Dr. Adey Nyamathi

Founding Dean and Distinguished Professor of Nursing · UC Irvine

Dr. Nyamathi conducts studies among vulnerable groups, including homeless, drug-addicted and incarcerated persons and gay/bisexual youth.

Vulnerable Populations Tuberculosis Role of Nursing Hiv/Aids Hepatitis

Bree E. Holtz, PhD

Assistant Professor of Advertising and Public Relations · Michigan State University

Expert in information communication technologies (EMRs, telehealth, mobile health, etc.) and public relations

Mobile Health (mhealth) Telemedicine Public Relations Telehealth Electrical Medical Records

Susan Birkhoff, Ph.D, RN

Program Director of Technology Research & Education · ChristianaCare

Susan Birkhoff is a nurse scientist with experience conducting clinical research using various forms of digital health technology.

Technology Innovation Research Nursing Robotics

Regina Rahimi

Professor · Georgia Southern University

Regina Rahimi research is focused on issues of gender and sexuality in education and middle and high school drop outs.

Race and Class in Education Middle and High School Drop Outs Issues of Gender in Education Issues of Sexuality in Education Adolescent Literacy

Jeremy Waisome

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Jeremy Waisome researches critical mentorship and self-efficacy in engineering education and broadening participation in STEM+C.

Problem-Solving Self-Efficacy Mentorship Broadening Participation

Holly Oxhandler, Ph.D.

Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development, Associate Professor, Diana R. Garland School of Social Work · Baylor University

Oxhandler studies how to ethically & effectively assess and discuss clients’ religion/spirituality within health and mental health treatment

Religion and Social Work Religion and Spirituality in Clinical Practice Evidence-Based Practice Process Scale Development Mental Health (primarily Anxiety and Depression)

Dr Muntasir Shami

Research Associate · Aston University

Dr Shami joined the Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship (EFE) department at Aston Business School in September 2018.

Business Improvement Institutions Entrepreneurship Development Economics Gender and Entrepreneurship

Beth Myers

Department Chair, Associate Professor of Fashion Merchandising & Apparel Design · Georgia Southern University

Beth Myers works to find relationships between brands, consumers and the apparel they purchase.

Consumer Behavior Branding Textiles Apparel Merchandising Fashion Trends

Wolfgang Bauer

University Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy · Michigan State University

Wolfgang Bauer's research is primarily in renewable energy, sustainability and global warming.

Renewable Power Systems Integration Autonomous Vehicles Digester Renewable Energy Sustainability

Joshua Wilson

Associate Professor, Education · University of Delaware

Prof. Wilson's research focuses on ways that technology and artificial intelligence can improve the teaching and learning of writing.

Writing Instruction Writing Assessment Automated Scoring Automated Feedback Artificial Intelligence in Education

Stacey Havlik, PhD

Associate Professor of Education & Counseling | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Stacey Havlik, PhD, is an expert in school counseling, homeless children and youths, and first-generation college students.

First -Generation College Students School Counseling Homeless children and youths

Mahesh Nalla

Professor of Criminal Justice · Michigan State University

Mahesh Nalla is an expert in global crime and security issues, ranging from sexual harassment to the security guard industry.

India Sexual Crimes Domestic Violence Security Guard Industry

James Kendra

Director, Disaster Research Center; Professor, Biden School of Public Policy and Administration · University of Delaware

Prof. Kendra researches emergency planning and crisis management.

Organizational Improvisation and Resilience Emergency Management Technology Disaster Planning Crisis Management Emergency Planning

Molly Nation, Ph.D.

Expert in environmental education · Florida Gulf Coast University

Molly Nation explores environmental issues within formal education settings.

Environmental Change Environmental Education Nature-based Solutions Translational Climate Climate Policy

Sang-Hoon Lee, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Management, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Workaholism and Overwork Employment Relations Dark Side of Prosocial Behavior

Kimberly Young

Director, Masters in Strategic Leadership and Professor of Management · St. Bonaventure University

Founder and Director at Center for Internet Addiction Recovery

Teaching Higher Education Clinical Internet Addiction Internet Gaming Addiction

Holly Schiffrin

Professor · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Schiffrin is an internationally known expert on intensive and helicopter parenting.

Emerging Adulthood Helicopter Parenting Positive Psychology Infant and Child Development Intensive Parenting

Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux

Chair on Truth and Reconciliation · Lakehead University

Dr. Wesley-Esquimaux's research addresses unresolved intergenerational trauma and grief primarily within the Canadian Indigenous community.

Community Development Government Community Outreach Leadership Teaching

Ronald J. Gerrits, Ph.D.

Professor, Program Director · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Ron Gerrits focuses his professional efforts on science education.

Science Education Guided Inquiry Physiology

David Y. Choi, Ph.D.

Conrad N. Hilton Chair of Entrepreneurship, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Director, Fred Kiesner Center for Entrepreneurship

Financing of Entrepreneurial Companies Entrepreneurship Business Management Job Creation Small Business