilience Higher Education Community Resilience Disaster Psychosocial Response Stress and Coping

Alisa Leckie

Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University

Alisa Leckie's research is focused in the areas of education of language minority students, and analyzing policies impacting education.

Literacy Across the Content Areas and Adolescent Literacy Education of Language Minority Students Critical Analysis of Policies Impacting Education

Molly Harry

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Molly Harry focuses on research and advocacy in the area of college athletes' rights and wellbeing with a particular recent focus on NIL.

Sport sociology Title IX and Gender Equity College Athlete Rights Name, Image, and Likeness NIL

Dr Emily Chiang

Postdoctoral Research Associate · Aston University

Dr Chiang's research focuses on linguistic expressions of identity in online criminal contexts.

Corpus Linguistics Move Analysis Dark Web Linguistic Identity Forensic Linguistics

Natalie Ngai

Assistant Professor of Media Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Assistant Professor of Media Studies

Heidi Hardt

Associate Professor of Political Science · UC Irvine

Hardt is an expert on NATO, international organizations, defense, security, military ops and gender.

Defense Organizational Change Military Operations US Foreign Policy‎‎ International Organizations

Meng Li

Associate Professor of Communication Studies · Loyola Marymount University

College of Communication & Fine Arts

China Ethnography Infrastructure Gender and Family Family Communication

Jessalynn Keller

Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, Media and Film · University of Calgary

Expert in girls'/youth media, digital cultures, contemporary feminisms, & celebrity

Girls' media cultures Celebrity Culture Ethnographic and Qualitative Methods and Analysis Digital Media Feminisms and Gender Studies

Dr Tahmineh Tayebi

Lecturer in Forensic Linguistics · Aston University

Dr Tayebi is interested in online offensive and abusive language and similar phenomena, such as cyberbullying, trolling and hate crime.

Language Aggression British Immigration Trolling Cyberbullying Citizenship Policy

Steve Przymus

Associate Professor of Educational Linguistics & Bilingual Education · Texas Christian University

Dr. Przymus uses applied linguistics to influence positive language ideologies about culturally and linguistically diverse youth.

Language Planning & Policy Assessment in Bilingual Special Education Bilingual Education Models Sociolinguistics Identity

Dr Joseph Downing

Senior Lecturer, Politics, History and International Relations · Aston University

Professor Downing teaches courses on researching politics, security and technology in politics.

Qualitative Methods Sociology Global Security Politics Policy Analysis

Dr Robbie Love

Senior Lecturer, Languages and Applied Linguistics · Aston University

Dr Love's research harnesses technology to better understand how people use language and help people to communicate more effectively.

Linguistics English Language Corpus Linguistics Public Communications Communication

Jacqueline Murray

3M National Teaching Fellow / Professor of History · University of Guelph

Expert in the history of contemporary sex and gender. An award winning professor and expert on how to improve teaching and student success.

Medieval and Early Modern History Women and Gender Studies Pedagogy in Higher Education Student Learning Outcomes

Amanda Cote

Associate Professor and Director of the Serious Games Certificate · Michigan State University

Amanda Cote researches the industry and culture of games, with an emphasis on areas such as gender, identity, and representation.

Media Studies Collegiate E-sports Game Development