Timothy Verstynen

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Timothy Verstynen's research focuses on how our brains allow us to explore our environments and learn from experience.

Cognitive Neuroscience Cognitive Science Computational Learning Science

Bruce Hanington

Professor and Head of the School of Design · Carnegie Mellon University

Bruce Hanington's core teaching has included undergraduate courses in Human Centered Design and Industrial Design Studio.

Design Ethnography Human Centered Design Arts and Creative Expression Industrial Design Research Methods

Adam Livingston, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Adam Livingston is an expert in image processing; AISC design for video enhancement; and big data machine learning.

Image Processing Embedded Systems Computer Engineering Higher Education Internet of Things

John Chappelear

Prinicpal · Changing the Focus, LLC

Change: Permanent and Positive

Stephen Dyson, Ph.D.

Professor of Political Science · University of Connecticut

Stephen Dyson's research is focused upon the psychology of elite decision making in foreign policy.

Elite Decision Making Foreign Policy World Leaders International Relations

Julie McCown

Associate Professor of English · Southern Utah University

Specializing in early American natural history, post-humanism, and digital humanities theory

Artifical Intelligence Ecocriticism Race and Nature in Early American Literature Early American Novels Composition

Jacquelyn Micieli-Voutsinas

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Jacque Micieli-Voutsinas is a critical museum studies scholar with expertise on 9/11 memory and landscapes of terrorism, broadly defined.

Post-9/11 Heritage Debates Museum Studies Memory and Geopolitics 9/11 Memorial Landscapes Cultural Heritage at Sites of Terrorism

Dannagal Young

Professor, Communication · University of Delaware

Prof. Young's research interests include political media effects, media psychology, public opinion and the psychology of misinformation.

Psychology of Political Beliefs Public Opinion Political Media Effects Media Psychology Intersection of Entertainment and Information

Richard A. Wilson, Ph.D.

Gladstein Distinguished Chair of Human Rights and Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor · University of Connecticut

Dr. Wilson is an expert on hate speech and incitement on social media.

Human Rights Truth and Reconciliation Commissions Anthropology Human rights trials International Human Rights

Samantha Daley

Associate Professor of Counseling and Human Development; Educational Leadership; Teaching and Curriculum · University of Rochester

Samantha Daley is an expert in designing inclusive learning environments at the Warner School of Education

Inclusive Education Inclusion and Disability Learning Disabilities

Carrie Jenkins

Canada Research Chair and Professor of Philosophy · University of British Columbia

Writer and award-winning public philosopher.

Metaphysics Philosophy of Logic Epistemology Philosophy of Romantic Love Interdisciplinary Philosophy

Ginger Grant

Professor (Marketing and Innovation) · Sheridan College

Innovation Management, Leadership Development, Strategy, Corporate Anthropology, Organizational Design, Scenario Planning, Storytelling

Experiential and Archetypal Marketing Scenario Planning Revisioning Retirement Innovation Culture Design Thinking

Margarita R. Ochoa

Associate Professor · Loyola Marymount University

Department of History, Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Colonial Latin American History Women, Family, and the Law in Colonial Latin America Race, racial mixture, racial classifications in colonial Latin America Aztec Empire (aka Mexicas; aka Triple Alliance) Law and Legal Culture

Michael Prietula

Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Human decision making AI-Human Collaboration UX Design‎ AI Ethics Computational Modeling of Individuals and Groups

Dr Edina Harbinja

Reader in Media/Privacy Law · Aston University

Dr Harbinja's principal areas of research are related to the legal issues surrounding the Internet and emerging technologies.

Digital Resurrection AI and Law Online Harms Online Safety

Heather Walsh-Haney, Ph.D.

Expert in forensic studies and human rights · Florida Gulf Coast University

Heather Walsh-Haney teaches forensic science and regularly assists law enforcement finding and studying remains in Florida

Ground-penetrating radar Trauma Analysis Witness Testimony Child Abuse Forensics

Leland Swenson

Professor Emeritus of Psychology · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Psychology and Law Comparative Animal Behavior Psychology Psychopharmacology Mate Selection

Denise M. Rosseau

University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Denise Rousseau's research focuses upon the impact workers have on the employment relationship and the firms that employ them.

Psychological Contract Organizational Effectiveness Performance Management Future of Work Employment Relations

Azadeh Sawyer

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Azadeh Omidfar Sawyer's interdisciplinary research focuses on quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate building envelopes.

Green Design Building Envelope Design Quality Virtual Reality Immersive Visualization Systems

Rebecca Walker Reczek

Associate Professor of Marketing | Fisher College of Business · The Ohio State University

Dr. Reczek’s research focuses on the area of consumer behavior

Marketing Marketing & Advertising Marketing & Branding Social Influence Consumer Behavior