Sarah A. Schnitker, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology & Neuroscience · Baylor University

Sarah A. Schnitker is an expert in the study of patience, self-control, gratitude, generosity, and thrift.

Personal Goals Adolescent Interventions Spirituality Thrift Gratitude

Randall Curren

Professor of Philosophy · University of Rochester

Randall Curren is an ethicist who works across the boundaries of moral, political, legal, environmental, and educational philosophy.

Ethics of Sustainability Moral Psychology Ancient Greek Philosophy patriotic education

Roberto Dell'Oro

Professor of Theological Studies and Director of the Bioethics Institute · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Bioethics Theological Studies Anthropological

Ethan Zuckerman

Associate Professor of Public Policy, Communication and Information · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Ethan Zuckerman's work focuses on building alternatives to the commercial internet.

Social Media Governance Technology and Social Change Digital Public Infrastructure Online Community Governance Social Media

Trevor Zink, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Management and Sustainability, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Corporate Social Responsibility Life Cycle Assessment Environmental Impacts of Recycling Sustainability

Adele Lindenmeyr, PhD

William and Julia Moulden Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Professor, Department of History · College of Liberal Arts and Sciences | Villanova University

Adele Lindenmeyr, PhD, is an expert in Russian history, specifically the history of charity and social welfare.

Development of Voluntarism and Civil Societies Women's History Environmental History Russian History Russian and Soviet History

Michael Scullin, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience · Baylor University

Professor Scullin’s research investigates how sleep physiology impacts memory, education, health, and aging.

Neuroscience Sleep Physiology Cognitive Neuroscience Sleep Neuroscience and Cognition Psychology

Tyrha Lindsey-Warren, Ph.D.

Clinical Associate Professor of Marketing · Baylor University

Dr. Tyrha Lindsey-Warren studies consumer behavior and attitudes, multicultural media & advertising, movies and entertainment

Consumer Attitudes Entertainment Multicultural & Diversity Consumer Behavior Marketing & Advertising

Monika Ardelt

Professor · University of Florida

Monika Ardelt developed the Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale to study the predictors, correlates and effects of personal wisdom.

Social Psychology Dying Well Subjective Well-being Psychological well-being Wisdom

Eric Layland

Assistant Professor · University of Delaware

Prof. Layland bridges LGBTQ+ developmental research to community impact.

LGBTQ+ Developmental Research Health Disparities Health Equity Quantitative Research LGBTQ+ Advocacy

Dr Alexis Paton

Director, Centre for Health and Society · Aston University

Dr Paton examines the impact that society has on health. Her research focuses on how ethics and the social sciences can improve healthcare.

Health Inequalities Health Improvement Sociology of Health Bioethics Medical Ethics

Holly Chang

Curator · Middlebrook Prize Winners

Holly Chang is an emerging artist, curator and researcher from Toronto, Ontario.

Photography Art

Donna Wear, PhD

Professor · Augusta University

Professor Wear studies watershed ecology

Ecology Urban Ecology Conservation Issues Endangered Species Animal Behavior

Simon DeDeo

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Simon DeDeo conducts empirical investigations, and builds mathematical theories, of both historical and contemporary phenomena.

Theoretical Physics Social and Decision Sciences Artificial Intelligence Astrophysics Applied Mathematics

Suzanne Toro

Owner · OmToro, LLC

Inner Wellness Teacher, Advocate for Global Change, Visionary & Strategist

Female Empowerment Inner Wellnes & Meditation Self Awareness Food Alchemy Creative Visionary

Victor V. Claar, Ph.D.

Expert in economics and ethics · Florida Gulf Coast University

Victor Claar is a serious economist who thinks about the individual human beings behind market transactions.

Financial Literacy Tariffs Free Enterprise Business Cycles Inflation

Aarti Singh

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Aarti Singh researches machine learning, statistics and signal processing, focusing on algorithms for learning and decision making.

Digital Twins Human Factors in Decision Making Autonomous Decision Making Machine Learning Signal Processing

Charlie Gilkey

Contributor · Productive Flourishing

Business Consultant | Entrepreneur and Executive Coach | Trainer | Author | Speaker |

Productivity Strategy Execution Planning

Dr Oliver Robinson

Associate Professor in Psychology · University of Greenwich

His research focuses on the relation between life transitions, crises and changes in personality and mental health.

Well-Being Transitions Mid Life Crisis Life Change Later-life Crisis

Samantha Daley

Associate Professor of Counseling and Human Development; Educational Leadership; Teaching and Curriculum · University of Rochester

Samantha Daley is an expert in designing inclusive learning environments at the Warner School of Education

Inclusive Education Inclusion and Disability Learning Disabilities