Alana Pindar

Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Environmental Sciences · University of Guelph

Wild bee expert who studies the impact of environmental stressors such as climate change and habitat loss on bee communities

Biodiversity Pollination Biology Pollination Ecological Analysis Ecological disturbance

Emily O'Loughlin

Comedic Public Speaking / Inspirational - "I lost 187lbs" · Self-Employed Freelance Writer and Public Speaker

Inspirational Comic Speaker who lost 187bs!!!!

Body Image Women's Issues Obesity Surgery

Roslyn Bern

President · Leacross Foundation

Roslyn Bern is president of the Leacross Foundation and an educator, business woman, and philanthropist

Philanthropic Foundations Philanthropy Women in Engineering Stem preventing violence against women

Fredric Govedich

Professor of Biology / Department Chair · Southern Utah University

Specializing in predator prey interactions, evolution of reproductive strategies, and leech systematics

Evolutionary Biology Population Biology Predator Prey Interactions Leech Systematics Animal Behavior

Puspa Adhikari, Ph.D.

Expert in marine and environmental chemistry · Florida Gulf Coast University

Puspa Adhikari uses the ocean floor and water column to investigate the impact of Florida's red tide, organic pollutants and nutrients.

Gulf of Mexico Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Nutrients Organic Pollutants Marine and Environmental Chemistry

Liang Mao

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Liang Mao's research aims to offer better understandings on the human-disease system with geospatial science approaches and technologies.

Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation Geospatial Network Analysis Spatial Accessibility and Disparities

Lisa Rodrigues, PhD

Professor of Geography and the Environment; Director of the MS in Environmental Science Graduate Program | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Lisa Rodrigues, PhD, researches the environmental change impacting tropical ocean ecosystems and conservation and management strategies.

Marine Invertebrates Coral Reefs Ecosystems Ocean Environments

Randall Curren

Professor of Philosophy · University of Rochester

Randall Curren is an ethicist who works across the boundaries of moral, political, legal, environmental, and educational philosophy.

Ethics of Sustainability Moral Psychology Ancient Greek Philosophy patriotic education

Suzanne Sumner

Professor · University of Mary Washington

Suzanne Sumner is a Professor of mathematics at University of Mary Washington.

Mathematics Dynamical Systems Teaching Innovation Interdisciplinary Education