Thomas Greaney
Visiting Professor · UC Hastings College of the Law
Health Policy Antitrust Law Health Law Affordable Care Act (Aca)
Sarah Hooper
Executive Director of UCSF / UC Hastings Consortium and Adjunct Professor · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: / 415-565-4831 / Office 377-200
Health Equity Health Law Comprehensive and Coordinated Care Health and Access to Civil Justice Elder Financial Abuse
Robert Schwartz
Visiting Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: / 415-581-8947 / Office 603G-200
Health Law Bioethics Health Care Decision-Making Legislative Process and Procedure Tort Law
Lois Weithorn
Professor of Law, Harry & Lillian Hastings Research Chair · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: / 415-565-4660 / Office 366-200
Bioethics and the Law Criminal Law Family Law Mental Health Law Social Science and Law
Jaime King
Associate Dean and Professor of Law, Bion M. Gregory Chair in Business Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: / 415-581-8834 / Office 394-200
Health Law and Policy The U.S. Healthcare System Genetics and the Law Healthcare Antitrust Health Policy & Reform
Errol Soriano
Managing Director · Campbell Valuation Partners Limited
Dot Your I's And Cross Your T's: Call in the top talent to get to the bottom of your business valuation and financial loss analysis needs
Forensic Accounting Business Valuation Securities Litigation Shareholder Disputes Financial Analysis
Jula Hughes
Dean · Lakehead University
Professor Hughes researches in the areas of criminal law, comparative constitutional law and judicial ethics
Criminal Law Comparative Constitutional Law Judicial Ethics Labour Law Jurisprudence
David Levine
The Honorable Raymond L. Sullivan Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: / 415-565-4677 / Office 350-200
Federal Civil Procedure California Civil Procedure Remedies Institutional Reform Litigation
Jennifer Dunn
Lecturer · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contact: / 415-581-8983 / Office M216-198
Health Law Human Subjects Research Maternal Health & Informed Consent Adolescent Health Women's Health
Petra Molnar
Associate Director · Refugee Law Lab, Osgoode Hall Law School
Refugee and migration issues; technology and human rights; immigration detention; and the relationship between law, society, and culture
Technology and human rights Anthropology of Migration Ethnography and Ethnographic Writing Women's Rights Refugee and Human Rights Issues
Dorit Rubinstein Reiss
Professor of Law, James Edgar Hervey '50 Chair of Litigation · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: / 415-565-4844 / Office 324-200
Public Law Public Administration Accountability Law and Politics Tort Law
Roxanne Mykitiuk
Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School · York University
Roxanne Mykitiuk investigates the legal, ethical and social implications of assisted reproductive and genetic technologies.
Health Law Disability Law Feminist Legal Theory Family Law Genetics and the Law
R. Gregory Cochran
Associate Director, UCSF / UC Hastings Health Policy and Law Degree Program and Lecturer · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: / 415-581-8884 / Office 622-200
Health Care Fraud and Abuse Health Facility Licensing Peer Review Health Information Privacy Patient Consent
Chris Slobogin
Milton R. Underwood Chair in Law · Vanderbilt University
Expert in criminal law and procedure, mental health law and evidence law.
Juvenile Crime Insanity Defense Criminal Procedure Evidence Law Criminal Law
Alana Cattapan
Assistant Professor · Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Saskatchewan
Alana Cattapan researches women's engagement in public policy making, focusing on health and reproductive biotechnologies
Public Policy Reproductive Technologies Women's Health Canadian Politics Feminism & Gender Studies
Ellen Clayton
Craig-Weaver Professor of Pediatrics; Professor of Law; Professor of Health Policy · Vanderbilt University
World-renowned medical ethicist working at the intersection of law, medicine and public health, with a focus on genetics.
Gender and the Law Legal and Ethical Issues in Children's and Women's Health Research Ethics Genetics and Health Policy Medical Ethics
CJ Blennerhassett
Registered Midwife · Association of Nova Scotia Midwives
Registered Midwife and activist with a focus on informed choice, reproductive rights, & the provision of inclusive care for LGBTQ families.
Pregnancy Pregnancy and Abuse Pregnancy and Postpartum Issues pregnancy and sport Pregnancy Loss
Professor and Canada Research Chair in Bioethics and Philosophy · Dalhousie University
Dr. Baylis researches matters related to ethics, health law and policy of assisted human reproduction and novel genetic technologies.
Bioethics Assisted Human Reproduction Genetic Technologies & Ethics Genetics and the Law Policy & Regulation Identity
Larry Van Horn
Associate Professor of Management and Executive Director of Health Affairs · Vanderbilt University
Expert in health care management, health insurance policy and health care economics.
Malpractice Health Insurance Health Care Economics Health Care Management Health & Healthcare Law and Policy
John S. Haythorne
Partner · Dentons Canada LLP
As a lawyer and Registered Professional Engineer, John brings unparalleled expertise and knowledge to P3, construction and infrastructure.
Construction & Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships (P3) Health & Healthcare Law and Policy Transportation Law Architecture and Engineering