Anthony D. Cortese

President · Second Nature

Dynamic, thought-provoking speaker that addresses the need for a healthy, just sustainable world and the role of higher education

Sustainability Higher Education Change

Jeff Cohen, Ph.D.

Professor of Real Estate and Finance · University of Connecticut

Jeffrey Cohen is an expert on how airport noise, transit and highway infrastructure improvements impact real estate.

Residential Real Estate Applied Spatial Econometrics Real Estate Economics and Finance Transportation and Real Estate

Edward Rubin

Professor Emeritus · Carnegie Mellon University

Throughout his career, Edward Rubin has accumulated outstanding achievements in engineering research, education, and public service.

Integrated Assessments Cimate Change Mitigation Technologies Carbon Capture Clean Power Systems Environmental Engineering

Bruno Conte

Social Innovator & Entrepreneur · New Tech - Manager Non Profit

Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Darrel Dunn

Senior Hydrogeologist · Darrel Dunn - Hydrogeologist

Darrel Dunn PhD PG Hydrogeologist

Hydrogeology, Geology

Brian LaPointe, Ph.D.

Research Professor at FAU’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute · Florida Atlantic University

Brian Lapointe’s research interests include algal physiology and biochemistry, marine bioinvasions and marine conservation.

Marine Bioinvasions Coral Reef Ecology Algal Physiology Biochemistry Seagrass Ecology

Peter Adams

Professor and Department Head · Carnegie Mellon University

Peter Adams' research largely focuses on the development of chemical transport models and their application to decision-making.

Air Quality Aerosols Regional Air Quality Modeling Aerosol Effects on Climate Atmospheric Particulate Matter

Tim O'Donnell

Associate Provost for Academic Engagement and Student Success · University of Mary Washington

Dr. O'Donnell specializes in communication and debate.

Debate Public Speaking Argumentation Rhetorical Theory and Criticism

Kent Messer

Professor, Applied Economics · University of Delaware

Prof. Messer specializes in topics in the nexus of agriculture and the environment and the economics of stigma.

Agri-Environmental Policy Food Labeling Stigma Water Recycling Behavioral Economics