Brendan Cantwell

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Brendan Cantwell's research interests include the study of higher education organization, governance, & finance in the US & internationally.

Educational Administration Higher Education Comparative Education

Rebecca Natow

Assistant Professor of Specialized Programs in Education · Hofstra University

Dr. Natow teaches higher educational leadership and policy in the Department of Specialized Programs

Program Evaluation Qualitative Research Methods Higher Education Educational Policy Student Affairs

William Doyle

Associate Professor of Public Policy and Higher Education · Vanderbilt University

An expert on how geography affects higher education attainment and the state of the financial aid system in America.

borrowing trends Undergraduate Education Borrowing for college College affordability Higher Education Access

Steven Meredith

Steven Meredith Associate VP, Enrollment Management for Graduate and Online · Southern Utah University

Specializing in graduate programs, online education, music technology, performing arts career preparation, & innovation in higher education.

Conducting Academic innovation Choral Music Higher Education Recruitment Interdisciplinary Higher Education Dual Enrollment in Higher Education

Eric Kirby

Assistant Professor of Management and Business Law · Southern Utah University

Specializing in student success strategies, civil litigation, and student retention and first year experience in higher education

Non Traditional Students in Higher Education Second Year Retention in HIgher Education Student Success Strategies Student Retention in Higher Education Political Science

Jared Tippets

Vice President for Student Affairs · Southern Utah University

Vice President for Student Affairs | Higher Education Consultant & Speaker | Author | Co-host of the ASCEND Podcast

Retention of First Year College Students Diversity & Inclusion in Higher Education Student Involvement in Higher Education Organizational Change in Higher Education Management Systems

Stephen Allen

Associate Vice President for International Affairs · Southern Utah University

Specializing in international affairs in higher education, DACA in Utah, and international education partnerships

DACA in Utah DACA Student Services Student Affairs in Higher Education International Education Partnerships

Ruben Martinez

Professor of Sociology and Director of the Julian Samora Research Institute · Michigan State University

Ruben Martinez is an expert in race and ethnic relations, education of ethnic minorities, and environmental justice.

Race in America Institutional Change Ethnic Minorities Diversity Leadership Latinx Voting Habits

Morton Schapiro

President · Northwestern University

Named the 16th president of Northwestern University with an extensive background in economics

Assessment and Accountability in Higher Education Opportunity in American Higher Education Aligning Athletics and Academic Values The Promise and Perils of Universal Higher Education Global Issues in Higher Education

David Sapp

Professor, Dean of Graduate Education, & Vice Provost for Academic Affairs · Loyola Marymount University

Department of Educational Leadership and Administration

Administration in Higher Education Feminist Theory and Pedagogy Civic Engagement and Social Justice Rhetoric and Organizational Communication Service Learning and Community-Based Teaching

Mark Greenfield

Web Accessibility Officer - University at Buffalo · ExpertFile

Higher education web professional, consultant, keynote speaker, future, educational technologist

Web Accessibility Usability Web Design Accessibility Mobile Technology

Genny Beemyn

Director of The Stonewall Center · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Genny Beemyn is an expert on the lives of transgender college students and on trans-inclusive policies and practices on college campuses.

LGBTQ Equality Transgender Issues Trans Youth Transgender Mental Health Transgender Law and Policy

Michael D. Smith

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Michael D. Smith's research uses economic and statistical techniques to analyze firm and consumer behavior in online markets.

Streaming Digital Media Products Consumer Behavior Higher Education Policy

Mindy Benson

President · Southern Utah University

Specializes in higher education administration, event management and production, community relations, fundraising, and donor engagement

Donor Engagement Higher Education Administration Outreach in Rural Communities History of Southern Utah University Event Planning, University Commencement

Jerusha Conner, PhD

Professor of Education; Program Coordinator, Graduate Education | Department of Education and Counseling · Villanova University

Jerusha Conner, PhD, is an expert on student engagement, student voice, youth activism and education policy.

Student Engagement Student Voice Youth Activism Urban Education Education Policy

Ken Ryalls

President · IDEA

Ken Ryalls is dedicated to the improvement of learning in higher education through research, assessment, and professional development

Higher Education Adult Education Public Speaking Distance Learning Program Development

Eric Wood

Director of the TCU Counseling & Mental Health Center · Texas Christian University

Dr. Wood is the director of one of the leading institutions in the field of college counseling,

Student Mental Health College Mental Health Counseling Psychology Counseling and Administration Higher Education

Ken Steele

Chief Futurist · Eduvation Inc.

Higher Education Trendspotter/Futurist and Strategist

Emerging Trends Affecting Higher Education Strategic Enrolment Management Student Recruitment Marketing & Branding Brand Chemistry

Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor

Assistant Professor in faith and peaceful relations · Coventry University

Dr Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor specialises in how people engage with religion and with religious beliefs.

Diversity Muslim Women Inter-faith relations Religion Islam

Lauren Herckis

Librarian · Carnegie Mellon University

Lauren Herckis' field research applies anthropological and archaeological methods and theory to analyze human engagement with the world.

Human-Computer Interaction Implementation Science Future of Education Anthropology Digital Archaeology