Professor Sue Miller

Professor · Leeds Beckett University

Sue Miller specialises in Cuban/Latin music, improvisation, music analysis and music history.

African American Music Artistic Practice Gesture and Dance Relationships Improvisation Studies Latin Music in the USA

Ken Prouty

Associate Professor of Musicology and Jazz Studies · Michigan State University

Expert in jazz history, American music and popular music, and the nature of jazz community

Ethnomusicology Contemporary Music American Music Jazz Popular Music

Benjamin Steere

Associate Professor · Western Carolina University

Ben Steere's primary areas of interest for research and teaching include Southeastern archaeology and Cherokee archaeology.

Indigenous archaeology Household Anthropology Cherokee Archaeology Archaeology of Eastern North America Household Archaeology

Welson Tremura

Professor/Director · University of Florida

Welson Tremura specializes in musicology-ethnomusicology and is a professor at the School of Music & Center for Latin American Studies.

Folia de Reis Brazilian Studies Music and Religion (Folk Catholicism), Samba, and Bossa-Nova Portuguese Language (Culture, Politics, and Identity) Musicology

Paul Humphreys

Professor Emeritus of Music · Loyola Marymount University

Professor Emeritus of Music, World Music

Music Ethnomusicology Music and Religion Comparative Music Theory

Jase Miller

Creative Director · International Teams + SDG

Communications Director at International Teams + Creative Director at SDG

Strategic Communications and Design Poetry and Writing Web Design

Divine Gbagbo

Assistant Professor of Music (Ethnomusicology) · Loyola Marymount University

Assistant Professor of Music (Ethnomusicology)

Michael Golden, DMA

Professor of Music Composition and Theory, and Director, Creative Arts Program · Soka University

Michael Golden’s teaching and creative interests include composition and jazz improvisation, music and ecology, and music and peacebuilding

Music and Ecology World Music Composition (including computer music) Music Theory Jazz and Improvisation

Douglas Shadle

Associate Professor of Musicology · Vanderbilt University

Expert in historically marginalized composers and the role of symphony orchestras and orchestral music in American life.

Composers Classical Music Musicology Orchestral Music