stef shuster
Associate Professor of Sociology of Medicine and Gender · Michigan State University
stef shuster's research explores how evidence is a social artifact that is constituted through social, cultural, and historical contexts.
Inequality Gender Gender Affirmative Care Medical Sociology Social Movements
Joan C. Williams
Distinguished Professor of Law, UC Hastings Foundation Chair and Director of the Center for WorkLife Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: / 415-565-4706 / Office 402-100
Property Law Feminist Legal Theory Work Life Balance Gender and Sexuality in the Law Work Conflict
Teresa Boyer, EdD
Founding Director, Anne Welsh McNulty Institute for Women's Leadership; Associate Professor, Education and Counseling · Villanova University
Teresa Boyer, EdD, is an innovative leader in economic and social equity for women.
Equity in Education Work-Life Balance Women's Advancement Pay Equity Gender Equity
Angela Hattery
Professor, Women and Gender Studies; Co-Director, Center for Study & Prevention of GBV · University of Delaware
Prof. Hattery teaches courses on race and gender inequality, families, and methods.
Mass Incarceration Solitary Confinement Gender Inequalities Racial Inequality Domestic Violence
Jill McCorkel, PhD
Professor of Sociology and Criminology | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Jill McCorkel, PhD, examines the social and political consequences of mass incarceration in the United States
#SayHerName Prison Education Programs Race, Class and Gender Inequality Prisons and Punishment Law and Criminal Justice Policy
Mary-Kate Lizotte, PhD
Professor of Political Science · Augusta University
Lizotte is an expert in public opinion and is an expert in gender in politics and voting.
Gender Differences in Effect of Attractiveness on Political Candidacy Race and Politics Gender Differences in Political Interests Gender Differences in Public Opinion
Carla Bittel
Professor of History · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
History of Medicine and Science Gender Issues History of Women's Health Nineteenth-Century U.S. History
Allyson Poska
Professor · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Poska is an internationally known expert on the history of women in early modern Europe and colonial Latin America.
Smallpox Vaccination Spanish History Latin American History Women's History
Professor Leanne Norman
Professor · Leeds Beckett University
Professor Leanne Norman's research utilises a critical sociological lens to examine sport organisational and coaching cultures.
Qualitative Research Methods Coaching Sociology Sport Organisational Culture and Change Feminism Coaching
Amanda Cote
Associate Professor and Director of the Serious Games Certificate · Michigan State University
Amanda Cote researches the industry and culture of games, with an emphasis on areas such as gender, identity, and representation.
Media Studies Collegiate E-sports Game Development
Susanne Moore
Founder · Susanne Moore
Thought Leader and Motivational Speaker, Consultant, Researcher Gender Economics
Business Transformation Women in Business Leadership Changing Women Effectiveness of Gender Diversity Programs
Shobha Gurung
Professor of Sociology · Southern Utah University
Specializes in gender and labor, comparative family and community, migration, globalization, and transnationalism, and civic engagement.
Global Civic Citizenship Human Rights and Social Justice Gender and Labor Studies Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Community Gender and Society
Claudia Buchmann
Professor and Chair | Department of Sociology · The Ohio State University
Expert in gender, race and class from a sociological perspective.
Social Stratification Education Gender Race and Ethnicity Comparative and International Sociology
Charlene Weaving
Associate Professor, Human Kinetics · St. Francis Xavier University
Leading researcher on gender and sport analysis
gender and sport Hockey and gender LFL Beach volleyball Olympics and ethics
Debra W Soh, PhD
Sex science journalist & columnist · Self-employed
Columnist for Bylines: Harper's, the Wall Street Journal, the LA Times, the Globe and Mail, Scientific American & more.
paraphilias (unusual sexual interests) furries transgender children gender dysphoria in children neuroscience of gender identity
David Berri
Department Chair and Professor of Economics · Southern Utah University
Specializing in evaluations of players and coaches in sports, gender issues in sports, and competitive balance in sports
Distrubution of Wealth and Power Unpaid Athletes in the NCAA NBA Salary Caps Sports Economics NCAA
Deborah Stienstra
Professor · University of Manitoba
author, researcher, advocate, speaker on inclusion, accessibility, gender-based analysis, disability policy, and global development
Disability Rights Disability Access and Advocate Gender analysis Women International Development
Anna Muraco
Professor of Sociology · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Intersection of Gay and Straight Life in Aging Social Relationships Gender Aging and the Life Course Caregiving and Friendship Across the Life Course
Laura J. Burton, Ph.D.
Department Head, Educational Leadership · University of Connecticut
Professor focused on management in sports organizations and how gender stereotypes affect women working in athletics.
Gender Stereotypes Access and Success in Leadership Sport Management Gender Issues in Sport Leadership in Sport Organizations
Erin Cassese
Professor, Political Science and International Relations · University of Delaware
Dr. Cassese explores the behavior of women as voters and candidates for political office in the United States.
Women Voters Elections Gender Stereotypes Political Psychology Public Opinion