Jacob Elmer, PhD

Dicciani Endowed Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering | College of Engineering · Villanova University

Jacob Elmer, PhD, is an expert in genetic engineering, GMOs, and gene therapy

CAR-T Cell Therapy CRISPR-Cas9 Hemoglobin Immunotherapy GMOs

Whitney Stoppel

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Whitney Stoppel focuses on transport in biological systems, biomolecular engineering, and natural biopolymer characterization.

Nanomaterials Surgical Materials Silk Fibers Silk Fibroin Biomaterials

Scott Huffman

Professor · Western Carolina University

Vibrational Spectroscopy Data Science Chemistry of Art Forensic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry

Wilbur Lam

Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Tech & Emory University · Georgia Tech - COE

Wilbur Lam researches cellular mechanics of hematologic processes and disease.

Childhood Diseases Micro/Nano Technologies Pediatric Cancer Blood Disorders

Wujie Zhang, Ph.D.

Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Wujie Zhang is an expert in biomaterials, tissue engineering, stem cell-based medicine, micro/nanotechnology, and drug delivery.

Biomaterials Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering Micro/Nano-technology Drug Delivery Stem Cell Research

Danith Ly

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Danith Ly's research is focused on the design and development of molecular tools and reagents to regulate gene expression.

Stem Cells Reagents Molecular Tools Tissue Engineering Cellular Origins of Cancer

Cliff Bailey

Emeritus Professor, College of Health and Life Sciences · Aston University

Professor Bailey's research is mainly directed towards the pathogenesis and treatment of diabetes.

Diabetes Endocrinology Insulin Therapy Diabetes Treatments Surrogate Beta-Cells

Raymond Carter, M.D.

Clinical Leader at ChristianaCare’s Concord Health Center · ChristianaCare

Disease Prevention and Control Primary Care

Babak Baban, PhD

Associate Dean for Research, Dental College of Georgia · Augusta University

Babak Baban, PhD, is a professor, immunologist and associate dean for research at the Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University.

Cannabidiol (CBD) Lung Cancer Oral Biology Cancer

Lukasz Kurgan, Ph.D.

Robert J. Mattauch Endowed Professor and Vice Chair of Computer Science · VCU College of Engineering

Data scientist specializing in high-throughput structural bioinformatics of proteins & small RNAs.

Structural Bioinformatics Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Protein-ligand(drug) interactions Computer-aided molecular modeling Big Data Analysis